Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Numerology and its connection with Astrology

There are so many forms of prognosis for decoding future events and in that Astrology in a prime way reigns supreme. Not only does it have Sages backing going back in time centuries ago with ancient scriptures written about the various aspects of planetary influences and how the cosmic energies play a dominant role in one's life but it also has rules that are time tested and still tend to hold good to this day when used in the rightful manner. It is also a comprehensive study with plenty of guidelines to take care of and involves numerous permutations & combinations that tests the skills and judgement of a competent astrologer in using it in the most judicial manner to extract the best results possible. When most things become difficult to comprehend, intuitive abilities come to fore in delivering the results.

The history of astrology dates eons back and is closely linked with its partner Astronomy. It could perhaps be said that Astrology has been in existence from the time nature has been prevalent. It dates back to the times of the kings and plenty of mythological treatises attribute the role of Astrology in some way or other either directly or indirectly.

Astrology is however not the only tool for decoding events. There have been a number of off shoots born out of astrology itself as well as there have been different mechanisms to figure out the destiny and life path of different entities. One other form of science happens to be Numerology which is an interplay of numbers and draws interpretation from numerous patterns pertaining to Numbers. The fundamental belief with respect to Numerology is that every event that occurs has a symbolic or mystical relation with a Number or pattern of figures or an associated element such as an alphabet. Numerology isn't as widespread as Astrology at least with respect to the combinations and plethora of rules and interpretations available but still has it's own relevance and significance. It is also fairly simpler to use as opposed to Astrology especially because of its vastness being limited in scope.

One thing however to note between Astrology and Numerology is the numbers 12 and 9 respectively. Though Vedic Astrology as such uses 9 planets, the results are largely based on the house system which is 12 in number. An astrological diagram has 12 boxes and one's entire life history is slotted into 12 areas of life which includes the past, present and the future. The results for the 12 houses are however influenced in a major way by the 9 planets present and transiting within these 12 areas of life. There are however other divisions of a 12 house horoscope but however they are all derivations from the main horoscope and not arrived at entirely stand alone. 

However when it comes to Numerology, it's the number 9 that takes chief precedence. Everything harbingers around the #9 and even numbers that exceed 9 are invariably added back and linked with the number 9. So in essence we can surmise that in a panoptic overview Astrology results broadly revolve around the number 12 and Numerology pigeonholes around the number 9. The multiple of these two happen to be 108 which happens to be an extremely significant number in a lot of ways with respect to Hindu Mythology. 

Let us now look at some of the popular methods of Numerology and further see how it gets linked to Astrology. In Numerology, the 9 numbers are assigned to 9 planets as seen below:
1 - Sun
2 - Moon
3 - Jupiter
4 - Rahu
5 - Mercury
6 - Venus
7 - Ketu
8 - Saturn
9 - Mars

This is the fundamental and most popular method of assigning numbers to planets. In some Western methods, 4 is attributed to Uranus and 7 to Neptune. Please note those born in #1 will include 1,10,19,28, #2-2,11,20,29, #3-3,12,21,30, #4 - 4,13,22,31, #5-5,14,23, #6-6,15,24, #7-7,16,25, #8-8,17,26 and #9-9,18,27

Significations of Birth in Different Numbers
1 - Those born in #1 are independent and like to do things in their own way. They tend to naturally have leadership qualities but are also bossy, arrogant and stubborn. They find it difficult to accept the views of others. They are bold, driven and determined to succeed. A lot of general Sun based planetary qualities come in to the fray.

2 - Those born in #2 are diplomatic by nature and know to negotiate things very well. They usually get along well with companions and maintain a peace keeping equation. As the moon waxes and wanes, they do undergo mood swings often. They are also intuitive and crave for unconditional affection/love.

3 - Those born in #3 are said to be social, charismatic and outgoing by nature. They usually live life to the fullest. They like expressing themselves in different ways and usually attracted to various fine arts. They often leave things half way and at times view things in an unrealistic manner. 

4 - Those born in #4 are said to be hard working and disciplined. They are practical, methodical and orderly by nature. There is a lot of rigidness to their ethics which effectively makes them conservative. They may be a little too strict and not bound by flexibility or variations.

5 - Those born in #5 are non - conformists. They crave for variety, are flexible and enjoy their freedom. They are the adventurous souls and like going with the flow. Free spiritedness is inherent within them and they always seek changes. They also become restless, inconsistent and don't commit easily.

6 - Those born in #6 are the compassionate and nurturing kinds. They are responsible, caring and family means a lot to them. They thrive in situations where they feel they can make a difference. This however makes them a bit too over focused, controlling and self righteous by nature.

7 - Those born in #7 are intelligent and research oriented by nature. They tend to philosophies a lot and always seeking answers. They tend to be bit reticent and develop a closed doors attitude at times. There is a mystery element associated with them and they can be overly secretive and pessimistic.

