Monday, April 24, 2023

The type of Yogas and the Muhurtha Yogas

Yoga within a broad terminology can reflect to mean joining or a fusion of elements to create a particular effect. It is believed that the word Yoga originated from the Sanskrit root 'Yuj' which means to join properly, control judicially or to integrate. The combination at play produces effects which can be both effective or ineffective as well as auspicious or inauspicious.

Within the parlance of Vedic Astrology, Yoga's can be categorised into 3 types:

- Planetary Yogas:  These Yogas get formed when a planet, sign, or house is related to another by placement, aspect or conjunction.

- Nithya Yogas: These are Yogas that occur based on the angular distance of the Sun and Moon. This is considered as one of the 5 limbs of Panchanga. The degrees of Sun and Moon are summed up and every 13° 20' forms a Nithya Yoga and there are a total of 27 Yogas in total. These are also termed as Dina Yoga (Daily) or Surya Adhi Yoga since it takes place based on the relationship prevalent between the Sun and the Moon.

- Muhurtha Yogas: These are Yogas that take place based on the combination of one or more elements from the Panchanga viz Vara & Nakshatra, Vara & Tithi, Vara, Nakshatra & Tithi together etc. These are usually time periods foreseen for performing or avoiding any activity.  

Within the framework of a horoscope, it's the planetary yogas which usually gains supremacy. There can be multiple forms of planetary conjunctions or relationship formation between planets placed in different houses from each other. The Sages have mentioned a number of yogas which are popularly viewed at in a horoscope such as Gajakesari Yoga, Buddha Aditya Yoga, Anabha Yoga, Sunabha Yoga, Kemadruma Yoga, Vasumathi Yoga etc. The list of such Yogas are infinite and the classics do give a reference to many of these Yogas.

The Nithya Yogas are only 27 in number and they form part of one of the five legs of Panchanga. There is a result attributed to each of the Yogas that one is born in along with also giving rise to a Yogi planet and an Avayogi planet which is said to prosper and mar prospects respectively depending on their placement in a horoscope.

The Muhurtha Yogas formed are the one's which are said to indicate a favourable or unfavourable time period when performing a particular activity. It is not so much relatable to one's individual horoscope but however the Muhurtha Yogas formed during birth can give a broad overview about the progress or course of action in a natives life. When one takes birth at the time a Muhurtha Yoga is in operation can denote an auspicious or inauspicious birth. It is however more related to choosing the time period for undertaking different tasks. This article will take a look at the different Muhurtha Yogas that are prevalent.

The Muhurtha Yogas take place largely based on the combination of Vara + Nakshatra, Vara + Tithi, Tithi + Nakshatra, Vara + Tithi + Nakshatra.

-> Vara + Nakshatra Yogas

Amrithadhi Yoga
One of the Yogas which is predominantly mentioned in most Panchangas happen to be the Amrithadhi Yogas. These are classified into 4 categories namely - Siddha Yoga, Amrita Yoga, Marana Yoga and Prabalarishta Yoga. The former two are seen in positive light whereas the latter two denote a lot of negativity and hence it is better to avoid any important tasks when these Yogas are in operation. These Yogas get formed as a result of a combination of the factor of Vara and Nakshatra. Let's briefly look at the meaning of these 4 Yogas

Siddha Yoga - The term Siddha connotes accomplishment. Thus whenever Siddha Yoga occurs, it is said to be auspicious. 
Amrita Yoga - The word Amrita is said to denote immortality, priceless etc. It can also said to be a period of elixir or nectar inducing. Thus any activity performed in Amrita Yoga is said to be benevolent and beneficial.
Marana Yoga - This is said to indicate a painful or killing like situation. Hence during the time period when this Yoga is in operation, it is said to avoid any important tasks. However routine and day to day activities can be performed.
Prabalarishta Yoga - This is a Yoga that is said to be highly inauspicious. It is said to attract a lot of negativity and induce varied ill effects. Hence it is ideal to avoid any sort of activity during the time this Yoga is in operation.

The Amritadhi Yogas which are a combination of Siddha, Amrita, Marana and Prabalarishta occurs based on the following Vara & Nakshatra combination. 

