Thursday, August 1, 2019

Navamsa Construction and other important concepts pertaining to D9

The Navamsa or D9 happens to be the most important divisional chart in a horoscope. It goes tete-a-tete with the rasi chart and a horoscope virtually feels incomplete without its presence. As the name D9 stands it talks about the Dharma or the 9th division or in essence reflects on a microscopic view of a rasi in 9 equal divisions. For the mathematically initiated a rasi consists of 30° with each Navamsa part containing 3°20' each.

There is a myth prevailing that Navamsa is all about marriage and spouse but in essence it is the dharma trine and can also be used to assess a native's skills, abilities and talent. It also gives a break down of the strength of a planet from where it is placed in the Navamsa and many often a weak placement in rasi can get over ruled by a strong presence in Navamsa.

Navamsa can be broken into 'Nava' meaning 9 and 'Amsa' meaning division. It is also referred to as the 'Dharmamsa'. The way it is derived is that the 9th house is all about Dharma and the 11th house speaks about desires. The 11th from 9th becomes the 7th or rather the fructification from Dharma turns out to be the D9 or Navamsa chart and since the resultant happens to be the 7th house (11th from 9th), it is pretty understandable to see it as one of the primary factors for issues pertaining to marriage. The Dharma angle here however should not be compromised and holds the major say in the scheme of things.

This particular post is not about an analysis about the D9 but more about the construction of it and I will list down 3 different methods which can be used for the same. The article will also touch upon some important concepts of the Navamsa which is like a corollary addendum when one understands how the counting works.

1) Classification based Counting:
As one is aware, the 12 rasis are classified into 3 types viz Movable (Cadinal), Fixed and Dual (Mutable) and they keep getting repeated in a cyclical order with Aries being a Movable sign, Taurus Fixed and Gemini Dual with the pattern followed again from Cancer onwards. Navamsa counting always begins from a Movable sign and there's a reason for it as when you start counting from the first movable sign the 9th will end up being a dual sign with the baton being passed on again to a movable sign with the last 9th part again falling in a dual and so on and so forth. Thus if a planet falls in a movable rasi, start counting directly from the respective movable rasi, if a planet is situated in a fixed rasi start counting from the 9th sign from it and if planet is located in dual rasi begin counting 5th from the particular sign. In all these cases the resulting counting start sign will always be movable. It's easier to understand when we look at it with illustrations.

Eg say Sun is in Aries 11°35', Moon in Taurus 24°50' and Mars in Gemini 5°10' in the rasi chart.

Classification - Movable (Aries)
Base - 1 (1st from movable sign)
Part - 4th part (Since it falls in degree span of 10°00' to 13°20')
Count - Start directly from the same movable sign Aries and count 4 which will be Cancer (1st from Aries is Aries and then 4th from it results in Cancer)

Classification - Fixed (Taurus)
Base - 9 (9th from fixed sign)
Part - 8th part (Since it falls in degree span of 23°20' to 26°40')
Count - Move 9th from respective sign of Taurus and then count 8 which will be Leo (9th from Taurus is Capricorn and then 8th from it results in Leo)

Classification - Dual (Gemini)
Base - 5 (5th from dual sign)
Part - 2nd part (Since it falls in degree span of 3°20' to 6°40')
Count - Move 5th from respective sign and then count 2 which will be Sagittarius (5th from Gemini is Libra and then 2nd from it results in Sagittarius)

Planet in movable sign - start counting the division from the same movable sign
Planet in fixed sign - Move 9th from the fixed sign and start counting the divisions from the resulting movable sign
Planet in dual sign - Move 5th from the dual sign and start counting the divisions from the resulting movable sign

2) Element based counting:
Each of the rasis are also divided into 4 elements viz Fire, Earth, Air and Water starting from Aries onwards with the order repeating from Leo and again from Sagittarius as well. As discussed above under the classification mould, the counting will always begin from a movable sign as only then the symmetry ends up being maintained. Now we need to take a look at the movable sign for all the elements and the counting gets established from that particular sign.
Fire - Aries  (Leo and Sagittarius are ruled out as they are not movable)
Earth - Capricorn (Taurus and Virgo are ruled out as they are not movable)
Air - Libra (Gemini and Aquarius are ruled out as they are not movable)
Water - Cancer (Scorpio and Pisces are ruled out as they are not movable)
Let's look at this theory with an example

Eg Sun is in Leo 11°35', Moon in Capricorn 24°50',  Mars in Aquarius 5°10' and Mercury in 8°20' in the rasi chart

Element - Fire
Start sign - Aries
Part - 4th part (Since it falls in degree span of 10°00' to 13°20')
Count - Start from Aries the fire movable sign and count 4 which will be Cancer (For Planet in fire, the counting needs to start from fire movable sign which is Aries)