8 - Those born in #8 are the kind who know how to get the job done. It is a powerful number and they naturally tend to be authoritative. They are professional in approach and always do things with a vision and goal in mind. They can however come across as over workaholic and always after power.

9 - Those born in #9 are said to be humanitarian. They are natural entertainers and can be of the caring and generous types. They always do things based on the larger picture in mind and can easily blend into any setting without much efforts. However they can be complicated, resentful and unapproachable.

Numbers matching with Other Numbers
It is generally believed that few numbers blend well with other numbers which can be useful in terms of synastry check and understanding of one another. These supporting numbers bring in the compatibility effect. Lets see below which are the other numbers which go well with each of the numbers.
#1 - 2, 4, 7
#2 - 1, 4, 7
#3 - 3, 9
#4 - 1, 7, 8
#5 - 1, 9
#6 - 6, 9
#7 - 1, 2, 4
#8 - 1, 4, 7
#9 - 3, 6, 9

In the above list, the peculiar thing is that for the #6 and #9 alone, the same number itself supports it. So people born in 6th date say get along well with other people born on the same date. It is also believed that #2 is indirectly supported by number 5 additionally. From the above list also, within the supportive numbers some numbers are more faithful and attract more than others for instance 1 is supported by 4 maximum, 2 by 7, 3 by 9, 4 by 8, 5 by 9, 6 by 6 itself, 7 by 2, 8 by 4 and 9 by 6. This has largely been observed by Cheiro back in his time with regard to the attraction foreseen between people born on different dates.

Numbers assigned to Alphabets
Similar to the system of number numerology, the 26 Alphabets are also assigned to a numbering scheme from 1 to 9. Two methods are generally in vogue, one being the Pythagoras method and the other being the Chaldean method. The generally practiced method happens to be the Chaldean system of Numerology which is the predominant system used in Vedic Numerology as well. However listed below the numbers and alphabets attributed to both the systems.

Pythagorus Algorithm of Alphabets 
1 - A,J,S
2 - B,K,T
3 - C,L,U
4 - D,M,V
5 - E,N,W
6 - F,O,X
7 - G,P,Y
8 - H,Q,Z
9 - I,R

Chaldean Algorithm of Alphabets
1 - A,I,J,Q,Y
2 - B,K,R
3 - C,G,L,S
4 - D,M,T
5 - E,H,N,X
6 - U,V,W
7 - O,Z
8 - P,F
9 - No Alphabets

It is believed No.9 is sacrosanct and associated with a divine source. Hence no alphabets are assigned to #9. The 'zero' or '0' denotes nothingness and not considered as part of the study of 9 numbers.

Though Numerology has a wide say in deciphering patterns of objects also such as vehicle, mobile, house numbers etc. but when it comes to human beings, the major patterns analyzed are those arriving from one's name and date of birth.

Name Numerology
In this method, the letters of the name are summed up according to the numbers assigned to each alphabet and a final number is deduced which would be one of the numbers between 1 to 9.

For instance let's say ones name is 'Rahul'
The name numerology of Rahul would be R(2) + A(1) + H(5) + U(6) + L(3) = 17 which when added 1+7 becomes 8. Thus 8 is the number attributed to the name Rahul. There are also instances of tweaking the name by adding initials or an extra alphabet to the name so that the number changes. For instance someone may consider having their name as S Rahul or using full name like Rahul Shankaran or for that matter spell it as 'Raahul' with a double A for numerological purposes. This is mostly done based on consultation with a numerologist. However despite much tweaking being done, the name being called out has a vibration and resonance associated and has a say in the number arrived at. Sometimes change in spelling can also result in same number as for eg. adding up name Rajiv or Rajeev both result in the number 2 being arrived at finally. (Rajiv adds up to 11 and becomes 2 whereas Rajeev adds to 20 and becomes 2 again)

Hebrew Pyramid Name Numerology
There is also a pyramid method of adding names known as Hebrew Pyramid method. This has also caught a lot of attention and is said to be very powerful. Here the counting is like a pyramid till a 2 digit number is finally reached. Taking same example of Rahul, deriving the number as per pyramid is as follows:

RAHUL = R(2) + A(1) + H(5) + U(6) + L(3)
= 2 + 1 + 5 + 6 + 3
= 3 + 6 + 2 + 9 (2+1=3, 1+5=6, 5+6=11 which becomes 1+1=2, 6+3=9)
= 9 + 8 + 2 (3+6=9, 6+2=8, 2+9=11 which becomes 1+1=2)
= 8 + 1 (9+8=17 which becomes 1+7=8)
= 9
Sometimes in Pyramid method we leave it as a 2 digit number which would be 81 in this case but at most times it is derived till the maximum single digit number which would be 9.

