Saturday, August 24, 2019

Satan (Saturn) Personified!

There mostly tends to be one very important or dominant planet in each of our horoscopes. It has a redoubtable influence on you in a way that you cannot really escape from it's presence during the whole of your lifetime.

When I look back at the planet which has had the maximum impact on me, it's undoubtedly and most certainly Saturn. The reasons attributed are as below:
  1. Saturn is Vargottam in my horoscope. (Occupies same sign of Scorpio in Rasi and Navamsa)
  2. Saturn itself is posited in it's own ruler ship star Anuradha Nakshatra as per Vimshottari Dasa sequence.
  3. Saturn happened to be the 'Hora' that I was born in. (Hora is an hourly order in a day ruled one after another by 7 planets)
  4. My entire education happened only in Saturn Dasa. It surely was the fulcrum in ensuring that I end up clearing some tough professional courses. Yes I was pretty unlucky on the relationship front which is not really a Saturn thingy but in general it did mold and make me mentally tougher.
  5. It is also most auspicious 9th Lord in Rasi chart and also placed in the 9th in Navamsa.
  6. 4 of my planets sit in rasis owned by Saturn and Saturn himself also happens to aspect his own Rasi. (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter all sit in the Saturnian signs of Capricorn & Aquarius).
  7. The 'Yoga' I was born is Vishkumba which again is controlled by Saturn. (The Yogi planet is said to denote prosperity as per the Panchang).
  8. My Moon sub Lord is Saturn which also means my Vimshottari Dasa sequence begins at birth from the Antar Dasa of Saturn only.
  9. The Shadbala of Saturn happens to be the maximum among all other planets (Shadbala is a six fold technique established to find the strength of all planets)
  10. As per Ashtakavarga scores, the sign in which Saturn is sitting in my natal chart Scorpio gets the maximum points. (Ashtakavarga is a point based tool to estimate the score of each houses based on planetary relation between one another)
Thus Saturn plays an indomitable part in my life proceedings and I just can't imagine a life without it Hence it goes without saying that I'm well and truly Satan (Saturn) personified 😎.

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