Saturday, June 11, 2022

The Methodology and Interpretation behind the Karma system of DNA Astrology

DNA Astrology has originated as a fairly recent system of Astrology and it has become quite prominent pretty quickly. Word goes that this form of astrology was apparently been practiced in the hilly regions of Tamil Nadu but it was brought out in the open by one Mr. Vishal Logeshwaran who was provided the secret formula of each Nakshatra being associated with a specific planetary karma and hence was born the concept of DNA Astrology approximately around the year 2017.

The underlying feature about DNA astrology is that it is not for prediction purposes. One may wonder then what's this all about because the basic foundation of astrology itself happens to be predictive based. DNA Astrology is all about genetical connectivity and studying patterns of an individual's karma imprints and deriving the course of action for a person in this lifetime. Based on the planetary positions, DNA astrology can draw insights about a person's personality and provide the required direction and guidance to follow in life. 

A lot is inferred based on past life genesis and by studying and observing the DNA pattern linked to the birth chart, it helps to provide scientific clues on what areas are more suited and which are not when it comes to different facets of life. For instance, through DNA astrology, it would be possible to configure what kind of spouse and their particular profession one can get based on the planetary combinations present in one's chart. Knowing this, it would help for the individual to search in a particular zone rather than wasting time on futile efforts. For example, if the planetary positions in a horoscope states that getting a spouse in doctor profession is not genetically possible, it would be prudent not to search for a spouse in medical area and instead harness energies on searching for a spouse in allied professions indicated by DNA astrology.

One more thing to note is that DNA Astrology is an evolving science. In the inception, it was all about only the Nakshatras but it's much more broad based and connects the karma through various houses and planetary combinations present in an individual's horoscope. We will look below at how DNA karma is interwoven across different Nakshatras, planets, signs and houses.

Nakshatra Karma
The fundamental first focus is based on the default karma that an individual has when taking birth and this is assessed based on the Nakshatra of Lagna or Ascendant, the Nakshatra of Moon and the Nakshatra of the Lagna Lord or Ascendant Lord. Each of the Nakshatra has a planetary karma interlinked as seen below:

In the scheme of Nakshatras, it is seen that for all the Nakshatras there is a planetary karma associated except for Ketu. Ketu is considered as Moksha Karaka and hence no Nakshatra is subject to Karma of Ketu. Hence only the 8 planets from Sun to Rahu are associated with planetary karma when pertained to Nakshatras. The easy way to remember this is to associate every Nakshatra with the weekday order from Sunday to Saturday. Hence Ashwini is tagged to Sunday and Sun, Bharani to Moon and Monday and so on and so forth till Punarvasu is associated with Saturday and Saturn. After this we give the next Nakshatra of Pushya to Rahu and from then on the order repeats once again from Sun to Rahu. Sun, Moon and Mars alone have 4 Nakshatras linked to DNA Karma since the total Nakshatras are 27 and when divided by 8 planets, reminder is 3 and they get slotted to Sun (Poorva Bhadra), Moon (Uttara Bhadra) and Mars (Revathi). Listed below are the summary grouping of planets and the DNA Nakshatras associated.

DNA Karma of Sun - Ashwini, Ayilyam, Anusham, Pooratathi
DNA Karma of Moon - Bharani, Magam, Kettai, Uthiratathi
DNA Karma of Mars - Krithika, Pooram, Moolam, Revathi
DNA Karma of Mercury - Rohini, Uthiram, Pooradam
DNA Karma of Jupiter - Mrigaseerisham, Hastham, Uthiradam
DNA Karma of Venus - Thiruvadirai, Chithirai, Thiruvonam
DNA Karma of Saturn - Punarpoosam, Swathi, Avittam
DNA Karma of Rahu - Poosam, Vishakam, Sadayam
DNA Karma of Ketu - None

As an illustration, let's say one's Ascendant falls in the sign of Gemini in Punarpoosam Nakshatra and the Lagna Lord of Gemini which is Mercury sits in Revathi Nakshatra. Also let's say the moon sign falls in Sagittarius in the Nakshatra of Poorva Ashada. Hence it can be inferred that this person has the following planetary karma based on his birth chart:

Lagna Nakshatra : Punarpoosam - Saturn Karma
Lagna Lord Nakshatra : Revathi - Mars Karma
Moon Nakshatra : Pooradam - Mercury Karma

Thus, it can be inferred that this individual has a combination of Saturn, Mars and Mercury Karma. Sometimes a person can have only 2 planets as DNA Karma and at times it can be only one planet DNA Karma if the Lagna Nakshatra, Lagna Lord Nakshatra, Moon Nakshatra all fall in a particular Nakshatra ruled by the same planet. Eg. if Lagna Nakshatra is Krithika, Lagna Lord Nakshatra is Anuradha and Moon Nakshatra is Ashlesha then all of the three are associated exclusively with Sun Karma. In such a case the intensity of the DNA Karma can be more because influence is completely from a particular planet.

