The Panchang plays a pivotal role in delineating a horoscope. It is generally perceived that the elements of the Panchanga viz Vara, Nakshatra, Tithi, Yoga and Karana are used only for the purpose of a muhurta which is to say selecting an auspicious period of time but it's scope in actuality is much beyond that and can also be useful when deciphering the planetary play of events in a horoscope. Let's look at a few clues which the Panchanga provides us while analyzing a horoscope.
Vara : Solar Day Transiting at Birth
It is said that Knowledge of Vara brings Life. A Vara begins from the beginning of sunrise and lasts till the end of the next day of Sunrise. In essence a Vara or Weekday lasts for an approximate period of 24 hours. The Vara is said to denote 'Arogya' which can be deemed to know about the health, vitality and characteristics of a person.
The day in which a person takes birth can tell in brief about the well being of a person. For eg. if a person were born on a Wednesday, then the ruler of the day happens to be Mercury. Through the placement of Mercury we can know somewhat about the health of the native. The strongest houses in a horoscope are usually the kendra houses with 10th being the strongest followed by the 7th, 4th and 1st. Hence the weekday planet placed in a strong kendra could indicate that vitality is strong unless badly afflicted.
Apart from this, each of the Vara has an obstructer that happens to be the 6th from the weekday lord. For this purpose we also take into account Rahu and Ketu that are factored in after Saturday ruled by Saturn. The 6th planet from the weekday is known to cause Stambana or freeze and ideally this planet should be weaker than the Vara planet when ascertaining the well being of a native. Let us take a look below at the 6th planetary ruler from each weekday.
Sunday - Ruler Sun, Obstructer Venus
Monday - Ruler Moon, Obstructer Saturn
Tuesday - Ruler Mars, Obstructer Rahu
Wednesday - Ruler Mercury, Obstructer Ketu
Thursday - Ruler Jupiter, Obstructer Sun
Friday - Ruler Venus, Obstructer Moon
Saturday - Ruler Saturn, Obstructer Mars
For instance if someone were born on Thursday, then planetary ruler is Jupiter. The obstructer happens to be Sun because we need to count 6 from Thursday which happens to be Thursday->Friday->Saturday->Rahu->Ketu->Sunday. As observed we need to factor Rahu and Ketu after Saturday and before Sunday is counted next again. Hence a person can be born on any of the 7 days from Sunday to Saturday ruled by the 7 planets from Sun to Saturn but the obstructor can be any of the 9 planets including Rahu & Ketu also. Rahu is the obstructer for Tuesday (Mars) and Ketu is the obstructer for Wednesday (Mercury). Ideally the opposing Vara planet need to be weaker than the weekday lord for sound body and health.
Other clues to study about the Vara in the chart is it's combination with the Paksha or period of the Lunar Tithi cycle. The combination of Vara and Paksha results in the controllership of a planet and based on where it's placed in the chart, it is believed to have a longingness to that house in which it's placed in the chart. It is supposed to be a pretty powerful technique and just by this placement, it is known to interpret the lifepath of a native. Let's look at the planets in question based on the 14 different combinations:
Sunday Shukla Paksha - Jupiter
Monday Shukla Paksha - Venus
Tuesday Shukla Paksha - Jupiter
Wednesday Shukla Paksha - Venus
Thursday Shukla Paksha - Mars
Friday Shukla Paksha - Mercury
Saturday Shukla Paksha - Saturn
Sunday Krishna Paksha - Mercury
Monday Krishna Paksha - Saturn
Tuesday Krishna Paksha - Mercury
Wednesday Krishna Paksha - Mars
Thursday Krishna Paksha - Venus
Friday Krishna Paksha - Jupiter
Saturday Krishna Paksha - Saturn
As an illustration, let's say a native was born on a Friday in Shukla Paksha. In such a case, the planetary ruler happens to be Mercury. We need to see the placement of Mercury in the horoscope and it can give a lot of insights based on the house it is placed, the nature of sign, the houses it rules etc. For eg. if this Mercury sits in the 8th and happens to be Lagna Lord it can be inferred that the native is fond of research and his mind will always revolve around searching for the unknown.
Nakshatra : The constellation of Moon transiting at Birth
It is said that Knowledge of Nakshatra removes sins. A Nakshatra rules a space of 13° 20' minutes of the 360° zodiac and hence there are 27 Nakshatras in total. Out of all the Panchanga elements prevailing, it is the Nakshatra which is looked at in vogue. Detailed information pertaining to the Nakshatras have been dealt with separately. The Nakshatra is said to connote 'Arivu' meaning knowledge, skill, intelligence etc.
In general parlance the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th and 9th Nakshatras are supposed to be favorable from a Tara Bal (star strength) point of view. The birth Nakshatra is said to infuse plenty of tensions and the 3rd, 5th, 7th all denote inauspicious time periods. However from a birds eye view seeing where the lord of the Moon Nakshatra is placed in a chart can help estimating in which areas the native will look towards knowledge and information. For eg, lets say someone's Moon Nakshatra is placed in Chitra. We know lord of Chitra is Mars and if this Mars is placed in the 7th house, it can indicate most of the focus in learning, knowledge and collation of information will be towards 7th house signification matters.
