Sunday, August 4, 2024

When Aasa Kooda meets Tauba Tauba!

The current hot favorites in the reel world happen to be Aasa Kooda and Tauba Tauba. Both these numbers are instantly catchy & peppy causing a rage in the world of socmed. Almost every alternative sound byte comprises either of these two foot tappers and inevitably one tends to get on to their dancing shoes at the mere listen to these bits.

Catching on with the hype, I simply tried to blend or rather meet these tunes on the veena.  While it initially seemed odd to link the two as they happen to be differently constructed, the underlying punch of the dance element made it apt to bring both of these together within the same umbrella. There is also a musical harmony associated as both these numbers predominantly use the notes from the minor scale of the ever popular raga Natabhairavi.

Hence just a random experiment of playing minor bits of both these crunchy crackling numbers which has taken the nation by storm. Hope I am able to capture the essence of these chartbusters to a wee bit at least.

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