Amrita Siddha Yoga
On top of the Amrithadhi Yogas mentioned above which individually produces Siddha, Amrita, Marana and Prabalarishta Yoga based on the combination at play between Vara & Nakshatra, there is also an Amrita Siddha Yoga which occurs based on specific combination of a particular Nakshatra occuring on a particular day. Since this is a combination of both Siddha & Amrita, it is said to be very auspicious and even more beneficial when producing effects compared to the individual Siddha Yoga or Amrita Yoga. Listed below is the combination of Vara and Nakshatra which produces this Yoga
Sunday - Hastha
Monday - Mrigasheerisham / Mrigashira
Tuesday - Ashwini
Wednesday - Anusham / Anuradha
Thursday - Poosam / Pushya
Friday - Revathi
Saturday - Rohini

Though Amrita Siddha Yoga is said to be outright favourable, it is mentioned to avoid the following specific activities when it is in operation.
Marriage on Thursday Poosam / Pushya 
House Warming Ceremony (Graha Pravesha) on Tuesday Ashwini
Travelling on Saturday Rohini

Mrityu Yoga
There has already been a mention of the Marana Yoga and Prabalarishta Yoga as part of the Amritadhi Yogas which are said to be inauspicious. There is also a Muhurat based Yoga called Mrityu Yoga which again results based on a combination of Vara & Nakshatra. This is said to be a worrying time period to an intolerable degree and can be harmful. Listed below is  the combination of Vara and Nakshatra which produces this Yoga
Sunday - Anusham / Anuradha
Monday - Uthiradam / Uttara Ashada
Tuesday - Sadayam / Satabisha
Wednesday - Ashwini
Thursday - Mrigasheerisham / Mrigashira
Friday - Kettai / Jyesthta
Saturday - Hastham / Hastha

Daghda Yoga
Daghda is equivalent to Shoonya and denotes a curse. A particular combination of Vara + Nakshatra ends up yielding this particular Yoga which is said to be inauspicious. It should be noted that majority of the combinations pertaining to Daghda Yoga is in line with Prabalarishta Yoga indicating harmful effects. Listed below is the combination of Vara and Nakshatra which produces this Yoga
Sunday - Bharani
Monday - Chithirai / Chitra
Tuesday - Uthiradam / Uttara Ashada
Wednesday - Avittam / Dhanishta
Thursday - Uthiram / Uttara Phalguni
Friday - Aayilyam / Ashlesha
Saturday - Revathi

Yamaghata Yoga
This again is an inauspicious Yoga that arises based on the occurrence of a Nakshatra on a selected Vara. This is said to act as a hurdle when carrying out any important task. Yama is the signifier of death and Ghata relates to reduction, loss or deficiency. Hence it is to be tread with caution when such a Yoga is in operation as any work carried out during this period may not bode well.
Sunday - Magam / Magha
Monday - Tiruvadirai / Arudra
Tuesday - Visagam / Vishakha
Wednesday - Moolam / Moola
Thursday - Karthigai / Krithika
Friday - Rohini
Saturday - Hastham / Hastha

Utpata Yoga
This is said to have a tearing out effect and is another Yoga of the negative kind. This occurs based on the following combinations
Sunday - Visagam / Vishakha
Monday - Pooradam / Poorva Ashada
Tuesday - Avittam / Dhanishta
Wednesday - Revathi
Thursday - Rohini
Friday - Poosam / Pushta
Saturday - Uthiram / Uttara Phalguni

Determining Type of Yoga based on count of Vara + Nakshatra
There is a method of ascertaining the Yoga associated on a particular day through a counting formula inherited based on the Vara and Nakshatra. This can be used as a check point when carrying out any important activity.

As per this methodology, the 27 Nakshatras  should be counted from a particular Nakshatra assigned for each day. The order of Nakshatra counting should be performed based on the Vara in operation as assigned below:
Sunday - Visagam / Vishakha
Monday - Pooradam / Poorva Ashada
Tuesday - Avittam / Dhanishta
Wednesday - Revathi
Thursday - Rohini
Friday - Poosam / Pushya
Saturday - Uthiram / Uttara Phalguni

As an illustration, let's say the current day is Thursday and the Nakshatra in transit is Bharani. For Thursday, the counting starts from Rohini. Hence we need to count the number of Nakshatras from Rohini to Bharani both inclusive. The total arrived at should be divided by 7. When we count from Rohini to Bharani, the arrived count is 26 and when divided by 7 we obtain a reminder of 5. Based on the reminder, the following Yogas are formed:
1 - Iruthai Yoga (Darkness)
2 - Nasa Yoga (Spoilt)
3 - Marana Yoga (Death)
4 - Amrita Yoga (Nectar)
5 - Shubha Yoga (Auspicious)
6 - Siddha Yoga (Accomplished)
7 - Parigha Yoga (Obstruction)

Determining Nature of Activity Yoga based on Vara + Nakshatra
There are certain Nakshatras which are said to be associated with a particular nature and are deemed to be even more favorable when they coincide with a particular Vara. Let us look at the combinations for such cases:
Sthira Nakshatras - Fixed - For activities that require fixity such as laying foundation. Eg. coronation, sowing seeds etc. They are also called as Dhruva Nakshatras.
Sunday - Rohini, Uthiram / Uttara Phalguni, Uthiradam / Uttara Ashada, Utharattathi / Uttara Bhadrapada

Chara Nakshatras - Movable - For activities that require movement. Eg. riding vehicles, undertaking any journey etc.
Monday - Punarpoosam / Punarvasu, Swati, Tiruvonam / Shravana, Avittam / Dhanishta, Sadayam / Satabisha

Ugra Nakshatras - Cruel - For activities involving violence, force. Eg. demolishing structures, breaking things, acting with force etc.
Tuesday - Bharani, Magam / Magha, Pooram / Poorva Phalgunu, Pooradam / Poorva Ashada, Pooratathi / Poova Bhadrapada

Misra Nakshatras - Mixed - For activities involving a mixed variety or things involving duality. Eg. Performing worshipping, engaging in ceremonies, fabricating etc
Wednesday - Karthigai / Krithika, Visagam / Vishakha

Laghu Nakshatras - Swift - For activities involving swiftness or quick action. Ideal for those that do not sustain for long. Eg. involving in pleasures, wearing jewellery, work with quick decision making etc. They are also called as Shipra Nakshatras.
Thursday - Ashwini, Poosam / Pushya, Hastham / Hastha, Abhijit

Mridu Nakshatras - Tender - For activities involving learning something new, undertaking any subtle activities etc. Eg enrolling for classes, making friends, learning fine arts etc
Friday - Mrigaseerisham / Mrigashira, Chithirai / Chitra, Anusham / Anuradha, Revathi

Tikshana Nakshatras - Sharp - For activities involving bitterness, deceit etc. Eg. invoking spirits, plotting against enemies, committing unrealistic deeds etc
Saturday -  Tiruvadirai / Aarudra, Aayilyam / Ashlesha, Kettai / Jyeshta, Moolam / Moola

-> Vara + Tithi Yogas

Siddha Yoga
Like the Siddha Yoga which takes place based on the Vara + Nakshatra combination, there is a Siddha Yoga which also takes place between Vara + Tithi matching. Siddha Yoga occurs based on the below mentioned combinations
Sunday - None
Monday - None
Tuesday - Jaya Tithis (3,8,13) - Tritiya, Ashtami, Trayodashi
Wednesday - Bhadra Tithis (2,7,12) - Dwitiya, Saptami, Dwadashi
Thursday - Poorna Tithis (5,10,15) - Panchami, Dashami, Pournami or Ammavasya
Friday - Nandha Tithis (1,6,11) - Pratipada or Pratamai, Sasthi, Ekadashi
Saturday - Riktha Tithis (4,9,14) - Chaturthi, Navami, Chaturdashi

Amrita Yoga
This also takes place on similar lines based on a Vara + Tithi combination and arises based on below:
Sunday - Nandha Tithis (1,6,11) - Pratipada or Pratamai, Sasthi, Ekadashi
Monday - Bhadra Tithis (2,7,12) - Dwitiya, Saptami, Dwadashi
Tuesday - Nandha Tithis (1,6,11) - Pratipada or Pratamai, Sasthi, Ekadashi
Wednesday - Jaya Tithis (3,8,13) - Tritiya, Ashtami, Trayodashi
Thursday - Riktha Tithis (4,9,14) - Chaturthi, Navami, Chaturdashi
Friday - Bhadra Tithis (2,7,12) - Dwitiya, Saptami, Dwadashi
Saturday - Poorna Tithis (5,10,15) - Panchami, Dashami, Pournami or Ammavasya