One more thing to note in the scheme of DNA Astrology is that when an individual is associated with a particular planetary karma, both the good and bad things tend to get accompanied. Karma is not always bad and it also tells about the good actions we have done in the past and hence this also has to be remembered and born in mind. For eg. if someone has Moon Karma, both positive and negative connotations can come across the individual with respect to Moon significations such as maintaining a fine relationship with Mother but at the same time getting impacted by advise from Mother. Likewise someone having Mercury Karma may be blessed with good communicative skills but the communication can also land him up in trouble in some way or other. Hence one has to be cognizant of this fact that a particular karma can end up acting both sides in the affirmative and in the non complying state.

Planet Karma
Apart from the Nakshatras being associated to a karma of a particular planet, the planets themselves are linked to the DNA karma of another planet. This is based on the concept of Birth Star of a planet taken from "Vichitra Jothidam". Based on the birth Nakshatra of each planet, we figure out the DNA karma of that planet and derive the planetary karma for each of the 9 planets including Ketu as seen below:

Sun : Birth Star Hastha - DNA Karma Jupiter
Moon : Birth Star Mrigashira - DNA Karma Jupiter
Mars : Birth Star Uthara Ashada - DNA Karma Jupiter
Mercury : Birth Star Dhanishta - DNA Karma Saturn
Jupiter : Birth Star Pushya - DNA Karma Rahu
Venus : Birth Star Magha - DNA Karma Moon
Saturn : Birth Star Revathi - DNA Karma Mars
Rahu : Birth Star Bharani - DNA Karma Moon
Ketu : Birth Star Ashlesha - DNA Karma Sun

Hence we can correlate that DNA Karma of Jupiter carries the blessing or curse of Sun, Moon & Mars whereas DNA Karma of Moon takes effect in the form of Venus & Rahu. DNA Karma of Sun is affected by Ketu, DNA Karma of Mars by Saturn, DNA Karma of Saturn by Mercury and DNA Karma of Rahu by Jupiter. Listed below is the full list of planets karmically associated for all 9 planets
DNA Karma of Sun : Ketu
DNA Karma of Moon : Venus, Rahu
DNA Karma of Mars : Saturn
DNA Karma of Mercury : None
DNA Karma of Jupiter : Sun, Moon, Mars
DNA Karma of Venus : None
DNA Karma of Saturn : Mercury
DNA Karma of Rahu : Jupiter
DNA Karma of Ketu : None

How this is to be interpreted is that based on the placement of a planet in the chart we can infer that it carries the DNA karmic registry of the planet connected. For instance wherever Venus is placed in the chart, it would exhibit the karmic traits of Moon and wherever Sun is placed it may showcase the significance of Jupiter for instance. As an example let's say Saturn is placed in the 1st house of a horoscope. In such a case it may normally be predicted that the person would be slow and carry a lazy gait much akin to Saturnian significations but since we know Saturn possesses the karmic connection of Mars, the individual may actually be aggressive and display Martian energy.

Sign Karma
The Zodiac signs are also affected by a DNA Karma based on the Moola Trikona placement of the respective planets. Not all signs carry a DNA karma since there are only 9 planets but there are 12 signs. Also each planets makes its office of responsibility in only one particular sign though it could be owning more than one sign. Lets look below at the zodiac signs carrying planetary karma

Mesha/Aries: Moola Trikona of Mars - DNA Karma Jupiter
Rishaba/Taurus: Moola Trikona of Moon - DNA Karma Jupiter
Mithuna/Gemini: Moola Trikona of no planet - No DNA Karma
Karka/Cancer: Moola Trikona of no planet - No DNA Karma
Simha/Leo: Moola Trikona of Sun - DNA Karma Jupiter
Kanni/Virgo: Moola Trikona of Mercury - DNA Karma Saturn and Moola Trikona of Rahu - DNA Karma Moon
Thula/Libra: Moola Trikona of Venus - DNA Karma Moon
Vrischika/Scorpio: Moola Trikona of no planet - No DNA Karma
Dhanus/Sagittarius: Moola Trikona of Jupiter - DNA Karma Rahu
Makara/Capricorn: Moola Trikona of no planet - No DNA Karma
Kumbha/Aquarius: Moola Trikona of Saturn - DNA Karma Mars
Meena/Pisces: Moola Trikona of Ketu - DNA Karma Sun

