Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Nakshatras and it's Planetary Rulers, DNA Karma Planets & Planetary Controllers

The 27 Nakshatras play a key role in the realms of Vedic Astrology. As per the normal nomenclature, the stars are ruled in 3 sets of 9 Nakshatras each and given rulership to a particular planet based on the Vimshottari Dasa sequence. For instance the 1st star Ashwini, 10th star Magha and 19th star Moola are all set to be ruled by Ketu and likewise the 2nd, 11th and 20th star are provided rulership to Venus. This is the lordship which is adopted even in the Panchanga scheme when considering ''Nakshatra' that forms one of the limbs comprising of the 5 elements of Tithi, Vara, Nakshatra, Yoga and Karana.

But what is interesting to note is that apart from the planet rulership, each star is also linked to a particular DNA karma planet associated with it that differs from the usual star rulers theory. Additionally, there is another technique called Angisam which mentions that sets of 3 stars each are controlled by a particular planet and when any planet is placed in the specific Nakshatra which is controlled by the particular planet, the controller helps establish to manifest the results.

Let us take a brief overview of all the Nakshatras, the planets ruling them, the karmas interlinked with them in the form of planets and also the planets that are controlling these Nakshatras. As a food for thought, Satabisha is the only Nakshatra whose planetary ruler, DNA karma planet and planetary controller all happen to be one and the same planet which is Rahu.

Planetary Ruler:
This follows the Vimshottari Dasa sequence accommodating all 9 planets. Though there are other Dasa systems adopting different rulership, it's this scheme which is taken universally when it comes to star rulership or Lordship. It is also extensively used in KP astrology where more importance is in fact given to the planetary ruler of the star in which a particular planet is perched.

Planetary DNA Karma:
Each of the Nakshatras is interwoven with a particular DNA karma pattern that follows a specified planet. Ketu is not taken into account in this scheme as it's Moksha Karaka. This is a more recently evolved branch and is linked largely to mythology and karma patterns. The main feature of deciphering the karma planet happens to be based on 3 essential factors
- The Nakshatra in which the Lagna degree falls
- The Nakshatra in which the Moon degree falls
- The Nakshatra in which the Lagna Lord degree falls
For instance let's say someone's Lagna degree falls in the Nakshatra of Arudra. Here Venus DNA karma is active for this native. The karma pattern works both in good and bad ways. We can ascertain that this native may generally be inclined to Venusian things such as fine arts, music etc but at the same time some Venus significant things could also be hard to come by for the native such as finding difficulty to express love, problems in getting married etc.

Planetary Controller:
Each of the Nakshatras in sets of 3 are under the domain of a particular planet. The reason of this sequence is because sets of 3 continuous stars complete one entire cycle in the Navamsa. This information is also mentioned in the text 'Jathaka Alankara' by the name of Angisam.  'Angu' is like a weapon in Gods hand. The controller or 'Angisathipathy' is the Graha that shoulders the responsibility when a planet sits in a particular Nakshatra. For instance if a planet Saturn is sitting in the Nakshatra of Hastha. Hastha is under the domain of Jupiter as it controls the same. Here we need to interpret that Jupiter will indirectly be influencing Saturn to produce the results as the star Hastha is within the control of Jupiter.

Overall Illustration:
If a native has let's say a planet placed in Poorva Phalguni Nakshatra, then it can be inferred that the Nakshatra is ruled by Venus, the DNA Karma pattern associated with it is Mars and it being controlled by Mercury. 

How this Information can be Used:
This can be checked with for any star or house lord ruler. Let's say for instance one's 7th lord falls in the Nakshatra of Dhanishta. This Nakshatra is ruled by Mars, has DNA connect of Saturn and controlled by Rahu. Hence we can say spouse may have martian qualities (Mars Ruler), marriage might be delayed or can work as a remedy when helping needy or aged people (Saturn DNA ruler) and it will be Rahu who takes the responsibility by being the support system in ensuring that marriage takes place. (Rahu controller)

List of Planetary Rulers, Planetary DNA Karma and Planetary Controller:
Sharing below the list of 27 Nakshatras comprising it's planetary ruler, planetary DNA Karma associated and planetary controller.

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