Saturday, July 9, 2022

Blank Chart Predictions from a Horoscope

Blank chart predictions are a method of horoscope analysis which largely works on energy exhibited or influence imbibed through the blending or combination of signs, houses and planets. The interesting thing to note is that for this kind of analysis, we do not take into account at all as to where the planets are placed in the horoscope. That's why it is coined as "Blank" meaning null or empty, hence placement of planets don't have a say. 

It should however be remembered that planets play the most crucial role in any horoscope and based on it's static placement in the natal chart or it's transitory movement forms the fulcrum of identifying the fate of any horoscope. So it may beg the question as to how can any horoscope be viewed without even knowing where planets are placed in the horoscope? This is the catch in blank chart analysis.

This system gives a great insight on initial horoscope analysis by blending various energies and can give an overview of some of the basic and inherent qualities for those born in different ascendants. It is useful especially for disseminating the natural traits. A majority part of the analysis is identified by basing it on the 'Kalapurusha' chart which indicates the wheel of time along with knowing the state of planet where exaltation or debilitation happens and also fusing a little bit of the signification elements in to the mix.

However, it should always be kept in mind that placement of planets can completely alter the said understanding and hence one shouldn't be too cheeky in trying to interpret everything from just a blank chart. As a first frontier in chart analysis, blank chart predictions can give a heads up on the zone of life where an individual is more focused on or at least wanting to be. It can also be a great learning tool for budding astrologers as a nascent step towards having a basic idea of a particular native. For this system, the fundamentals is of utmost importance and hence key performance indicators pertaining to signs, houses and planets should be readily available at the clasp of one's fingers.

Let us look at important significations pertaining to each of the houses:
1st House - All about the self - Characteristic, Constitution, Appearance, Personality, Stature, Physique, Complexion, Great Grandfather, Body Parts - Brain, Head. In general denotes all things associated with self as first house denotes the individual himself. The primary signifier for the first house is Sun as it largely deals with one's health and soul.

2nd House - Wealth, Speech, Family, Food & Drink, Primary Values or Basic Education, Resources to support, accumulation of possessions, precious articles like jewelry, treasure, gold, silver etc., mother's elder siblings, Body Parts - overall face in general, right eye, mouth, tongue, teeth etc. In general denotes all the essential things and assets which an individual possesses. The primary signifier for the second house is Jupiter as it's the planet for money, wealth and finances.

3rd House - Courage, Virility, efforts, communication, younger siblings, neighbors, generic friends, thoughts, natural abilities, initiatives, mental inclination, negative mindset, struggles, short distance travels/road journeys, change in place, multiplicity, Father in law, Body Parts - Shoulders, Arms, Hands, throat, right ear etc. In general denotes all the immediate things that an individual develops in the phase of growing up and the risks undertaken. The primary signifier for the third house is Mars as it's the planet for courage, siblings and risk taking.

4th House - Comforts, Happiness, Degree Education, Mother, Land/House/Home (Immovable Property), Vehicles/Conveyances (Movable Property), Home Land, Private Life, Peace of Mind, Center, Settling Down, Emotions, Feelings, Nurturing, Stability, close/intimate friend, Basic requirements like water, milk, clothes, Body Parts -  Heart, Chest, Breasts etc. In general denotes all things that gives a sense of comfort, happiness and security to an individual. The primary signifier for the fourth house is Moon as it is to do with motherly love, nourishment, feelings etc.

5th House - Intelligence, Skills, Learning, Creativity, Memory, Children, Paternal Grandfather, Fruits of Karma from previous birth (Poorva Punya), Extra curricular activities, Romance, Love, Passion, Sports, Speculation, Mantra, Body Parts - Belly, Stomach, Pancreas etc. In general denotes the deeds brought forward from previous birth and extending one's legacy through progeny along with application of all sorts of creative pursuits, learning endeavors and all things related to the mind. The primary signifier for the fifth house is Jupiter as it mainly deals with children and possessing wisdom/knowledge.