Hence DNA Karma of Jupiter is associated with the signs of Aries, Taurus and Leo, DNA Karma of Moon is linked with Virgo and Libra. DNA Karma of Saturn is also linked with Virgo. DNA Karma of Sun with Pisces, DNA Karma of Mars with Aquarius and DNA Karma of Rahu with Sagittarius. There is no DNA Karma of any sign associated with Mercury, Venus and Ketu. However for Mercury and Venus, it is said that 4th and 3rd house respectively influence the karma and hence taking from the default Kala Purusha order, we provide Cancer to Mercury due to it being natural 4th sign and Gemini to Venus due to it being natural 3rd sign. Thus a deviation is made to accommodate Gemini & Cancer sign whereas no planet has its DNA karma in the signs of Scorpio and Capricorn. Summarized below are the DNA Karma of planets and the zodiac signs influencing the karma

DNA Karma of Sun : Pisces
DNA Karma of Moon : Virgo, Libra
DNA Karma of Mars : Aquarius
DNA Karma of Mercury : Cancer
DNA Karma of Jupiter : Aries, Taurus, Leo
DNA Karma of Venus : Gemini
DNA Karma of Saturn : Virgo
DNA Karma of Rahu : Sagittarius
DNA Karma of Ketu : None

House Karma
Similar to the signs, the houses are also connected with DNA karmic registry as seen below:
1st House : DNA Karma Jupiter
2nd House : DNA Karma Jupiter
3rd House : DNA Karma Venus
4th House : DNA Karma Mercury
5th House : DNA Karma Jupiter
6th House : DNA Karma Moon/Saturn
7th House : DNA Karma Moon
8th House : No DNA Karma
9th House : DNA Karma Rahu
10th House : No DNA Karma
11th House : DNA Karma Mars
12th House : DNA Karma Sun

This is also derived on similar lines as seen with the Moola Trikona concept of planets and based on the Kala Purusha order. Venus and Mercury are additionally provided DNA Karma for 3rd house and 4th house respectively based on observation in numerous horoscopes of natives having their 3rd and 4th house affected by DNA karma of these two planets.

DNA Karma of Sun : 12th House
DNA Karma of Moon : 6th House, 7th House
DNA Karma of Mars : 11th House
DNA Karma of Mercury : 4th House
DNA Karma of Jupiter : 1st House, 2nd House, 5th House
DNA Karma of Venus : 3rd House
DNA Karma of Saturn : 6th House
DNA Karma of Rahu : 9th House
DNA Karma of Ketu : None

Overall Summary of DNA Karma  - Nakshatra, Planets, Signs and Houses
Listed below is the overall synopsis of DNA connectivity associated with Nakshatra, Planets, Signs and Houses for each of the 9 planets based on the system of DNA Astrology

Nakshatra - Ashwini, Ayilyam, Anusham, Pooratathi
Planet - Ketu
Sign - Pisces
House - 12th

Nakshatra Bharani, Magam, Kettai, Uthiratathi
Planet - Rahu, Venus
Sign - Virgo, Libra
House - 6th, 7th

Nakshatra - Krithika, Pooram, Moolam, Revathi
Planet - Saturn
Sign - Aquarius
House - 11th

Nakshatra - Rohini, Uthiram, Pooradam
Planet - None
Sign - Cancer
House - 4th

Nakshatra - Mrigaseerisham, Hastham, Uthiradam
Planet - Mars, Moon, Sun
Sign - Aries, Taurus, Leo
House - 1st, 2nd, 5th

Nakshatra - Thiruvadirai, Chithirai, Thiruvonam
Planet - None
Sign - Gemini
House - 3rd

Nakshatra - Punarpoosam, Swathi, Avittam
Planet - Mercury
Sign - Virgo
House - 6th

Nakshatra - Poosam, Vishakam, Sadayam
Planet - Jupiter
Sign - Sagittarius
House - 9th

Nakshatra - None
Planet - None
Sign - None
House - None

Interpretation of Planets as per DNA Karma

Sun signifies Power, Authority, Ego, Leadership, Politics, Administration & Medical professions, Father figure etc. Those born with Sun DNA Karma, their family members will be involved in professions like HR, Admin, Principal, Team Leader, Higher Rank officials, Government Authority related etc. These individuals will naturally have traits towards the things which Sun signifies. They will be good healers and generally have an important reputation and standing. They could have an up and down relationship with their dads and may have some issue with Government authorities etc. In a horoscope wherever Sun is placed, it only points the direction but does not provide the result. Sun always orders and expects everyone to listen to it but does not like to listen to others. Sun also boasts about its qualities and this show off nature can put others off. Another thing to note is that it likes to showcase arrogance pertaining to the house where it is placed. If native is able to control these habits, it helps to curtail the negative karma associated with Sun. 

Moon signifies mind, feelings, Motherly figure, psychology, feelings, travel, water related things, professions associated with food & liquids etc. Those born with Moon DNA Karma, their family members would be involved in professions like Hotel, Catering, Groceries, Agriculture, Rice Mill etc. These individuals are the ones possessing strong mental strength but at the same time are the ones who also get mentally affected. Its in a similar vein when it comes to their relationship with mother. Wherever Moon is sitting, that house significations will always be up and down which means you may or may not get the result. Moon represents public culture, lifestyle etc. So how others decide that’s how Moon also acts. Moon karmic people always have mindset that others should not speak ill of them as they are very concerned about what the public or community thinks about them. It always denotes change and always tends to copy others. Moon is responsible for our conscious mind, attachments towards others through which it is clear that they cannot be without others and cannot think or do things of their own. In a way they put paid to their own selves. If individual is cognizant of these issues and takes care, the negative attributes can be taken care of.

Mars signifies valor, courage, marriage initiation, younger siblings, aggression, uniform related professions, landed properties etc. It is common for those with Mars DNA Karma for their family members to be in professions like Police, Army, Construction, Civil Engineering, Sports field etc. People with strong Mars Karma mostly do their job pretty quickly. They also tend to get angry and irritated in a trifle. Relationships with younger siblings can be little cold and hence its good not to be too emotional with them. The place where Mars sits in the horoscope tells about the desire of birth. For instance if Mars is placed in 4th, it tells about comforts, education, vehicles etc. For those with Mars in 4th, their birth notion will be with respect to these significations. In issues signifying Land dealings, Asset Partitioning, Property Construction etc. those with Mars Karma can get affected a lot, hence its advisable to be careful with respect to investing money or dealing in such areas. Also it would be good to control stubbornness to reduce negative effects of Mars karma.

Mercury signifies communication, intelligence, education, documents, analytical mind, logic, inter caste love, friends, writing, maternal relatives etc. In families of Mercury DNA Karma, it is common to see people in the fields of finance, education, banking, authoring, printing, journalism, astrology etc. Mercury in general shows essential knowledge in various diverse fields. One thing to note is that in families of those with Mercury Karma, there could be extremities in the sense you would find people being extremely intelligent and at the same time there could be those who are dull headed and ignorant. With regard to marriage also its witnessed that with Mercury Karma, people marry very closely within families and similarly also marry complete strangers practicing different religions and being of another ethnicity. The approach to life for those with Mercury Karma will be very different than usual. They never come to a decision easily and keep oscillating between various choices. They always require an assurance and acceptance tends to be only with a condition. Mercury however shows flexibility and can bring control when needed. If the prevailing issues are understood and worked accordingly, the negative features can be brought down to an extent.

Jupiter signifies children, teacher, religion, knowledge, divinity, spirituality etc. It is common in the families of those with Jupiter Karma to be in the fields of Teaching, Banking, Finance, Judge, Gold Business, Temple Priests etc. Some of the professions become similar with that of Mercury and it could be because Mercury connotes intelligence but Jupiter is about knowledge and wisdom. There is a great chance that people in Jupiter related professions can have expertise in their chosen field. There could be some issues with children especially the first born. In some way they may not be able to get along well or do much to their children. There can also be complications during delivery time or in bringing them up. Jupiter DNA Karma can also show financial misconducts, fund mismanagements etc. There is also a saying that Guru only shows the way but doesn't follow in the sense that Jupiter only advises, teaches or preaches but on it's own never follows the same as a role model. For instance, if Jupiter is placed in 9th, father will advise a lot saying this is good and this is bad but in his lifetime he would not have followed the same. Wherever Jupiter is placed, it also shows we haven't followed the Dharma or knowledge towards the same. Keeping these things in mind and working on those could alleviate the harmful effects of Jupiter DNA Karma.

Venus signifies relationships, spouse, beauty, luxuries, entertainment, artistic talents etc. In families of those with Venus Karma, it is common to see professions related to cosmetics, beauticians, make up artists, costumes, fine arts such as music/movies/dance/drama, things to do with extravagance etc. They usually tend to mix along well with everyone and have a happy go lucky attitude. They are highly pleasure seeking and passionate about most things. They have a lot of emotional bonding and go with the flow without considering logic which tends to affects them a lot. They also have a lot of expectations which ends up disappointing them in the end. It is generally seen that people with Venus karma tend to have problems in relationships and marriage. They also are not able to enjoy their wealth to the fullest even if they are well off and tend to have a negative approach towards life. The place where Venus sits indicates the Kula Deivam karma. Also wherever Venus is placed, it suffers from Moon related dosh. For eg if Venus in 7th, partner will have some problem relating to the significations of Moon which could mean mind getting disrupted. If the negative attributes are kept in mind, the issues can be solved to a reasonable extent.

