Monday, January 13, 2025

Apt the showstopper!

The one song which has perhaps taken the entire world by storm is the insanely catchy foottapping dance number by the duo of Rose and Bruno Mars titled 'Apt'. It's become such a rage that virtually every other Insta Reel that pops out plays this tune and it's simply impossible to miss this with one invariably tending to shake the leg to it's booming beats and upbeat sounds.

It's garnered such a spectacular response in such a short span of time that it's been nothing short of a showstopper. The song as such is not a technical masterpiece by any counts but it's been instantly lapped up largely due to the fun and playful elements interspersed in the lyrics along with a sparkling vibe that has made it quite infectious.

I tried taking a stab at this on the veena and it turned out to be a quite a joyous experience. The repetitive lyrics and flow of the song which goes all topsy turvy made it pretty enjoyable to try out. It is based predominantly on the ever popular raga of Natabhairavi which corresponds to the natural minor scale. Simply just tried to capture a wee bit of the essence of this snappy sizzling number which has captivated the global audience at large.

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