Date of Birth Numerology:
In the date of birth Numerology, alphabets don't have a say and it's only about adding up the numbers. The two most important numbers that are derived from the date of birth happens to be the birth number and life path number. Birth number happens to be the derivation from the birth date and life path number is the total that you get adding up the birth, month and year together. Both these would have to fall within single digit ie. 0-9. There is also something called Achievement number that represents the prime challenges in one's life on both material and spiritual fronts. It is however not used as widely as the Birth number which denotes natural characteristics and the life path number that denotes the destiny of a native. As an illustration if someone's birth number adds up to 6 and life path adds up to 4, then the person's natural traits are governed by #6 (Venus) but destiny & life path goes towards #4 (Rahu).

Lets take the example of someone born on 5th Jan 1988 (5-1-1988)
Birth Number = 5
Life Path Number = 5 (5+1+1+9+8+8=32=3+2=5)
Achievement Number = 6 (5+1)

Another example of someone born on 24th Jul 1962 (24-7-1962)
Birth Number = 6 (2+4)
Life Path Number = 4 (2+4+7+1+9+6+2 = 31 = 3+1 = 4)
Achievement Number = 4 (2+4+7 = 13 = 1+3 = 4)

Loshu Grid and its connection to Vedic Astrology
Loshu Grid is a Chinese based numerology system comprising of a 3*3 square grid consisting of numbers from 1 to 9. It is said to have been originated from a turtle centuries ago whose shell was said to consist of the Loshu pattern of numbers. The numbers are always fixed in the grid and the beauty of it is that in whichever direction you sum up the numbers it always adds up to 15. Each of these numbers placed in the squares have an energy associated with it in the form of a direction, element, colour, signification etc. The below is a typical depiction of a Loshu Grid, the numbers are always fixed and this order never changes:                          

Loshu Grid Numbers and Associated Information
1 - North Direction, Water Element, Black Colour, Early Winter Climate
2 - South West Direction, Earth Element, Pink Colour, Late Summer Climate
3 - East Direction, Wood Element, Green Colour, Early Spring Climate
4 - South East Direction, Wood Element, Purple Colour, Late Spring Climate
5 - Center Direction, Earth Element, Yellow Colour, Mixed Climate 
6 - North West Direction, Metal Element, Grey Colour, Late Fall Climate
7 - West Direction, Metal Element, White Colour, Early Fall Climate
8 - North East Direction, Earth Element, Blue Colour, Late Winter Climate
9 - South Direction, Fire Element, 9 Red Colour, Early Summer Climate

Loshu Grid Numbers and their Significations
1 - Career, Success, Business, Planning, Goals
2 - Relationships, Marriage, Love, Partnership, Self Esteem
3 - Family Circle, Ancestors, Community, Social Life, Support System
4 - Wealth, Fortune, Prosperity, Power, Abundance
5 - Health, Balance, Vitality, Strength, Stability
6 - Travel, Foreign Sources, New Opportunities, Help from people, Benevolence
7 - Creativity, Children, Peace, Projects, Futuristic Thoughts
8 - Education, Knowledge, Intuition, Self Improvement, Introspection
9 - Fame, Name, Reputation, Illumination, Integrity

From the significations, it is clearly visible that this method tries to fit in the various areas of life in 9 horizons. Most of the significations of 2nd number pertaining to marriage, relationship etc are more of 7th house related in Vedic Astrology. In Vedic Astrology, 5th house talks all things pertaining to children, creativity etc. but however here it's the 7th number in this Loshu Grid methodology which talks about such similar things. In this way there seems to be somewhat of a corroboration.

8 Types of Planes as per Loshu Grid
Loshu Grid consists of 8 types of planes of which 3 are horizontal, 3 are vertical and 2 are diagonal. It is believed that numbers should exist in each of these planes to dissect the characteristic of an individual. The missing numbers indicate remedies to be done in that particular zone of life. More number of times similar numbers appear say about the intensity of the matter in question.

Horizontal Planes:
1) Mental Plane (4,9,2) [Represents the Head - Involves Analyzing, Thinking, Creation. Also known as the Mind Plane
2) Emotional Plane (3,5,7) [Represents the Body/Heart - Involves Emotions, Feelings, Spirituality. Also known as the Soul Plane]
3) Physical Plane (8,1,6) [Represents the Feet - Involves Physical tasks, Labour, Execution. Also known as the Practical Plane]

Vertical Planes:
1) Thought Plane (4,3,8) [Coming up with ideas, thoughts, methods. Alco called Plane of Order]
2) Will Power Plane (9,5,1) [Shows the determination, persistence and will to succeed. Also called Plane of Determination]
3) Action Plane (2,7,6) [Putting ideas, thoughts into action and executing. Also called Plane of Action]

Diagonal Planes:
1) Golden Plane (4,5,6) [Auspicious in every way, said to be highly successful and prosperous. Also called Special Plane 1]
2) