Sunday, August 22, 2021

Bhava, Bhava Adhipathi and Karaka - The 3 Pillars in deconstructing a Horoscope

Many a time, we find that it becomes quite a dicey proposition when we are trying to establish how a particular feature or event will work out while analyzing a horoscope. Sometimes it's the Bhava or House that is keenly looked at but at other times the Bhava Adhipathi or House Lord plays a key role and in certain cases the karaka or significator also has an essential takeaway in the proceedings. Is there any way to know one is more superior than the other in giving the requisite results? Its easier said but let's look at what each of them stands for and dissect their independent roles in bifurcating a horoscope.

Bhava or House: Promise
This essentially tells the PROMISE of an event taking place or not. In fact this should be the out right first step in looking at an event. For illustration, let's say we want to know about marriage and 7th house matters. We first need to look at this house / sign in question to see what kind of planets are occupied and the kind of aspects the house it receives. By analyzing the influence which the house receives through planets placed there in, aspectual tendencies it receives, foreseeing the strength of the house through measures such as Bhava Bal (house strength), Ashtakavarga (house based point system) etc can enable us to understand in decent measure about the promise that a particular house holds.

Bhava Adipathi or House Lord: Facilitator
This plays the role of the FACILITATOR in making sure an event takes place. If the house doesn't promise an event, the house lord cannot do much but within it's limited capability can ensure that something at least can be facilitated. From the example of marriage and 7th house, if the 7th Bhava is completely derailed, we would have to observe if the 7th Lord at least can save face to some extent. One thing which also needs to be remembered here is that the Bhava Adipathi is a planet not house and in most cases owns portfolio of 2 houses in a horoscope. This would be the case for all planets except Sun & Moon which own only one house. Thus Bhava Adipathi can be owner of not only 7th house but also some other even house in the horoscope such as 8th or 10th etc for instance. Thus studying about the house lord as to where it is placed from the house it governs, the planets it conjuncts and the aspects it receives along with understanding the 6th fold Shadbala strength of the planet can go a long way in measuring whether the planet has the capacity to produce the desired results. One should also always keep in mind whether the planet in question happens to be a natural or functional benefic/malefic planet.

Karaka or Significator: Signifier
This is the planet that acts as the main SIGNIFIER for an event taking place. Most units are defined by a particular planet such as for instance children are said to be signified by Jupiter, marriage through Venus, profession via Saturn etc. But one thing to note is that this is common for all and does not take into account the functional nature prevalent in a horoscope. As an illustration, for Jupiter born Ascendants such as Sagittarius / Pisces, Venus happens to be a functional malefic but yet it continues to be the signifier when it comes to an event such as marriage. Though Karaka is important in delving results at a generic level, the Bhava Adipathi or House Lord assumes a more important role as it's designated specifically to rule a particular house or two in the horoscope. Just to understand, if we are talking of events pertaining to children, the 5th Lord may be a different planet say Saturn in the case of say Libra Lagna. Saturn which normally has no relevance to children in the scheme of things plays a vital role in this case because it is assigned the portfolio of governing the 5th house. The actual Karaka Jupiter, though being the natural signifier of children actually has ownership of 2 evil houses here which are the 3rd and the 6th. But looking at things in a different angle, let's say one wants to see the 4th house and we know this house denotes a number of stuff such as mother, vehicles, properties etc. For all these cases 4th lord will end up being the same planet but the Karaka planet is different such as Venus for vehicles, Mars for properties etc and so this given an extra dimension to dissect effects. Thus these things also need to be seen carefully and results have to be blended accordingly.

Just to understand it in an easy abstract fashion, let's presume a Bhava or House to be a Building, Bhava Adipathi or House Lord to be Materials placed within and the Karaka to be an indicative tool. Imagine the building being ravaged having really no scope of refurbishment. In a way this is indicated that a promise is not ready to be fulfilled as the Bhava (house) or source itself is affected. However though the construction is deeply hit, there are still some materials (Bhava Adipathi or House Lord) such as bricks/mortars through which something at least can be worked around to facilitate a solution. Now think of a particular indicative tool (Karaka or Significator) such as a special stone which if available in good condition can be used to work around a specific area of the affected building. This in effect signifies the Karaka.

Though each of the 3 have a major role to play in delineating an event, the importance should spread first from the Bhava, then the Bhava Adipathi and finally the Karaka. If a promise itself is not suggested, it would be hard for the facilitator or signifier to make it happen. But if the promise is inherently visible, even if the facilitator or signifier is afflicted an event can still take place albeit with some potholes just because the potential is intact. Also between the facilitator and signifier, the former takes a more head on role as he has been designated specifically for a purpose whereas the signifier is more generic and applies for everyone in the same manner. In essence all the 3 are important in their own way and in most cases guarantee of a matter taking place should only be decided after analyzing all three of these areas in complete detail.

                                                             P.S: Picture taken from internet

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