Tithi : Every 12 degrees of angular distance at which the Moon moves away from the Sun
It is said that Knowledge of Tithi brings prosperity. A Tithi gets formed every time the Moon moves 12° away from the Sun. Hence there are a total of 30 Tithis (360°/12) with 15 forming the brighter half and the remaining 15 drawing up the darker half. The Tithi talks about 'Selvam' which can be expanded to mean wealth, prosperity, enjoyments, pleasures etc.
'Tithi Shoonya' is one concept which is used quite a bit in ascertaining the houses of 'Karma' which has been dispensed in a separate post. It is also said that the 4th, 8th and 14th Tithi from one's Janma Tithi isn't auspicious. Eg. for one born in Sashti Tithi, the Tithis Navami, Trayodashi, Chaturthi is not supposed to be favorable since they rule the 4th, 8th and 14th from Sashti. However the 5th from Birth Tithi is said to be an auspicious Tithi.
Apart from that, the number of houses that the Moon has moved away from the Sun can indicate the areas in which a native derives pleasures or happiness. For eg an individual born in Shukla Paksha Chaturthi Tithi which is the 4th tithi (36 to 48 degrees) of brighter half would show that the Moon has moved 2 houses away from Sun. This means the focus will mostly be on matters relating to family, wealth, speech, accumulation of resources etc. Also it's good to map the Tithi point as an ausicious area in the zodiac and see where it falls from natal Ascendant. Every rasi of 30 degrees will house 2.5 Tithis (12*2.5=30) beginning from Shukla Paksha Pratamai in Aries. As per this all the Shukla Paksha Tithis will get mapped to Rasis from Aries to Virgo and the Krishna Paksha Tithis will be mapped to Rasis from Libra to Pisces. As an example we can say that Shukla Paksha Ashtami Tithi which is the 8th tithi formed between 84 to 96 degrees will be mapped to Gemini & Cancer with the first 6 degrees from 84 to 90 being in Gemini and next 6 degrees from 90 to 96 falling in Cancer.
The Tithi ruling planet also indicates the benevolence of wealth. The rulership lords are bit different as given by the Kerala Prashna Text 'Krishneeyam' as seen below:
Pratipada - Mars
Dwitiya - Venus
Tritiya - Mercury
Chaturthi - Moon
Panchami - Sun
Sasthi - Jupiter
Saptami - Saturn
Ashtami - Rahu
Navami - Mars
Dasami - Venus
Ekadashi - Mercury
Dwadashi - Moon
Triyodashi - Sun
Chaturdashi - Jupiter
Pournami - Saturn
Ammavasya - Rahu
Based on where the Tithi Lord planet is placed in the chart can also give a good impetus with respect to matters pertaining to prosperity. For someone born in Dasami and Venus being placed in 4th can be inferred that the native derives lot of pleasures from 4th house significations.
Yoga : Sum total of Sun + Moon amounting to 13 degrees 20 minutes each
It is said that Knowledge of Yoga removes immunity from diseases. Yogas also like Nakshatras comprise of a space of 1320' in the sky but is obtained by adding the degree of the Sun and the Moon. Yoga is about 'Niraivu' that tells about completeness, contentment, abundance etc.
The Yoga point in the horoscope happens to be the addition of Suns and Moons degrees. If they exceed 360°, then 360° needs to be reduced from the sum total. For instance if Sun degree is 282 and Moons is 83, adding the two results in 365 degrees from which 360 degrees needs to be subtracted with the end result being 5 that falls in Ashwini Nakshatra 2nd Pada. Now Ashwini Nakshatra happens to be the Yoga point in the horoscope. The 8th Nakshatra from where the yoga point falls happens to be the Yogi Nakshatra and the lord of the Nakshatra is said to be Yogi planet. Similarly the 22nd Nakshatra from where the yoga point falls happens to be the Avayogi Nakshatra and the lord of the said Nakshatra is said to be Avayogi planet. In the above case Pushya and Saturn tend to be the Yogi Nakshatra and Yogi planet whereas Shravana happens to be the Avayogi Nakshatra and Avayogi planet. It can be construed from this that all Saturn Nakshatras are in general said to be favorable and all the Moon stars are said to be unfavorable. It is also ideal if Yogi Nakshatra is in strong Tara Bal from the Janma Nakshatra.
