Saturday, March 28, 2020

Ghat Chakra and the Afflictions to Natal Moon Rasi

There is a concept called Ghat Chakra which is based on the theory of specific components getting afflicted based on the Moon (Janma) Rasi in which one takes birth. The sections that get affected are the elements of Panchang in addition to Ascendant, Moon and Lunar Month. All one needs to know is the Moon Rasi in which one takes birth as that happens to be the fundamental premise based on which Ghat Chakra is determined. 'Ghat' literally translates as danger or bruise or inimical. In essence it can be termed as something of an unpleasant nature or troublesome incident taking place during particular moments of day and time depending purely on the moon rasi in which one attains birth. Listing below 10 of the components that come under the radar of Ghat Chakra:

1) Ghat Tithi
2) Ghat Vara
3) Ghat Nakshatra
4) Ghat Yoga
5) Ghat Karana
6) Ghat Lagna Same Sex
7) Ghat Lagna Opposite Sex
8) Ghat Chandra Male
9) Ghat Chandra Female
10) Ghat Lunar Month

Listed below is a tabular list of all the affected constituents that come within the scanner of Ghat Chakra based on the Janma Rasi arising at birth.
Ghat Tithi:
There are basically 15 Tithis each of the brighter half and darker half of which these Tithis are further categorized into 5 groups comprising of 3 Tithis each listed as below
Nanda Tithi 1,6,11 - Pratipada, Sashti, Ekadashi
Bhadra Tithi 2,7,12 - Dwitiya, Sapthami, Dwadashi
Jaya Tithi 3,8,13 - Tritiya, Ashtami, Triyodashi
Rikhta Tithi 4,9,14 - Chaturthi, Navami, Chaturdashi
Poorna Tithi 5,10,15 - Panchami, Dasami, Pournima/Amma Vasya
The concept of Ghat Chakra on Tithi works in the following means. Let's say one is born in the Janma Rasi of Karka (Cancer). In this case the Ghat Tithi happens to be Bhadra which denotes the 2nd, 7th and 12th Tithi. Hence if any of Dwitiya, Sapthami or Dwadashi Tithi is operating it can indicate that a Karka Rasi born person can end up attaining danger on these times when the Tithi is functioning.

Ghat Vara:
These are basically the days of the week from Sunday to Saturday. Based on Janma Rasi at birth, a particular day is said to cause harm. For instance a Kanya Rasi born native may face some inopportune event taking place on a Saturday. Please however note a day or Vara runs from Sunrise up until next day Sunrise and it doesn't work on the modern definition of a day being defined from 12AM in the night till next day midnight 12AM.

Ghat Nakshatra:
This indicates the Nakshatra constellation of Moon that gets affected based on the Janma Rasi at birth. There are 27 Nakshatras and one particular Nakshatra for each Janma Rasi causes danger of some sort. As an illustration, if one were born in the Janma Rasi of Simha, then Moola Nakshatra becomes Ghat which can trigger some unfortunate incident when Moon is transiting in the Nakshatra of Moola.

Ghat Yoga:
Like Nakshatras, Yogas are also 27 in Number and a particular Yoga is said to causes trouble to each of the Janma Rasis. For example, if someone were born in Mesha Rasi, Vishkumba Yoga happens to be Ghat and when this Yoga is in operation it can cause affliction to a Mesha Rasi born native.

Ghat Karana:
Karanas are derived from Tithi and basically half a Tithi is said to constitute a Karana. There are totally 30 Tithis which means the number of Karanas should be 60 in number. However that is not the case as the Karanas are divided into 2 types viz Movable and Fixed Karana with 7 of the Karanas repeating itself 8 times and 4 of them being fixed in nature. Hence the total of 60 is divided into (7*8) plus (4*1) summing up to 11 in number. For each of the Janma Rasis, a particular Karana comes under the ambit of Ghat and causes issues. For a Dhanus Rasi born native, Taitula Karana is said to be Ghat and can indicate trouble.

Ghat Lagna Same Sex:
For each of the Janma Rasis, a particular Lagna or Ascendant is said to cause issues. This is as per the same sex. For instance let's say a male is born in the Janma Rasi of Meena or Pisces. For this male, another male having rising Lagna of Simha or Leo is said to cause problems and likewise for a female born in Makara Rasi, another female born in Kumbha Lagna can cause issues. It can also be inferred that during the rising Ghat Lagnas during a day which would be approximately 2 hours, a bad event can happen with another individual belonging to the same sex.

Ghat Lagna Opposite Sex:
For each of the Janma Rasis, a particular Lagna or Ascendant is said to cause issues. This is as per the opposite sex. For instance let's say a male is born in the Janma Rasi of Meena or Pisces. For this male, a female having rising Lagna of Kumbha or Aquarius can cause problems and likewise for a female born in Makara Rasi, a male born in Simha Lagna can pull up some issues. It can also be inferred that during the rising Ghat Lagnas during a day which would be approximately 2 hours, a bad event can happen with another individual belonging to the opposite sex.