Element - Earth
Start sign - Capricorn
Part - 8th part (Since it falls in degree span of 23°20' to 26°40')
Count - Start from Capricorn the Earth movable sign and count 8 which will be Leo (For Planet in earth, the counting needs to start from earth movable sign which is Capricorn)

Element - Air
Start sign - Libra
Part - 2nd part (Since it falls in degree span of 3°20' to 6°40')
Count - Start from Libra the Air movable sign and count 2 which will be Sagittarius (For Planet in air, the counting needs to start from air movable sign which is Libra)

Element - Water
Start sign - Cancer
Part - 3rd part (Since it falls in degree span of 6°40' to 10°00')
Count - Start from Cancer the Water movable sign and count 3 which will be Virgo (For Planet in water, the counting needs to start from water movable sign which is Cancer)

Planet in Fire sign - start counting from Aries which is the fire movable sign
Planet in Earth sign - start counting from Capricorn which is the earth movable sign
Planet in Air sign - start counting from Libra which is the air movable sign
Planet in Water sign - start counting from Cancer which is the water movable sign

3) Star Based Counting:
This is a little different method and doesn't employ rasis directly and instead the constellations come into the picture. As one may be aware there are 27 Nakshatras making up the zodiac divided into 3 sets of 9 each. The first set of 9 Nakshatras Ashwini to Ashlesha run from Aries to Cancer, the second set of  9 Nakshatras Magha to Jyeshta run from Leo to Scorpio and the third set of 9 Nakshatras Moola to Revathi run from Sagittarius to Pisces. The reason these are broken into cycles of 9 Nakshatras is in essence because the subsequent Nakshatra after the 9th begins fresh in a new zodiac sign without having breaks in padas. Thus one can say it takes 4 rasis to cover one full set of 9 Nakshatra constellations. The trick here is that the first, fourth and seventh Nakshatra from each set will occupy the first 4 rasis (Aries to Cancer) with each of the 4 padas making up the rasis one after the other and likewise the second, fifth and eighth Nakshatra from each cycle will rule over the next 4 rasis (Leo to Scorpio) and in similar vein the third, sixth and ninth Nakshatra will lord the last 4 rasis (Sagittarius to Pisces). The concept will look easier when explained with an example.

Eg Sun is in Poorva Phalguni 17°35', Moon in Hastha 13°10',  Mars in Revathi 27°10' and Mercury in Pushya 11°20' in the rasi chart

Nakshatra - Second (2,5,8 set)
Zodiac Cycle - Leo to Scorpio
Pada - 2 (Poorva Phalguni 16°40'-20°00' is second pada)
Count - Start from Leo and count 2 which will be Virgo

Nakshatra - Fourth (1,4,7 set)
Zodiac Cycle - Aries to Cancer
Pada - 1 (Hastha 10°00'-13°20' is first pada)
Count - Start from Aries and count 1 which will be Aries

Nakshatra - Ninth (3,6,9 set)
Zodiac Cycle - Sagittarius to Pisces
Pada - 1 (Revathi 26°40'-30°00' is fourth pada)
Count - Start from Sagittarius and count 4 which will be Pisces

Nakshatra - Eighth (2,5,8 set)
Zodiac Cycle -  Leo to Scorpio
Pada - 1 (Pushya 10°00'-13°20' is third pada)
Count - Start from Leo and count 3 which will be Libra

Planet in 1,4,7 Nakshatra cycle - start counting from Aries to Cancer with 1st pada Aries, 2nd pada Taurus, 3rd pada Gemini and 4th pada Cancer
Planet in 2,5,8 Nakshatra cycle - start counting from Leo to Scorpio with 1st pada Leo, 2nd pada Virgo, 3rd pada Libra and 4th pada Scorpio
Planet in 3,6,9 Nakshatra cycle - start counting from Sagittarius to Pisces with 1st pada Sagittarius, 2nd pada Capricorn, 3rd pada Aquarius and 4th pada Pisces

Important Concepts in Navamsa:

# Vargottama
Vargottam literally means a planet occupying the same sign in both the rasi and the Navamsa and said to be auspicious as it's like a blessing because the Dharma signifies what is prevalent in the rasi chart in the Navamsa as well. From the counting mechanism it can be inferred that only in 12 cases can Vargottama even occur.

Classification based counting - 1st pada of a movable sign, 5th pada of a fixed sign and 9th pada of a dual sign
Element based counting - 1st pada of a fire sign, 5th pada of an earth sign, 9th pada of an air sign and the 1st pada of a water sign
Star based counting - In 1-4-7 cycle, Ashwini-1, Rohini -2, Punarvasu-3&4, in 2-5-8 cycle, Poorva Phalguni-1, Chitra-2, Chitra-3 and Anuradha-4, in 3-6-9 cycle, Uthara Ashada-1&2, Satabisha-3 and Revathi-4

Listed below is the set of 12 divisions of total 108 divisions (12 rasis*9parts) where a planet can end up becoming Vargotama.

Zodiac - Classification - Element - Star & Pada - Degree Span
Aries - Movable - Fire - Ashwini-1 - 00°00'-3°20'
Taurus - Fixed - Earth - Rohini-2 - 13°20'-16°40'
Gemini - Dual - Air - Punarvasu-3 - 26°40'-30°00'
Cancer - Movable - Water - Punarvasu-4 - 00°00'-3°20'
Leo - Movable - Fire - Poorva Phalguni-1 - 13°20'-16°40'
Virgo - Fixed - Earth - Chitra-2- 26°40'-30°00'
Libra - Dual - Air - Chitra-3 - 00°00'-3°20'
Scorpio - Movable - Water - Anuradha-4 - 13°20'-16°40'
Sagittarius - Movable - Fire - Uthara Ashada-1 - 26°40'-30°00'
Capricorn - Fixed - Earth - Uthara Ashada-2 - 00°00'-3°20'
Aquarius - Dual - Air - Satabisha-3 - 13°20'-16°40'
Pisces - Movable - Water - Revathi-4 - 26°40'-30°00'

As you can see there is only one portion in each sign which gets the fiefdom of being Vargotama and only 9 stars out of 27 having this privilege with 3 of them having 2 of their padas becoming Vargotama viz Punarvasu, Chitra and Uthara Ashada.

# Pushkara Navamsa and Pushkara Bhaga
The Pushkara Navamsa is a specific portion in every rasi which is said to be extremely beneficial. Unlike the Vargotama which contains one division in every sign, in Pushkara Navamsa there are two special divisions of  3°20' which is said to be highly auspicious. It happens to be the 7th and 9th division in fire element signs, 3rd and 5th division in earth element signs, 6th and 8th division in air element signs and 1st and 3rd in water element signs. On top of this there is one particular degree that carries optimal strength to enhance the signification even more which is called Pushkara Bhaga which falls as one degree within the designated degree span allotted for each of the sign elements. Here there is only one degree per sign and happens to be the 21st degree for fire element signs, 14th degree for earth element signs, 24th degree for air element signs and 7th degree for water element signs.

Counting Base:
Fire Element Sign - 7th & 9th division - Libra & Sagittarius Navamsa. Pushkara Bhaga is 21st degree
Earth Element Sign - 3rd & 5th division - Pisces & Taurus Navamsa. Pushkara Bhaga is 14th degree
Air Element Sign - 6th & 8th division - Pisces & Taurus Navamsa. Pushkara Bhaga is 24th degree
Water Element Sign - 1st & 3rd division - Cancer & Virgo Navamsa. Pushkara Bhaga is 7th degree

Zodiac - Sign - Element - Star & Pada - Degree Span
Aries - Movable - Fire - Bharani-3 - 20°00'-23°20'
Aries - Movable - Fire - Krithika-1 - 26°40'-30°00'
Taurus - Fixed - Earth - Krithika-4 - 6°40'-10°00'
Taurus - Fixed - Earth - Rohini-2 - 13°20'-16°40'
Gemini - Dual - Air - Arudra-4 - 16°40'-20°00'
Gemini - Dual - Air - Punarvasu-2 - 23°20'-26°40'
Cancer - Movable - Water - Punarvasu-4 - 00°00'-3°20'
Cancer - Movable - Water - Pushya-2 - 06°40'-10°00'
Leo - Movable - Fire - Poorva Phalguni-3 - 20°00'-23°20'
Leo - Movable - Fire - Uthara Phalguni-1 - 26°40'-30°00'
Virgo - Fixed - Earth - Uthara Phalguni-4 - 6°40'-10°00'
Virgo - Fixed - Earth - Hastha-2- 13°20'-16°40'
Libra - Dual - Air - Swati-4 - 16°40'-20°00'
Libra - Dual - Air - Vishakha-2 - 23°20'-26°40'
Scorpio - Movable - Water - Vishakha-4 - 00°00'-3°20'
Scorpio - Movable - Water - Anuradha-2 - 06°40'-10°00'
Sagittarius - Movable - Fire - Poorva Ashada-3 - 20°00'-23°20'
Sagittarius - Movable - Fire - Uthara Ashada-1 - 26°40'-30°00'
Capricorn - Fixed - Earth - Uthara Ashada-4 - 06°40'-10°00'
Capricorn - Fixed - Earth - Shravana-2 - 13°20'-16°40'
Aquarius - Dual - Air - Satabisha-4 - 16°40'-20°00'
Aquarius - Dual - Air - Poorva Bhadra-2 - 23°20'-26°40'
Pisces - Movable - Water - Poorva Bhadra-4 - 00°00'-3°20'
Pisces - Movable - Water - Uthara Bhadra-2 - 23°20'-26°40'