6th House - Diseases, Enemies, Injury, Debts/Loans, Disputes, Obstacles, Day to Day Activities/Routine, Pending Karma, Disagreements, Fitness, Service, Fights/Conflicts, Threats, competitiveness, victory, obsessive compulsion disorder, service, pets, mental worries, Relatives, Mothers younger siblings, Body Parts - Waist, Lower Abdomen, Intestine, Back etc. In general denotes all things that are seen as bad and which causes trouble and pains to the native along with the will to fight out for survival. The primary signifier for 6th house is Mars as it deals with enemies, injuries, wounds etc.

7th House - Marriage, Relationship, Spouse, Other People, Opposite things, Conjugal Pleasure, Association, Trade/Business/Partnership, Contracts/Negotiations/Dealings, Agreements, Entertainment and related fields like movies/music/drama/fine arts, foreign travel, Body Parts - Sex Organs, Phallus, Genitals, Semen etc. In general denotes all kinds of stuff or people that an individual associates with towards forging an alliance. The primary signifier for 7th house is Venus as it deals with all kinds of relationships.

8th House - Longevity, Hidden things/occult/secrets/mystery, Misfortunes,  Problems/Difficulty/Embarrassment, Transformation, chronic ailments, Insurance/Tax/Provident Funds, Income from other sources, Inheritance, Spouses family/In Laws, Marital Bond (Mangalya Sthana), Gifts, Research, Going deep/underground/search, Sex, Body Parts - Rectum, Anus etc. In general denotes all kinds of trials and tribulations that an individual goes through the vagaries of life in the quest for existence. In effect it's about the things in relation to life and death. The primary signifier for 8th house is Saturn as it deals with longevity and all kinds of difficulties associated.

9th House - Blessings, Fortune, Luck, Prosperity, Father, Divinity, Destiny, Auspiciousness, Dharma or Righteousness, Teacher/Guru/Preceptor/Mentor, Religion/Holiness/Worship, Temples/Pilgrimages/Penance, Long Distance Travels, Higher Education in the form of PhD, Doctorate etc., Body Parts - Thighs, Limbs etc. In general denotes the good deeds that come associated with one's welfare or destiny. The primary signifier for 9th house is Jupiter as it deals with auspiciousness, luck & fortune.

10th House - Profession/Career, Karma (result of a persons actions), Livelihood (Jeevana), Fame, Honour, Achievements, Position/Status/Reputation, Duties, Authority, Leadership, Power, Respect, Dignity, Public Image, Highest Point/Sky/Zenith, Mother in Law, Body Parts - Knees, Flesh etc. In general denotes the necessary actions performed by an individual to keep going towards leading life. The primary signifier for 10th house is Mercury as it deals with honours, achievements and being successful in career due to the earthy element associated with Mercury.

11th House - Gains/Profit, Desires, Benefits, Wishes, Aspirations, Ambitions, Elder Siblings, Fathers younger siblings, Social interactions, Network/Group/Circle, friends from society/community, Body Parts - Legs in general, Shank, left ear etc. In general denotes all the things that lead an individual towards gains and success in undertakings. The primary signifier for eleventh house is Jupiter as it deals with one's gains and desires.

12th House - Expenses, Losses, Sleep, Bed Pleasure, Imagination, Liberation, Redemption, Foreign Place/Far Away, Fear, Grief, Decline, Unpleasantness, Charity/Philanthropy, Spirituality, Punishment, Misery, Inferiority, Hospitalization, Medicines, Waste, Exit/End, Imprisonment/Jails/Asylum, Sorrow, Solitude, Intuition, Illusion, Isolation, Maternal Grandfather, Paternal Grandmother, Body Parts - Feet, Left eye etc. In general denotes all things that are expended by an individual before attaining salvation. The primary signifier for twelfth house is Saturn as it deals with losses and expenditure. 

The listed significations happen to be some of the fundamental classifications for each house. One must also keep in mind the linking of houses to extend the significations. For instance we know 2nd house denotes wealth and 9th is about Father. Thus 10th house which is 2nd from 9th will denote the wealth of the father. Likewise spouses profession can be ordained from the 4th house being the 10th house of profession from the 7th house of spouse. While doing predictions, an astrologer must be able to link various factors in order to generate relatable extended significations from each house.