Krakacha Yoga
This is termed as the 'Saw' and is said to be of a splitting effect causing things to break apart. This happens based on the following combinations
Sunday - Dwadashi
Monday - Ekadashi
Tuesday - Dashami
Wednesday - Navami
Thursday - Ashtami
Friday - Sapthami
Saturday - Sashti

Daghda Yoga
This is a cursed yoga and happens based on the below combinations. Couple of the references for Sunday and Monday are on similar lines to Krakacha Yoga
Sunday - Dwadashi
Monday - Ekadashi
Tuesday - Panchami
Wednesday - Dwitiya & Tritiya
Thursday - Sashti
Friday - Ashtami
Saturday - Navami

Hutasana Yoga
This again is an inauspicious Yoga. Said to be fiery by nature, it is said to cause negativity when commencing any new activity. This arises based on below combination
Sunday - Dwadashi
Monday - Sashti
Tuesday - Sapthami
Wednesday - Ashtami
Thursday - Navami
Friday - Dashami
Saturday - Ekadashi

Visha Yoga
This as the name connotes means poisonous and again attracts a time of misgivings and hence should be avoided. It arises based on the below:
Sunday - Chaturthi
Monday - Sashti
Tuesday - Sapthami
Wednesday - Dwitiya
Thursday - Ashtami
Friday - Navami
Saturday - Sapthami

Adham Yoga
The meaning of this is very dark and denotes the colour black. Hence it is another inauspicious Yoga being caused and arises based on the below:
Sunday - Saptami, Dwadashi
Monday - Ekadashi
Tuesday - Dashami
Wednesday - Pratipada, Navami
Thursday - Ashtami
Friday - Sapthami
Saturday - Sashti

Samartaka Yoga
This refers to dissolution and again denotes in-auspiciousness. This occurs based on the below:
Sunday - Sapthami
Wednesday - Pratipada
-> Tithi + Nakshatra Yoga

Asubha Yoga
This arises purely based on a particular combination of Nakshatra and Tithi. This is not said to be propitious and said to occur for the following options
Pratipada - Uthiradam / Uttara Ashada
Dwitiya - Anusham / Anuradha
Tritiya - Uthiram/UttaraPhalguni, Uthiradam / Uttara Ashada, Uthirattathi / Uttara Bhadrapada
Panchami - Magam / Magha
Sashti - Rohini
Sapthami - Hastham / Hastha, Moolam / Moola
Ashtami - Pooratathi / Poorva Bhadrapada
Navami - Karthigai / Krithika
Ekadashi - Rohini
Dwadashi - Aayilyam / Ashlesha
Trayodashi - Chitthirai / Chitra, Swati

-> Vara + Tithi + Nakshatra Yoga

Dwipushkar Yoga
Any event which is said to take place in this Yoga has the tendency of getting doubled or occurring more than once. Hence only those activities should be selected which is beneficial when repetition occurs. This occurs based on following combinations
Sunday - Dwitiya - Avittam / Dhanishta
Tuesday - Sapthami - Chitthirai / Chitra
Saturday - Dwadashi - Margashira / Mrigasheerisham

Tripushkar Yoga
Any event in this Yoga is said to recur twice or more. Hence favourable events can be initiated that can tend to result in growth matters. This occurs based on following combinations
Sunday - Dwitiya - Karthigai / Krithika
Tuesday - Sapthami - Punarpoosam / Punarvasu
Saturday - Dwadashi - Uthiram, Uthiradam, Uthirattathi, Visagam

These are a bird's eye view of some of the popular Muhurtha Yogas that are prevalent. It is not practically possible to keep a track of them all and if one tends to follow all these minutely then almost no particular activity can ever take place. The Yoga's listed themselves are not comprehensive by any stretch and there is a lot more kind of Muhurtha yogas occurring based on even more different combinations. However among the popular kind of Yogas, it may be helpful to follow the list that take place at least within the scope of Amrithadhi Yogas which is listed in many popular almanacs along with the Siddha Yogas that are believed to be fortunate and auspicious when taking place within the respective Vara + Tithi combination. 

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