Wednesday, June 6, 2018

60 Essential Components of Vedic Astrology

When analyzing a horoscope, it's a pre-requisite to look at these 60 components based on which the premise of Vedic Astrology largely rests upon.

- 9 planets
- 12 houses
- 12 signs
- 27 Nakshatras

9 Planets
In the realm of Vedic Astrology, Sun and Moon are considered as planets and their condition in a chart is considered to be perhaps the most essential when looking at a horoscope. Apart from Sun and Moon, the nodes of the moon namely the North Node Rahu and South Node Ketu also play an important role. In addition to this are the inner planets between sun to earth which are Mercury and Venus and the outer planets beyond the earth which are Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Vedic Astrology stops with Saturn and does not go further to Uranus, Neptune and Pluto which is said to not have much effect on human life. Listed below are the 9 planets and a few of its essential characteristics

Sun - Soul, Sattvik, Prayer Room, Fire, Royal Status (King), Bilious
Moon - Mind, Sattvik, Family Room/Water places, Water, Royal Status (Queen), Windy&Phlegmatic
Mars - Strength, Tamasic, Kitches/Places of Fire, Fire, Army Chief, Bilious
Mercury - Speech, Rajasic, Drawing Room/Garden, Earth, Prince, Bilious,Windy&Phlegmatic
Jupiter - Life Force (Jeeva), Sattvik, Treasury/Money stored places, Ether, Minister, Phlegmatic
Venus - Passion, Rajasic, Bedroom/Dressing Room, Water, Minister, Windy&Phlegmatic
Saturn - Grief (Karma), Tamasic, Washing Area/Garbage Dump, Air, Servant, Windy
Rahu - Desires, Tamasic, Jail/Isolated places, Air, Planetary Army, Windy
Ketu - Detachment, Tamasic, Psychological/Secret Places, Fire, Planetary Army, Windy

12 Houses
The zodiac belt is 360 degrees and divided into 12 equal houses. In the parlance of vedic astrology, every 30 degrees constitutes a house. However in certain systems houses are said to be divided unequally based on the location of birth with some houses exceeding 30 degrees and some being much below the ambit of 30 degrees. However in traditional vedic, each zodiac sign is considered equivalent to a house. Each of the houses have specific significations for eg. first house is said to represent the self, character etc whereas the 2nd house denotes wealth, possessions, resources etc. Listed below are the 12 houses and a few of its essential characteristics

1st House - Appearance, Characteristic, Head, Disposition, Stature, Personality
2nd House - Wealth, Speech, Income, Face, Family, Resources
3rd House - Courage, Efforts, Younger Siblings, Natural Abilities, Hands&Arms, Communication
4th House - Mind, Comforts, Mother, Movable & Immovable property, Home, Heart
5th House - Intelligence, Creativity, Children, Past Life Deeds, Speculation, Belly
6th House - Diseases, Enemies, Debts, Service, Competitive, Abdomen
7th House - Spouse, Marriage, Conjugal Pleasure, Partnership, Other People, Sex Organs
8th House - Longevity, Secrets, Misfortunes, Marital Bond, Inheritance, Rectum
9th House - Blessings, Fortune, Dharma, Father, Guru, Thighs 
10th House - Profession, Karma, Life force (Jeeva), Fame, Position, Knees
11th House - Gains, Desires, Benefits, Social Circle, Elder siblings, Legs
12th House - Expenses, Losses, Bed Pleasures, Foreign Places, Intuition, Feet

12 Signs
These are the 12 categories of the zodiac belt divided equally into 30 degrees connoting different significations with each being represented by a symbol. Each of the rasis or signs themselves have signifying features and said to be ruled by a planet. For instance Aries represented by Ram is ruled by Mars is said to be fast and furious whereas a Libra symbolized by a scale is said to denote balance. Listed below are the 12 signs and a few of its essential characteristics