With regard to the significations, each and every planet except the nodes is given the main portfolio of one of the houses with the outer planets from earth given more than one each whereas the inner planets are given one each. Jupiter has 4 main significations being the root signifier of 2nd, 5th, 9th and 11th. Mars and Saturn hold key portfolio for the general bad houses with Mars being given 3rd, 6th and Saturn being provided 8th and 12th. The four kendras are all given to Sun (1st), Moon (4th), Venus (7th) and Mercury (10th). However it should be remembered that a house has multiple significations and hence there can be secondary karakas as well for eg. the profession and karma area of 10th the signifier will be Saturn whereas when seeing the status, position, leadership etc we have to be see from purview of Sun. Likewise the luxuries associated with 4th house, Venus will take charge whereas things related to land and property, Mars will have a say. These also need to be factored in but as a first step the primary root karaka provided by Sage Parashara would be helpful in catching the crucial areas in the relevant houses.

We will now look at some keywords ingrained within each zodiac sign

Aries - Impulsive, Impatient, Independent, Passionate, New Beginnings, Active, Energetic, Straight Forward, Frequent, Selfish, Hasty, Leading from the Front, Restless. Places - Mountain Region, Hilly Places

Taurus - Resourceful, Stable, Secure, Seeking Comfort, Stubborn, Patient, Determination, Slow, Inclined to Luxuries, Grounded. Places - Grasslands, Banks, Treasury

Gemini - Communication, Charismatic, Writing, Speaking, Scattered, Variety, Quick Thinking, Multi Tasking, Witty/Humorous, Youthful, Light Hearted, Fun seeking, Changes, Options, Curiosity, Copulation. Places - Social Interactions, educational institutes, University, Library

Cancer - Unstable, Feelings, Emotions, Sensitive, Nurturing, Moody, Motherly, Over Thinking, Indecisive, Floating, Up & Down. Places - Watery in nature like rivers, lakes, ponds

Leo - Pride, Ego, Dominating, Authority, Entertaining, Generous, Creativity, Fun loving, Bold, Chivalrous, Warm, Attention Seeking, Extravagant. Places - Forests, Jungles, Difficult to reach places

Virgo - Analytical, Critical, Perfectionism, Attention to Detail, Intelligence, Nervousness, Nit Picking, Helping, Practical, Service Oriented, Problems, Fault Finding. Places - Garden, Orchards, Hospitals

Libra - Balance, Harmony, Choice, Diplomacy, Aesthetic, Charming, Relationship, Middle Ground, Justice, Peace Making, Upright, Style, Grace. Places - Market Places, Trading, Financial Transactions

Scorpio - Mysterious, Transformation, Jealousy, Obsession, Manipulation, Probing, Intense, Secretive, Depth, Chaos. Places - Deep and underground, caves, holes, wells, hidden areas

Sagittarius - Optimistic, Happy go Lucky, Belief System, Teaching, Adventure, Over the Top, Abundance, Opportunistic, Exploring, Expansion, Growth. Places - Temples, Religious shrines, Cliffs, High Rise Buildings

Capricorn - Structure, Order, Discipline, Ambitious, Power Hungry, Seeking Success, Seriousness, Strict Regimen, Goal Oriented. Places - Swampy places, land abounded by water, small islands

Aquarius - Progressive, Unconventional, Unique/Different, Freedom Loving, Friendship, Rebellious, Networks/Groups, Aloofness, Erratic, Detachment, Humanitarian, Hopes & Wishes, Revolutionary. Places - Burial & Cremation grounds, deep philosophical areas, Hermitage

Pisces - Compassionate, Sympathetic, Sacrificial, Spirituality, Day Dreaming, Healing, Changing Colors, Fantasy, Glamour, Idealism, Escapism, Disillusionment, Imagination. Places - Oceans, Spiritual Places, Meditation, Self Help Centers