Yogi planet is said to be the prosperity giving planet and Avayogi planet is said to be the prosperity harming planet. Considering all factors, it is preferable if Avayogi falls into a weak house and Yogi is placed in a strong house. There is also a concept of Uba Yogi and Uba Avayogi which is said to boost up the prosperity and hamper the same respectively and this happens to be the 4th planet from the Vimshottari Dasa sequence in forward or reverse motion depending on whether the birth is in Shukla Paksha or Krishna Paksha. Taking same eg. above of Saturn as Yogi planet for a Shukla Paksha birth, the 4th from Saturn based on Vimshottari forward sequence is Venus (Saturn->Mercury->Ketu->Venus) which is the Uba Yogi planet. Likewise the 4th from Moon which is the Avayogi planet in above example happens to be Jupiter (Moon->Mars->Rahu->Jupiter) which is the Uba Avayogi planet. For a Krishna Paksha birth, the Uba Yogi would be Mars (Saturn->Jupiter->Rahu->Mars) and likewise Uba Avayogi will be Ketu (Moon->Sun->Venus->Ketu) as the sequence is considered in reverse order. There is also a saying that the houses from where the Yogi Nakshatra is placed till the position where the Avayogi Nakshatra falls happen to be the bright houses in a horoscope whereas the position from Avayogi Nakshatra placement to the Yogi Nakshatra placement denote the dark houses in a horoscope. Using the 9 planets, the Yogi Triads are said to be good and the Avayogi triads are bad. With same eg. the sequence goes as Saturn->Mercury->Ketu->Venus->Sun->Moon->Mars->Rahu->Jupiter. To explain someone born in Vishkumba Yoga where Saturn is Yogi, the 1-4-7 planetary triad is preferable which is Saturn, Venus and Mars whereas the triads from Moon which is Avayogi viz Moon, Jupiter, Ketu are 3-6-9 aren't auspicious. The remaining Triad of 2-5-8 are neutral.
Karana : Every 6 degrees of angular distance at which the Moon moves away from the Sun
It is said that Knowledge of Karanas leads to success. A Tithi gets formed every time the Moon moves 12 degrees away from the Sun and half of a Tithi is a Karana which is 6 degrees. Hence there are 60 Karanas in total (360°/6) which are however further categorized into 11 as 7 of the karanas are movable and repeat 8 times in a cycle making up 56 and there are remaining 4 fixed karanas totaling to 60. Karana is all about 'Muyarchi' that highlights on areas like trying, efforts, perseverance etc.
The Karana ruling planet is the karya siddhi which denotes tasks being completed. Hence the Karana ruling planet has a major role to play as it is the one drawing upon one's karma and hence it's best if it is unafflicted in the chart. The Karana ruling planets are as stated below:
Bava - Mars
Balava - Rahu
Kaulava - Saturn
Taitula - Venus
Garaja - Moon
Vanija - Sun
Vishti - Ketu
Shakuni - Saturn
Chatushpada - Jupiter
Nagava - Rahu
Kimstugna - Mercury
The first seven of the karanas are movable and keep repeating whereas the last 4 are fixed in nature. Based on where the Karana Lord is placed in horoscope, matters relating to one's efforts, professional acumen can be dwelled upon. The Karana point will be similar to the Tithi point as Karana is essentially deduced from the Tithi. It is also said that the 3rd, 8th and 11th Karana from one's Janma Karana isn't auspicious.
Summary of Panchang in Horoscope:
Summarizing below key points to be kept in view while doing Panchanga Analysis in a horoscope
- Know the planetary ruling planet of Vara (for eg. Vara ruler of Tuesday is Mars)
- Map the Vara point in the zodiac (See which Nakshatra and house Mars is placed in the horoscope)
- Be cognizant that the 6th planet from the Vara Lord is an obstructer (In this case Rahu is obstructer for those born on Tuesday)
- Understand the life path of native from Vara Paksha (for eg. born on Monday Krishna Paksha, Saturn is the planet governing the life path of the native)
- Know the planetary ruling planet of Nakshatra (for eg. Swati ruler is Rahu)
- Map the same in the zodiac (See which Nakshatra and house Rahu is placed in the horoscope)
- Map the Nakshatra point in the zodiac (This is the positional degree of the Moon in the horoscope)
- Be cognizant that the 3rd, 5th, 7th from Birth Nakshatra are inauspicious as per Tara Balan
- Know the ruling planet of Tithi (for eg. Ekadashi ruler is Mercury)
- Map the same in the zodiac (See which Nakshatra and house Mercury is placed in the horoscope)
- Map the Tithi point in the zodiac (for eg. Shukla Paksha Ekadashi will fall in Leo and Krishna Paksha Ekadashi will fall in Aquarius)
- Also find out how many houses the Moon has moved away from the Sun in the horoscope
- Be cognizant that the 4th, 8th, 14th Tithi from Birth Tithi are inauspicious
- Know the ruling planet of Yogi and Avayogi (for eg. Vishkumba yoga born Yogi Saturn Avayogi Moon)
- Map the same in the zodiac (See which Nakshatra and house Saturn and Moon is placed in the horoscope)
- Map the Yoga point in the zodiac (for eg. Vishkumba Yoga will fall in Ashwini Nakshatra in Aries Rasi)
Be cognizant that the 6th planet from Yogi planet is inauspicious (6th planet from Yogi Saturn is Moon)
- Know the ruling planet of Karana (for eg. Garaja ruler is Moon)
- Map the same in the zodiac (See which Nakshatra and house Moon is placed in the horoscope)
- Map the Karana point in the zodiac (this will be same point as that of Tithi since Karana is derived)
- Be cognizant that the 3rd, 8th, 11th Karana from Birth Karana are inauspicious