Saturn signifies profession, longevity, delays, handicap, elder siblings, labour etc. It is common to see families with Saturn Karma engaged in professions like labor jobs, working in hospitals, oil mills, iron, steel, ink, marketing, lawyers, drilling, mining etc. They are very hard working by nature but at the same time are also casual. They are also very honest in their dealings and take integrity very seriously. They also extend their helpful nature towards others. When it comes to taking a decision however they tend to stumble quite a bit. When it comes to profession, you can see both sides of the coin. On one end, it is possible to witness people who go on working for eons continuously with the scope of earning fame and money but at the same time even laggards could be seen not going for work for long or surviving in the same job for a lengthy duration of time without any growth prospects or development. Since Saturn is also the signifier of longevity, it is seen in families with Saturn Karma that there are two extremes when it comes to life expectancy. The areas in life in which we have not valued or where we have shown arrogance or pride, those areas will be under the control of Saturn. For eg Saturn in 2nd house, tells that we have not shown the right values in previous life pertaining to significations of that house. Anything related to Saturn we should not showcase to others. How much ever significations that Saturn show, if we are secretive with regard to dealing with it, that can be beneficial. However if we tend to portray the effects of the significations to outsiders it can end up backfiring. If these things are taken care off, negative effects of Saturn can be harnessed to some length.

Rahu signifies out of the box thinking, bitterness, multiple languages, unconventional, outcaste, foreign, gambling, illusions, larger than life persona, grandfather etc. Families of those with Rahu Karma indicates profession related to Electricity, Electronics, Chemical Engineering, Logistics, Travelling or Government transport related such as Road contracts, Airways, Roadways, Harbors, Bus Depot etc. Sudden happenings are very common with Rahu and it also indicates happening of uncertain events more than once. Rahu tells about those desires which were not satisfied in previous life. The place which Rahu sits, how much ever is obtained the satisfaction will not be there and there will be the urge to keep on wanting more and more. For instance if Rahu is placed in 4th house, those natives would never be happy with the possessions they possess with respect to education, properties etc. Even expectations with mother will be very high. If Rahu is joined with another planet, even significations with regard to that planet get impacted with extreme levels of desires. To limit the evil effects of Rahu, it would be good to exercise caution and not expect things beyond imagination.

Ketu signifies mystery, detachment, darkness, trouble, grandmother, fever, problems, cuts, mathematics, deep knowledge, conspiracy, black magic etc. Ketu can indicate jobs pertaining to tantric, healing, doctors, preceptors, dealing with locally sourced herbs/medicines, yogis, saints, occult, government posts, working with ropes/wires/cables etc. Ketu does not have any direct genetical connectivity on its own but wherever Ketu is placed in a chart it would exhibit the characteristics of Sun. Ketu tells about the responsibilities that were not completed in previous life. Whichever house it sits, how much ever we do with respect to that house, that house will not attain satisfaction because it is like a loan from previous life. For eg if Ketu in 5th, how much ever is done to children, returns don't come in fully. If in 4th mother will only see ones tasks done towards her as a responsibility but will not show appreciation. Hence one cannot expect a result from that house as it can only lead to further problems. Hence reducing expectations and not being sentimental with respect to the house in which Ketu is placed can help in warding off negative effects to a tolerable extent. 

Interpretation of Signs as per DNA Karma 

Whichever house appears as Aries in the horoscope, one will not be able to reap rewards out of the same. They will not be able to enjoy the benefits out of that house. For eg. Cancer Lagna - Aries happens to be the 10th house. These natives may not be able to benefit much from profession. It is better to get the things not done in your own name for betterment. As an instance, for a Capricorn Lagna born person, Aries comes as 4th house which relates to vehicles and properties. Such an individual in order to get the advantage should purchase these in someone else name.

Taurus house showcases ones virtues and blessings of wealth. Whichever house comes as Taurus for a native they will be able to enjoy the money related benefits and virtues with regard to the house significations. For eg. for a Libra Lagna native, Taurus becomes the 8th house and tells about one's in laws. It means that this native could receive benefits from spouses family. It could also mean these natives will receive favorable benefits from provident funds, insurance as they relate to 8th house. For say a Sagittarius Lagna, Taurus is their 6th house and they could benefit in competitive examinations.

Gemini house points out to secrecy and has tendency to spread rapidly. Thus anything pertaining to this house will spread instantly and go out as a secret. Whichever house comes as Gemini, it will expose the secretive matters with regard to its significations. Hence one may have to be extra careful when sharing sensitive matters. For instance, a Sagittarius Lagna native will have Gemini as its 7th house. Such natives should not speak in the open about relationships or their partner as it can spread in a wrong way. Similarly Taurus Lagna natives should be hesitant and maintain a stance in not disclosing much of their money matters as it can take a turn towards the wrong direction.

Cancer house pinpoints a floating propensity. The house which appears as Cancer will always be unsteady by nature and show up and down results. Anything which is hoped from that house may come or may may not come as expected. Cancer also tells about one's talents and abilities. Eg for a Gemini Lagna - Cancer happens to be the 2nd bhava. If they have chance to earn money in a particular field,  they need to grab it immediately otherwise they would need to wait a long time to obtain it again. For a Pisces Lagna native, Cancer happens to be 5th house relating to children. If these natives delay in wanting to have a child, when they really want to explore the option of having a child it may not happen in the normal manner and it could take more time due to the unstable trait of Cancer house.

Whichever house comes as Leo, it will only show the direction but will not help. It also shows ones dreams and imaginations which means to say that the person will think deeply about that house significations and that would be first priority. Eg for a Pisces Lagna - Leo sign happens to be 6th bhava. If these people need a loan they would be asked to go here and there and get all sorts of advise but will not receive the actual help to process a loan. Hence Leo as a house will guide and show a path but will not come down and help. For a Aquarius Lagna, Leo is 7th house and deals with marriage matters. One can relate it to a matrimony portal which will show various alliances but ultimately contacting and realizing an alliance would not be done by the house in question.

Whichever house comes as Virgo, it will show fights and issues pertaining to that house. It also showcases success and victory depending on the house signification. Eg for a Leo Lagna, Virgo happens to be the 2nd bhava. There will always be lot of jealousy and competition on these people with regard to money matters. For a Sagittarius Lagna native, Virgo is the 10th house and there will always be some fights and bickering with regard to their professional matters. They may eventually succeed in the work place but they have to encounter jealousy and accept matters spoken behind their back.

Whichever house comes as Libra, they would need to give up something in order to obtain something else. It is the house of exchange or choices and explicitly has a give and take equation associated. The house which appears as Libra, that will also grant an experience to the native and they can also win contacts and influence pertaining to the house signification. Eg for Capricorn Lagna, Libra happens to be 10th bhava. These people can get life partner through the means of work or once they start working in a company. For Aries Lagna, Libra is the 7th house. In order to get a benefit from a spouse, one must be willing to leave something in order to get the desired benefit.

Scorpio as a house can lure and provoke you to commit a mistake with respect to its house signification, hence one needs to be very careful about it. It will show you the way but end up spoiling and affecting you. Eg for a Pisces Lagna - Scorpio is 9th bhava. The father may ask you to do something in order to enjoy common benefits but it can backfire and end up misfiring. Similarly for a Taurus Lagna native, an advise from the spouse may seemingly be good but can end up misleading.

Sagittarius as a house can indicate transformations taking place with respect to house significations. It shows potential and leads one to go ahead when the chance is tapped. Eg for a Gemini Lagna,  Sagittarius happens to be the 7th house. The marriage of the native can signify some major transformations taking place in their lives. Likewise for a Leo Lagna, life can undergo a total transformational shift with the birth of child.

Whichever house comes as Capricorn, there will always be plenty of work pertaining to that house signification. Work flow will be unceasing and virtually never ending. It however also shows development in work pertaining to that area. Eg for a Leo Lagna, Capricorn happens to be the 6th house of service. These people will always be having lots of work in their job which can also give them development. For Gemini Lagna, Capricorn is the 8th house and denotes occult and secretive matters. These natives would always be in the search for the unknown and will work much towards those areas.

Aquarius connotes unknown treasures. It also means desires getting fulfilled being the natural 11th house of the zodiac. Aquarius also denotes a somewhat detached avatar. Eg for a Taurus Lagna, Aquarius happens to be the 10th house. Whenever these natives do their profession properly, they will be able to obtain the required desires and get more than what they wish. For a Libra Lagna, they will be able to get maximum benefits from their children but they can be bit disconnected and uninvolved in their attitude. 

Whichever house comes as Pisces, losses tends to take place and expenditures gets incurred based on the house significations. But however good things also tend to happen and important information gets divulged based on the house. Eg for Virgo Lagna, Pisces happens to be the 7th bhava denoting spouse, business partners etc. These natives get lot of information on travel, business dealings, foreign articles but at the same time expenditure also will come through them. Eg for Cancer Lagna, Pisces happens to be the 9th bhava. These natives get lot of information from father on religious matters, spiritual pursuits but at the same time losses can also occur through this.

Illustration using DNA Astrology
Lets say someone needs to know the planetary connection of their spouse based on Karmic connectivity as per one's birth chart. Since it is pertaining to matters of spouse, we need to study the connectivity relating to 7th house from both Lagna and Moon.

