Monday, June 21, 2021

A Magnum Opus masterpiece - Poo Malaye Thol Serava

I was introduced to a major part of Maestro's music only much into the 2000s and one of the initial compositions that completely blew me bonkers was Poo Malaye Thol Serava from Pagal Nilavu. All sorts of pyrotechnics were happening and it seemed too unreal to be true.

This song taught me the meaning of counter point and how call & response lines should blend so bewitchingly. It feels like a western symphony smothered with a native element and the output created is nothing short of histrionic. 

Have always been awestruck as to how these counter melodies keep going side by side with the harmony uniting to create such a picture perfect unison. This is song construction at such an astounding level. The song IMO can be used as a typical illustration to teach a finance student the effect of how synergies are construed from the various layers at play. 

Today being World Music Day and all, I just tried attempting the prelude, postlude and interlude of this jaw dropping composition. This was difficult for me personally as it's way beyond my scope as the notes gallop and throttle around all over the place. But the sheer joy of attempting is what makes it worth it at the end of the day. #WorldMusicDay

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