Tuesday, June 12, 2018

The Ayanamsa Puzzle!

One question where there just doesn't seem to be any unanimous answer is Ayanamsa. However for vedic astrology only the sidereal ayanamsa system seems to works best.

There are two schools of thoughts, one being Drik Ganitha Panchanga where calculations are based on Earth's rotation around the sun. The other one is Vakya Panchang based on the moon's orbit around the earth. In Vaakya Panchang or the Surya Sidhantha, calculations are not really clear and you will find significant differences in your rasi chart when compared to Drik calculations. For eg Jupiter transit always comes early (Sep 2nd 2017 to Thula in Vakya vs Sep 12th 2017 to Thula in Drik) and Saturn transit usually takes place after almost 2 months (Dec 19th 2017 to Dhanus in Vakya vs Oct 26th 2017 to Dhanus in Drik). So it's very apparent if a native were born in this period, position of planets can take a serious tumbling. There are views that Vaakya Panchang calculations are outdated and redundant but in most Nadi based systems especially thumb print astrology, only Vakya Panchang is used. Even in most ancient and Navagraha temples, they follow only Vakya Panchang and on Dec 19th 2017 millions gathered to Shaneeswara temple in Tamil Nadu to witness prayers being conducted. Though most people don't follow Vakya Panchang for astrological purpose, there is no denying that there is an esoteric as well as divine significance associated with it. Still some olden day astrologers especially in Tamil Nadu vouch for horoscopes based on Vakya and if I'm not wrong before Lahiri commission, the ayanamsa which was followed was closer to Vaakya or Surya Sidhantha.

Now coming to Drik Ganitha Panchangam. In this system there are plenty of ayanamsas which again creates plenty of distortions sometimes in Rasi chart and more so in divisional charts.

We will take 4 ayanamsas for comparison and see how each of them gives different results and if you are doubtful about birth time, it may need to be tweaked based on the ayanamsa you choose.

The Ayanamsas under consideration are:
1) Lahiri Chitra Paksha Ayanamsa
2) KP Ayanamsa
3) BV Raman Ayanamsa
4) Pushya Paksha Ayanamsa

The first two are close and there is not much difference and similarly the latter two are also somewhat closely related. Apart from these there is also the center of galactic ayanamsa which is said to be 28 minutes off from Lahiri and Yukteshwar ayanamsa very close to Raman.

Average time in which Lagna is in a sign is 2 hours = 120 minutes. Dividing 120 mins by 30 degrees, we get 1 degree = 4 minutes. A part of Navamsa is 3 degrees 20 mins which makes it around 13.33 mins in a particular sign (can say within approx 13-14 mins Navamsa changes in a sign)

You need to know these parameters to find out various approximations.
Lahiri Chitra Paksha Ayanamsa : 0:00 (Base Point)
KP Ayanamsa : 0:05 off
Pushya Paksha Ayanamsa: 1:07 off
BV Raman Ayanamsa: 1:26 off

Lets take the date 21st Apr 2018 with place being Chennai. At 11:35 AM, Lagna enters Cancer. As per KP it would have entered about 20 seconds earlier. As per PP ayanamsa, it enters almost 4 and half minutes earlier (1 degree is 4 mins and 0.07 constitutes around 30 seconds. We say 1 degree = 0.60 =4min, thus 0.30=2min, 0.15=1min, 0.07= about half a minute). So in this case even before 11:31, Lagna is already in Cancer. If we take BV Raman, its almost 6 mins away from Lahiri in terms of Lagna. So at just past 11:29 it already has gone into Cancer. In my opinion 6 mins is a substantial amount of time and if you see someone having 29 degrees in Lagna as per Lahiri, then for sure the person has already moved into the next sign as per BV Raman. Thus the correct Ayanamsa is absolutely essential when fixing the birth time and it cannot be the same across different systems.

Similarly you would find significant differences in Moon where there are bright chances that you may actually be a pada forward as per Raman in comparison to Lahiri and difference of Dasa balance can be upwards of 2 years.

Personally, despite Raman Ayanamsa being way off, I find that for timing of events as per Vimshotari Dasa it tends to work very well. Lahiri is however the most popular but it was more used as a tool to fix a umbrella consensus because various calendars were being used and in order to create uniformity with the base being Chitra, the brightest star in the constellation.

I would like to know which ayanamsa is most correct? Also does it makes sense to use ayanamsa as per your choice based on how it suits your events? Which was the one followed by the great Sages?

Listing below a summary of the different ayanamsas used for casting a horoscope.

A) Vakya Panchang :
1) Vakya Panchanga based horoscope
2) Surya Sidhantha based on beeja correction

B ) Drik Ganitha Panchang :
- Closer to Lahiri
1) Lahiri Chitra Paksha Ayanamsa (base 0)
2) KP Ayanamsa (5 mins off Lahiri)
3) Center of Galactic Ayanamsa (27-28 mins off Lahiri)

- Far off from Lahiri
4) Pushya Paksha Ayanamsa (1degree 7 mins off Lahiri)
5) Yukteshwar Ayanamsa (1 degree 21 mins off Lahiri)
6) BV Raman Ayanamsa (1 degree 26 mins off Lahiri)

1 comment:

  1. I don't know why you think one is based on earth's rotation and another on moon's rotation!! Ayanamsa is simply the number of degrees one needs to deduct from the Tropical placement of the navagrahaas in the zodiac(which can be observed precisely from earth through telescopes, satellites) to get the sidereal or fixed zodiac positions. Great astrologers like bv raman have used raman's Ayanamsa to great success. This is close to vakkiya panchangam or surya siddhantam which have been traditionally used by old astrologers with great success. In my experience in astrology too I find raman 's Ayanamsa the best.