As an example, let's presume that the person is born in the Lagna of Kumbha Rasi placed in the Nakshatra of Satabisha and Moon Nakshatra is placed in Mithuna Rasi in Aarudra. Hence we have:
Lagna Nakshatra : Satabisha
Moon Nakshatra : Aarudra

- Analysis of Spouse Chart from Native based on Lagna Nakshatra and Moon Nakshatra:
Since this matter pertains to marriage, we need to observe the karmic link associated in the 7th sign from both Lagna and Moon Nakshatra. Through this we would be able to decipher the Nakshatras, Planet combination, Sign placement and House relation of the spouse

- Nakshatra Karma Analysis:
We know Lagna Nakshatra of native is Satabisha. Taking straight opposite 180 degrees from Satabisha corresponds to Magha and Poorva Phalguni Nakshatra which in simple terms is to say Satabisha 1 & 2 padas opposite point will be Magha 3 & 4 padas and Satabisha 3 & 4 padas will pinpoint to Poorva Phalguni 1 & 2 padas. If we know the exact pada of the Lagna, we can directly specify but in general it is better to take the whole Nakshatra because due to house cusp, the exact 7th place can end up being placed little ahead or behind.

Similarly exact 180 degrees placement from Aarudra Nakshatra will occur in Dhanus Rasi under the Nakshatras of Moola and Poorva Ashada. Arudra 1 & 2 pada will link to Moola 3 & 4 and Arudra 3 & 4 pada will link to Poorva Ashada 1 & 2.

Hence the 4 Nakshatras obtained are Magha, Poorva Phalguni, Moola and Poorva Ashada. We know that Poorva Phalguni are attracted by Mars Karma, Magha with Moon Karma and Poorva Ashada with Mercury Karma. Hence lets list the karmic Nakshatras associated with these planets
Moon DNA Karma - Magha
Mars DNA Karma - Poorva Phalguni, Moola
Mercury DNA Karma - Poorva Ashada

Now, we can broadly say that the spouse of this person will have Nakshatra association of Moon, Mars and Mercury. Based on this we can delineate the planet, sign and house karma

- Planet Karma Analysis:
We know that Moon is associated with both Venus & Rahu Karma whereas Mars possesses Saturn Karma. Mercury is however not subject to any planetary karma. Lets list the karmic planets associated with these planets
Moon DNA Karma - Rahu, Venus
Mars DNA Karma - Saturn
Mercury DNA Karma - None

- Sign Karma Analysis:
We know Moon is having karmic connection with the signs of Virgo and Libra, Mars with the sign of Aquarius and Mercury with the sign of Cancer. Lets list the karmic signs associated with these planets
Moon DNA Karma - Virgo, Libra
Mars DNA Karma - Aquarius
Mercury DNA Karma - Cancer

- House Karma Analysis:
We know Moon is having karmic connection with the 6th & 7th house, Mars with 11th house and Mercury with 4th house . Lets list the karmic houses associated with these planets
Moon DNA Karma - 6th house, 7th house
Mars DNA Karma - 11th house
Mercury DNA Karma - 4th house

- Placement of Spouse Chart:
Based on the analysis of DNA connectivity of Nakshatra, Planet, Sign and House, let's look at the different placement and combinations that can be witnessed in the spouse chart

- Nakshatra Karma Placement:
We figured that the spouses Nakshatra is connected through Moon, Mars or Mercury DNA Karma. This could mean the spouses Lagna Nakshatra or Lagna Lord Nakshatra or Moon Nakshatra or combination of them will be placed only in the following 11 Nakshatras viz:
- Moon DNA : Bharani, Magha, Jyeshta, Uttara Bhadrapada
- Mars DNA :  Krithika, Poorva Phalguni, Moola, Revathi
- Mercury DNA : Rohini, Uthira Phalguni, Poorva Ashada

- Planet Karma Placement:
We discovered that Moon, Mars and Mercury DNA Karma are linked with the planets Venus, Rahu and Saturn. This could mean either of Saturn, Venus or Rahu can have association with the Lagna or Lagna Adipathi in the spouses chart. Different kind of combinations that can occur are as follows
- Either of Saturn, Venus or Rahu placed in Lagna
- Lagna Lord conjunct along with Saturn, Venus or Rahu
- Lagna Lord could also be placed in the star of either Saturn, Venus or Rahu
- Lagna Lord can form a connection with Saturn, Venus or Rahu through Aspect