Note: You would observe 12 Vargottama and 24 Pushkara Navamsa but within this you would find 3 divisions overlapping with each other and these are very powerful and auspicious as they happen to be both Vargottama and in Pushkara Navamsa. The respective constellations happen to be Rohini-2, Punarvasu-4 and Uthara Ashada-1

# 64th Navamsa
This is a very sensitive division in the Navamsa and is used to associate mainly negative events with regard to a horoscope. There are also other navamsa parts such as 55th, 88th etc but the 64th is the one which is considered to be really prominent. The 64th Navamsa and the 22nd Drekkana are crucial trigger points witnessed in a horoscope.

As the number 64 connotes it happens to be the 64th part taken from both Lagna and Moon. As we know there are 9 parts in a Navamsa and hence when we cross the 63rd part, 7 houses will be passed (9*7) and the first part of the 8th house will be the 64th Navamsa. There are two ways to calculate it both from the Rasi chart (cumbersome) as well as the Navamsa chart (easy). I shall explain with an example on both these methodologies.

Let us say we need to calculate the 64th Navamsa from Lagna and the Lagna degree is 18°30' in Gemini sign.

Rasi method: First we need to ascertain the division of the Lagna degree which happens to be the 6th division since 18°30' falls within the range of 16°40'-20°00'. Then we need to jump straight to the 8th house or 210th degree from where the Lagna is placed in Gemini which will end up being 18°30' in Capricorn sign. As the 6th division in a movable earthy sign will fall in Gemini, the lord of Gemini which is Mercury will end up becoming the 64th Navamsa, For instance if the Lagna degree happened to be 21°30' then it would end up falling in Cancer and Moon will be the 64th Navamsa.

Navamsa Method: Just look at the 4th sign from the Navamsa Lagna and the ruler of that house will be the 64th Navamsa. In our above example Lagna degree falling in 18°30' in Gemini will appear as Pisces Lagna in Navamsa. The 4th from Pisces is Gemini and the ruler is Mercury and hence he is the 64th Navamsa. The reason this method works like this is because each portion of 3°20' occupies a sign and hence it takes 12 parts of 3°20' to completes one zodiac cycle and hence similarly is the case with multiples of 12 such as 24th, 36th, 48th and 60th part. We return back to the Lagna for the 61st part, 2nd house becomes the 62nd, 3rd house is the 63rd part and finally the the 4th house from Navamsa Lagna ends up becoming the 64th Navamsa.

# Rasi Tulya Navamsa and Navamsa Tulya Rasi
This is a concept of super imposing and reading a chart. The Rasi Tulya Navamsa works on the placements of planets in the Navamsa chart but read from the Rasi  Lagna whereas the Navamsa Tulya Rasi is mainly used in transits where a major planet is said to influence a planet not only situated in the rasi but also placed in the Navamsa. A simple way to illustrate with an example of Rasi Tulya Navamsa is lets say your Rasi Lagna is Gemini whereas your Navamsa Lagna is Pisces and for understanding purpose let's presume that Venus is placed in the 2nd house in Aries in Navamsa. We read the same placement of Venus in Aries but by an alternate method of utilizing the Rasi Lagna which in this case in Gemini and hence Venus will be viewed as being in the 11th house. I believe assessing placements of planets through this methodology gives clues on the kind of results to expect.

Important Note:
We know that there are 12 zodiac signs consisting of 30° each and every sign covers a span of 9 divisions of 3°20' each and hence it takes only 9 zodiac signs in the Navamsa to cover the distance in one rasi making 3 rasis in Navamsa blank. It should be known for instance that a planet situated in whichever degree in Aries sign will never fall in the signs of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Likewise each zodiac sign in the rasi will ensure that 3 zodiac signs in the Navamsa gets untouched. Sharing below the list of signs in each zodiac sign where the Navamsa signs never end up falling

Aries - Navamsas of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces remain untouched
Taurus - Navamsas of Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius remain untouched
Gemini - Navamsas of Cancer, Leo and Virgo remain untouched
Cancer - Navamsas of Aries, Taurus and Gemini remain untouched
Leo - Navamsas of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces remain untouched
Virgo - Navamsas of Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius remain untouched
Libra - Navamsas of Cancer, Leo and Virgo remain untouched
Scorpio - Navamsas of Aries, Taurus and Gemini remain untouched
Sagittarius - Navamsas of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces remain untouched
Capricorn - Navamsas of Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius remain untouched
Aquarius - Navamsas of Cancer, Leo and Virgo remain untouched
Pisces - Navamsas of Aries, Taurus and Gemini remain untouched

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