Aries - Movable, Fire, Head, Hilly and Mountain Places, Ram, Dhatu
Taurus - Fixed, Earth, Face, Banks/Treasury, Bull, Moola
Gemini - Dual. Air, Shoulders, University/Social Interaction Places, Twins, Jeeva
Cancer - Movable, Water, Heart, Watery places - Rivers/Lakes, Crab, Dhatu
Leo - Fixed, Fire, Stomach, Forests & Jungles, Lion, Moola
Virgo - Dual, Earth, Hip. Gardens & Orchards, Virgin, Jeeva
Libra - Movable, Air, Genitals, Market & Trading Places, Scale, Dhatu
Scorpio - Fixed, Water, Anus, Secret & Hidden Places, Scorpion, Moola
Sagittarius - Dual, Fire, Thighs, High rise & Religious places, Bow, Jeeva
Capricorn - Movable, Earth, Knees, Swampy places/islands, Deer, Dhatu
Aquarius - Fixed, Air, Shank, Philosophical/Sanyasa places, Pot, Moola
Pisces - Dual, Water, Feet, Oceans & Spiritual places, Fish, Jeeva

27 Nakshatras
The Nakshatras are star constellations and add another intricate layer to the zodiac signs. Each Zodiac sign comprising of 30 degrees is divided into 2 and a quarter Nakshatras or 9 padas. Each Nakshatra is said to have 4 feet each. Since 2.25 Nakshatras constitute a zodiac sign and there are 12 zodiac signs when we multiply we obtain the result of 27 Nakshatras. Each of the Nakshatras are ruled by a deity and they are also assigned star lord ships based on different systems. There are even categorisations of Nakshatras based on their nature for eg. a Nakshatra such as Punarvasu is said to be movable whereas Mrigaseera Nakshatra is said to be be tender by nature etc. Listed below are the 27 Nakshatras and a few of its essential characteristics

Ashwini - Ashwini Kumars, Laghu, Deva, Dharma, Air
Bharani - Yama Raj, Ugra, Manushya, Artha, Fire
Kritika - Agni, Misra, Rakshasa, Kama, Fire
Rohini - Prajapati, Sthira, Manushya, Moksha, Earth
Mrigashira - Soma, Mridu, Deva, Moksha, Air
Aarudra - Rudhra, Tikshana, Manushya, Kama, Water
Punarvasu - Aditi, Chara, Deva, Artha, Air
Pushya - Brihaspati, Laghu, Deva, Dharma, Fire
Aaslesha - Sarpa, Tikshana, Rakshasa, Dharma, Water
Magha - Pitris, Ugra, Rakshasa, Artha, Fire
Purva Phalguni - Bhaga Aditya, Ugra, Manushya, Kama, Fire
Uttara Phalguni - Aryaman Aditya, Sthira, Manushya, Moksha, Air
Hasta - Savitur Aditya, Laghu, Deva, Moksha, Air
Chitra - Vishwakarma / Tvastar Aditya, Mridu, Rakshasa, Kama, Air
Swati - Vayu Deva, Chara, Deva, Artha, Fire
Vishakha - Indragni, Misra, Rakshasa, Dharma, Air
Anuradha - Mitra Aditya, Mridu, Deva, Dharma, Earth
Jyeshtha - Indra, Tikshana, Rakshasa, Artha, Earth
Moola - Nirriti / Alakshmi, Tikshana, Rakshasa, Kama, Water
Poorvaashadha - Apah Jal Deva, Ugra, Manushya, Moksha, Water
Uttaraashadha - Vishva Deva, Sthira, Manushya, Moksha, Earth
Shravana - Vishnu, Chara, Deva, Artha, Earth
Dhanistha - Ashta Vasavas, Chara, Rakshasa, Dharma, Earth
Shatabhisha - Varuna Deva, Chara, Rakshasa, Dharma, Water
Purva Bhadrapada - Ajaikapada, Ugra, Manushya, Artha, Fire
Uttara Bhadrapada - Ahirbudhanya, Sthira, Manushya, Kama, Water
Revathi - Pushan Aditya, Mridu, Deva, Moksha, Water

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