- Sign Karma Placement:
We found that the signs linked to Moon, Mars and Mercury happen to be Virgo, Libra, Aquarius and Cancer. This could mean the Lagna of spouse will be in someway linked with Virgo, Libra, Aquarius or Cancer. Different kind of combinations that can occur are as follows:
- Ascendant will be either of Virgo, Libra, Aquarius or Cancer
- Ascendant Lord could be placed in either of Virgo, Libra, Aquarius or Cancer
- Lord of Virgo, Libra, Aquarius or Cancer can be connected with Lagna or Lagna Lord in someway pertaining to placement, aspect, conjunction

- House Karma Placement:
We found that the houses linked to Moon, Mars and Mercury happen to be 6th, 7th, 11th and 4th house. This could mean the Ascendant of spouse will be in someway linked to the houses of 6th, 7th, 11th and 4th. Different kind of combinations that can occur are as follows:
- Ascendant Lord will be placed in 6th, 7th, 11th or 4th house
- Lords of 6th, 7th, 11th or 4th house will be placed in the Ascendant
- Lords of 6th, 7th, 11th or 4th house can be connected with Lagna or Lagna Lord in someway pertaining to placement, aspect, conjunction

Like the example of spouse above, on similar lines the planetary combinations of other relatives also can be figured out through DNA such as studying the 4th for mother and deriving on the combination of Nakshatras, Planets, Signs and Houses. Likewise 9th for Father, 5th for 1st child etc. Even on one's profession seeing which planets have strong DNA connectivity to the bhava of profession can signify taking something along those lines. As an illustration to see if someone can be strongly in a Moon based profession such as Catering, Milk etc clues can be got if 10th house is strongly influenced by Venus or Rahu as they showcase the Karma of Moon. Likewise 10th Lord being placed in the Nakshatras of Bharani, Magha, Jyeshta, Uthara Bhadrapada is also an indication. Similarly 10th Lord being associated with 6th and 7th houses or with the signs of Virgo & Libra can also connote a profession with a strong Moon connection. 

The first obvious limitation of this concept of DNA Astrology is that it is not based on prediction. Astrology itself branches out as a predictive study and to be slotted under the name of astrology and not providing for predictions is a question to ponder over though it clearly maintains its stance as more of a guiding tool. Secondly there is no sage backing or any scriptures which talk about this karma infused concept of astrology. In fact there is no book or even an article written anywhere on the genesis of DNA Astrology. All we have right now are various videos on youtube but it is uncluttered and there is no streamlined method of learning this subject. Thirdly a few concepts are a bit questionable, the one who has made this concept famous stresses on the fact that for all male births the D9 Lagna should fall in odd sign and female births should be in even signs. Now with billions of birth every other day, expecting that males and females will be uniformly born 12-13 minutes apart seems a little too far stretched. In fact this concept is adopted by quite a few astrologers but there is no real logic if you think of it practically. Also the stars as per DNA Karma are assigned to planets which is different from the star lord concept and this secret is believed to have been provided by one enlightened soul. However there is no way to verify the same. Even the birth star concept differs across different texts. For instance 'Vichitra Jothidam' may state that Jupiter was born in Pushya but Brahmanda Purana actually states it being born in Poorva Phalguni. There are few other differences also when it comes to birth stars of other planets. This can cause a huge shift to the system because the framework of the concept depends a lot on the birth star through which Karma planet is derived. Even in Moola Trikona concept, there are differences of opinion. In DNA Astrology, it is opined that Rahu and Ketu have their Moola Trikona sign in Virgo and Pisces respectively but the sacred Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra hints at Gemini and Sagittarius being the Moola Trikona signs of Rahu and Ketu respectively. Additionally Ketu not being provided DNA Karma link from the stars is again a point to consider. Also Venus & Mercury don't have a Karma link associated with other planets and just based on a factor like observation they have been slotted to provide karma to the 3rd and 4th houses respectively. Jupiter on the other hand is having the karmic connectivity of 3 planets viz Sun, Moon and Mars. The problem with all this is there is no solid proof. However there is no denying that the system is evolving and more people are inclined to have their charts checked through the mechanism of DNA Astrology to know about the strengths and potential based on horoscopic positions. However some of the apparent limitations should also be kept in mind. This is not a criticism but just a highlight of where there can be some issues prevailing in the underlying system of DNA Astrology.

DNA Astrology is a guidance based astrology system. It more or less lays a path by studying various patterns in our chart based on our past birth and corresponding events related to the same. As per this scheme, there is a connection behind every birth as a hereditary relationship and a basis behind why an individual is born to a particular set of parents and it is all linked through planetary correlation. It however does not provide any solution or future prediction. It can basically be seen as a prognosis through which we can understand ourselves and acting as a guide in providing a direction as per what is inferred from the horoscope. It is a pattern based study in the form of a horoscope drawn out from our family history karma that provides an understanding to help dealing with matters in the ensuing period.

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