Ghat Chandra Male:
For each of the Janma Rasis, a specific rasi of the Moon itself causes opposition. This is as per the Male version. As an illustration, it can be said that a native born in the Janma Rasi of Rishabha or Taurus irrespective of whether the person is male or female can face some issues from a male native born in Dhanus Rasi. It can also be inferred that during the rising Ghat Rasi which rises for about 2 and a quarter days, some problem can be faced from male natives during this time zone.

Ghat Chandra Female:
For each of the Janma Rasis, a specific rasi of the Moon itself causes opposition. This is as per the Female version. As an illustration, it can be said that a native born in the Janma Rasi of Mithuna or Gemini irrespective of whether the person is male or female can face some issues from a female native born in Kumbha Rasi. It can also be inferred that during the rising Ghat Rasi which rises for about 2 and a quarter days, some problem can be faced from female natives during this time zone.

Ghat Lunar Month:
Each of the Janma Rasis are associated with a Ghat Lunar month which approximately is in operation for about 30 days during a year. A Lunar month starts from Shukla Pratipada which is the first day of the brighter half and ends during Amma Vasya which is the last day of the darker half. When this Lunar month is effective, it can cause some worries to the native born in a Janma Rasi for which the Lunar month happens to be Ghat. As a case in point, for a Thula Rasi native, Magha Lunar month happens to be Ghat which usually runs for about 30 days between January to February.

Summarized Illustration:
Case 1 : Female Native born in Vrischika Rasi
Let's take the case of a female native born in Vrischika or Scorpio Rasi. The following will happen to be Ghat for this individual:
Ghat Tithi - Nanda Tithi is Ghat which means Pratipada, Sashti, Ekadashi Tithis operating both in Shukla Paksha and Krishna Paksha can be troublesome
Ghat Vara - Friday is Ghat and problems can take place during this day.
Ghat Nakshatra - Revathi Nakshatra is Ghat and hence could cause some issues
Ghat Yoga - Vyatipata Yoga is Ghat inferring some troubles during this Yoga formation
Ghat Karana - Garaja Karana is Ghat indicating some danger during this time
Ghat Lagna Same Sex - Vrischika Lagna happens to be Ghat which means problems can arise from another female born in Vrischika Lagna or during the time zone in which Vrishcika Lagna is rising
Ghat Lagna Opposite Sex - Rishaba Lagna happens to be Ghat which means problems can arise from a male born in Rishaba Lagna or during the time zone in which Rishaba Lagna is rising    
Ghat Chandra Male - Dhanus Rasi is Ghat which means these natives can face problems from males born in Dhanus Rasi or during the time frame in which Dhanus Rasi is in operation
Ghat Chandra Female - Rishabha Rasi is Ghat which means these natives can face problems from females born in Rishabha Rasi or during the time frame in which Rishabha Rasi is in operation
Ghat Lunar Month - Ashwija Maasa is Ghat which can be deduced that these natives could face troubles when Ashwija Lunar month is in operation

Case 2 : Male Native born in Dhanus Rasi
Now we shall take another example of a male native born in Dhanus or Sagittarius Rasi. We shall see the contacts this individual needs to avoid in order to escape from being inflicted from any kind of harm. This can also be used as a measure for marriage match check or alliance of a partnership.
Ghat Tithi - Jaya Tithi is Ghat. So this native should try to avoid contact with those born in Tritiya, Ashtami or Triyodashi Tithi's in both the waxing and waning moon phase.
Ghat Vara - Friday is Ghat. So native should reduce contact with those born on Fridays
Ghat Nakshatra - Bharani is Ghat. Thus native should refrain from any sort of partnership with another person born in Bharani Nakshatra
Ghat Yoga - Vajra is Ghat. Hence native should try not to maintain ties with Vajra Yoga born natives
Ghat Karana - Taitula is Karana. So the native should avoid being close to natives born in Taitula Karana
Ghat Lagna Same Sex - Dhanus is Ghat. It's good to evade contact with any male born in Dhanus Lagna
Ghat Lagna Opposite Sex - Mithuna is Ghat. It's good to evade contact with any female born in Mithuna Lagna
Ghat Chandra Male - Kanya is Ghat. So better to refrain relationships with any male born in Kanya Rasi.
Ghat Chandra Female - Meena is Ghat. So better to refrain relationships with any female born in Meena Rasi.
Ghat Lunar Month - Shravan is Ghat. Hence it is better to put off any important activities during Shravan month which runs approximately between July-August.

This is about the notion behind the Ghat Chakra. As so many different components cause troubles of various sorts based on the Janma Rasi, it becomes little hard to keep a tab of them all. Studying the Panchanga can help in knowing the different elements that are in play during a period of time and this information can be useful to avoid important matters especially during the Ghat time framework.

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