The zodiac signs are further classified into different elements as seen below:
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius - Fire
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - Earth
Gemini, Libra, Aquarius - Air
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces - Water
Based on the elements, there are some inherent traits that are common and can be useful for prediction

Fire - Action oriented, Outgoing, Impatient, Forceful, Enthusiastic, Impatient, Careless
Earth - Responsibility, Hard working, Organized, Practical, Stable, Reserved, Critical, Steady
Air - Socially Active, Communicative, Tolerant, Nervous, Superficial, Aloof, Eccentric
Water - Feelings, Imagination, Sensitive, Artistic, Intuitive, Psychic, Moody, Secretive, Unrealistic

Likewise the zodiac signs are also classified into mobility as seen below:
Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn - Movable
Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius - Fixed
Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces - Dual
Based on the mobility, the signs express some natural traits that can be useful for prediction

Movable - Promoting Change, Enterprising, Outgoing, Restless, Taking Control, Over Active, On the Move, Long Distance
Fixed - Resistance to Change, Focus, Practical, Firm, Persistence, Stubborn, Stabilize, Unrelenting, Nearby Distance
Dual -  Constant Change, Flexible, Adaptable, Fluctuating, Indecisive, Inconsistent, Balanced, Choosy, Middle Ground Distance

Combining Element and Mobility, we can see some important objects represented by each of the zodiac signs to understand the varied nature.

Aries - Movable Fire. Eg. Forest fires, Wild fire as they spread virulently having the essence of fire
Taurus - Fixed Earth. Eg. Plants, Trees etc. as they are earthy elements rooted to the ground
Gemini - Dual Air. Eg. Vacuum, Portable Hand Fans, Hair Dryer etc. as they generate air and can be moved around from one place to another
Cancer - Movable Water. Eg Rivers, Stream etc. as they keep flowing unceasingly
Leo - Fixed Fire. Eg. Furnace, Chimneys as they are fixed to a place and generate fire
Virgo - Dual Earth. Eg. Vases, Pots etc. as they are earthy but can be moved around within one place to another
Libra - Movable Air. Eg. Cyclones, Rapid Winds like Tornado which move very swiftly in a large scale environment
Scorpio - Fixed Water. Eg. Lakes, Ponds as they are watery and rooted to a particular area
Sagittarius - Dual Fire. Eg. Candles, Torches as they generate heat and can be moved around from place to place
Capricorn - Movable Earth. Eg. Farms, Orchards as they represent a large area for growing crops, plants for rearing
Aquarius - Fixed Air. Eg. Ceiling Fans, Air Conditioner as they are fixed to a place and generate air
Pisces - Dual Water. Eg. Oceans, Seas as they are watery with the water rising within the magnitude

It is also crucial to know the lord ruling each zodiac sign and the house in which they get exalted and debilitated:

Aries - Ruler Mars - Exalted in 10th House (Capricorn), Debilitated in 4th House (Cancer)
Taurus - Ruler Venus - Exalted in 11th House (Pisces), Debilitated in 5th House (Virgo)
Gemini - Ruler Mercury - Exalted in 4th House (Virgo), Debilitated in 10th House (Pisces)
Cancer - Ruler Moon - Exalted in 11th House (Taurus), Debilitated in 5th House (Scorpio)
Leo - Ruler Sun - Exalted in 9th House (Aries), Debilitated in 3rd House (Libra)
Virgo - Ruler Mercury - Exalted in 1st House (Virgo), Debilitated in 7th House (Pisces)
Libra - Ruler Venus - Exalted in 6th House (Pisces), Debilitated in 12th House (Virgo)
Scorpio - Ruler Mars - Exalted in 3rd House (Capricorn), Debilitated in 9th House (Cancer)
Sagittarius - Ruler Jupiter - Exalted in 8th House (Cancer), Debilitated in 2nd House (Capricorn)
Capricorn - Ruler Saturn - Exalted in 10th House (Libra), Debilitated in 4th House (Aries)
Aquarius - Ruler Saturn - Exalted in 9th House (Libra), Debilitated in 3th House (Aries)
Pisces - Ruler Jupiter - Exalted in 5th House (Cancer), Debilitated in 11th House (Capricorn) 

The Zodiac signs have numerous classifications such as being categorized into odd/even, positive/negative, day/night, rising from head/back, ascension as short/medium/long, quality as sattwik/rajasic/tamasic, aim being Dharma/Artha/Kama/Moksha, type being quadruped/human/watery/insect etc., along with various divisions. Knowing these may also come in handy when knowing more innate features of zodiac signs. However the fundamental classification of rasis ruled by the respective planets and knowing their element and mobility can be extremely useful in making subtle predictions. Rahu and Ketu have not been considered as they do not own signs exclusively of their own and they are more known to give results based on the house or sign in which they are placed. Since blank charts do not consist of planets placement, these have not been considered.

Making Blank Chart Predictions
Lets now see how we can make some handy predictions for different signs using blank charts. Knowing essentials such as characteristic features of various signs, important representations of the different houses, the signifier and ruling lord of all the houses along with the exaltation and debilitation of each planet in the houses and signs are very important when it comes to making such blank chart predictions.

We shall see some random predictions that can be made using this method. For an Aries Ascendant, we can that they are more happy in work environment than home environment as the Ascendant Lord exalts in 10th house and debilitates in 4th house. At the same time since 10th lord debilitates in sign of Aries, we can also infer that they may face some problems relating to profession. Taking the case of Virgo Lagna, we can say these natives are naturally intelligent as Virgo is the only sign where Lagna Lord gets exalted in Lagna itself. However they may be rather poor in relationship matters as the Lagna Lord debilitates in 7th house. We can infer that Gemini & Sagittarius natives can have an extra liking towards 4th house matters like mother, education, vehicles etc as in these cases both Ascendant Lord and 4th Lord are ruled by one and the same planet Mercury for Gemini and Jupiter for Sagittarius. For a Gemini Lagna, the intensity is even more because the lord also gets exalted in the 4th house. Taking the case of a Pisces Ascendant, the Lagna Lord Jupiter gets exalted in the 5th house. Jupiter also happens to be the natural signifier of the 5th house. So it can be predicted that these natives can be really fond of children. For a Libra Lagna person, 7th house is Aries and we know that 7th house is all about relationships and Aries sign denotes energy and activeness. So we can say a Libra Ascendant native is very active when it comes to forging relationships. Similarly we know Taurus shows resources and 8th house talks about in laws, thus we can say Libra Ascendants can get plenty of resources from their in laws by blending sign and house energy. A Cancer Ascendant native has his 3rd sign as Virgo. 3rd represents writing/communication and Virgo can mean critical, analytical, perfection. Hence we can say a Cancer Ascendant native aims for perfectionism when it comes to writing skills. For a Scorpio Ascendant, Capricorn comes as 3rd House and Capricorn has all to do with structure, order, discipline. Hence we can infer that the younger sibling of a Scorpio native is very orderly and meticulous in approach. Likewise for a Capricorn native, Scorpio is the 11th house and natural 8th house. So these natives may have a group or network of friends who could be actively engaged in occult sciences. A Leo native, the ascendant lord gets debilitated in 3rd house and exalted in 9th house. So these natives may benefit from 9th house matters like father, fortune, luck etc. We can even go one step and say that the father of these natives may be very active as it's coming in Aries sign. On the other hand these natives may not gain from 3rd house matters since its debilitated. Hence we can say not much help from younger siblings who may be very diplomatic in nature because of Libra sign which may not bode well for Leo Ascendants. For Aquarius Ascendants, Pisces is their 2nd house of money. Hence we can say that these natives earn money from significations of Pisces which could be in the form of spirituality, healing etc. Pisces also means oceans and crossing the waters, hence finance flow can come through foreign lands.

Illustration of using Blank Chart Prediction
We will now do an illustration of Blank Chart prediction of one particular Ascendant say Virgo by breaking into diverse segments and analyze results purely based on the blending of different dimensions of the sign and house energies

- Natural Sign Traits
Virgo is a dual sign of earth nature. There are certain inherent characteristics of Virgo sign and from that we can infer that these natives will be analytical by nature viewing things in detail and wanting to attain perfection. They can be too self critical at times and get nervous very soon as the indecisiveness of dual sign creeps in. As the sign is ruled by Mercury, we can also say they may be of curious kind and mildly of a thinner disposition as Virgo rules the hips or waistline area which is underneath the belly and shows a reduction in body fluff around that side. 

- Kala Purusha House Order
As per the Kala Purusha Order, Virgo happens to be the natural 6th house of the zodiac. We know 6th house represents fights, issues and hence we can expect Virgo natives to be naturally of an argumentative nature. They may be very competitive by spirit and always wanting to be victorious in every endeavor. They may disagree on a lot of things and it's very hard to convince these natives as they look at most things in a minute manner.

- Other Lordship Impact
For a Virgo Ascendant native, Mercury is the ruler of both the 1st and 10th house. As we know 1st is all about the self and 10th is to do with one's profession and livelihood. Since the same planet rules the 1st and the 10th, these natives will take their work very seriously and always looking for ways to meet their needs. Since the ruler is Mercury, few natural significations of the planet will also come into the picture like for instance these individuals being logical and calculative when it comes to professional matters. Likewise Jupiter rules both the 4th and 7th houses. 4th is about mother and 7th spouse. Hence a Virgo native may treat matters of mother and spouse equally with no discrimination and since Jupiter is the owner of both these houses, he may be very respectful and duty bound when it comes to such matters.

- Exaltation and Debilitation
Virgo is ruled by the sign of Mercury which exalts in Virgo itself in the first house and debilitates in the 7th house ruled by Pisces. Virgo is the only zodiac sign where the Ascendant ruler gets exalted in it's very own sign. Hence one can easily infer that such natives will be extremely intelligent due to this proposition. However since Lagna Lord debilitates in the opposite 7th house, they may be pretty weak when dealing with other people be it with their spouse or relating to any business negotiations.

- Karaka Theory
Each house has a primary root karaka and for the 10th house the main signifier happens to be Mercury especially relating to matters such as to do with gaining honours and achievements. The Karaka of 10th Mercury gets exalted in 1st house but gets debilitated in 7th house. We know the 1st house is the self and 7th is about dealing with others. This clearly highlights that such natives are better off doing their own service than indulging in business activities since the karaka gets uncomfortable when it is dealing with different people. The primary signifier of 3rd house is Mars mainly to do with courage, valor etc and we see that it gets exalted in the 5th house of Capricorn. So these natives may be pretty creative when exhibiting their skills but however may not be gaining much due to the karaka being debilitated in the floating up and down 11th house of Cancer.

- Progression Based Approach
In general, we have 12 houses in a horoscope and every year of life is said to dictate one sign each. Hence in the 1st year Virgo will be activated with 2nd being Libra, 3rd Scorpio and so on till 12th being Leo. The order repeats again with Virgo activating the 13th year and so on and so forth. We know Gemini represents changes and happens to be the 10th sign for a Virgo native. Thus in ages of 22, 34, 46 etc. we can deduce that these natives would have had a change in their work place. For instance 4th house will be activated during year 4,16,28,40,52,64,76,88,100 etc. During the above mentioned ages, a lot of 4th house significations will take place such as completion of education, buying vehicles, acquiring property etc. However this rule should be seen with a pinch of salt as a lot depends on the sign placement of Sagittarius and it's lord Jupiter also for things to get activated.

- Blending of Signs and Houses
This is fundamentally the most important rule and forms the crux of the prediction analogy behind analyzing blank or blind charts. Each house is to be studied based on where it falls in the natural zodiac and accordingly the sign energy needs to be blended with the house in question. The first house of Virgo happens to be the 6th house of the natural zodiac and we know the 6th pertains to difficulty. So these natives will naturally be difficult to please and have questions for every matter. The 2nd house falls in Libra which is the natural 7th sign. As Libra represents choice, these natives could also be pretty choosy when it comes to their food habits. Thus we can infer that these natives will be pretty balanced when dealing with money and family matters. Since the 3rd house falls in the natural 8th house, it can be inferred that these natives will be quite secretive with regard to their communication or efforts put in. As the 4th house is natural 9th house of exploring, these individuals will like to research about things like vehicles, properties in much depth. The mother of such natives can be quite religious as it happens to be sign of Sagittarius denoting belief system. The 5th house happens to be the natural 10th house of Capricorn and hence with regard to matters of children, it can be said that they would be strict and bring them up with discipline. Coming to 6th house which happens to be natural 11th house, it can be said that these natives can gain from court cases or any disputes prevailing. From another angle, since the 6th house rules diseases and falls in the sign of Aquarius that represents legs especially the shanks, it could be said that these natives may be having issues relating to that part of the legs. The 7th house happens to be the natural 12th house of loss and hence these natives may feel the pinch when dealing with other people. Incidentally the other rules already pointed to a weakness when dealing with 7th house matters and this only exacerbates the issue all the more. The 8th house happens to be Aries which is the 1st sign of the zodiac and connotes new beginnings. With regard to hidden and secretive issues, they may want to try newer approaches and put lots of efforts to know such things. The 9th house happens to be the 2nd sign of Taurus denoting support and resources. It can be inferred that the father of the native can be a very resourceful person or even the native's teachers being virtuous. The 10th house is about work and happens to be the natural 3rd sign of Gemini. It is pretty easy to state that the work environment will be quite communicative. Multiple professions can also be indicated from Gemini's duality trait. From the 11th house that happens to be the 4th house of natural zodiac, it can be said that these natives could be emotionally connected to their social network. Some sort of gains can also arise through 4th house matters like mother, properties etc. Since Leo happens to be the 12th house and the natural 5th house, it can be said that these natives will incur expenditure to maintain status quo and for the sake of their children or any other creative pursuits.

- Extended Significations
Through the blending of signs and houses, we were able to predict various facets pertaining to an individuals life. By extending this theory we can also briefly predict about matters relating to the natives family members. For instance, father is represented by the 9th house and for a Virgo native, 9th house falls in the sign of Taurus through which we were able to infer that the father could be a resourceful person. Now if we want to know about the wealth capacity of the father, we would have to look at the 2nd sign from the 9th house of Virgo which happens to be Gemini. Now we know Gemini represents variety and multiple sources and hence it can be said that the dad of the native may be earning wealth through various avenues. Likewise other areas can also be decoded by linking houses for instance to know about spouses profession we need to see the 10th from the 7th sign of Pisces which would be the sign of Sagittarius for a Virgo Ascendant.

- Sign and House Energy for Other Ascendants
We should also keep in mind that Virgo would be ruling a particular house for the other ascendants and taking care of specific portfolios based on the house it is associated. Using the energy of Virgo, we would be able to work out relatable predictions based on the house of Virgo. For instance a Libra Ascendant native will have Virgo ruling the 12th house of expenditure and we know Virgo happens to be the natural 6th house of the zodiac. Hence we can say that Libra Ascendant natives may be incurring lots of spends with regard to paying their debts, dealing with enemies, diseases etc. A Capricorn Ascendant will have Virgo as it's 9th sign that connotes one's teachers. Since it falls in sign of Virgo which is all about paying attention to detail, we can say that the Gurus/Father/Mentor of Capricorn Ascendant natives will be very meticulous and well planned.

These are just a glimpse of how predictions can be made simply out of blank charts. By blending various energies of sign, house, planets majority of predictions can be performed through the inherent cosmos prevailing within this framework. If one is skilled and able to use the creative forte to the best of ability, numerous predictions can just flow unendingly and a plethora of results can be foretold simply through the ascendant alone. However as emphasized earlier, these may not always work and everything can change in a dramatic manner based on actual placement of planets in the chart. The blank chart predictions can give a high level insight especially when a planet is actually not placed in the house or sign being analyzed. If there are planets placed, results can get altered significantly and caution needs to be exercised. Thus predictions using this methodology needs to be thread carefully and used judiciously in order to obtain the best results possible.

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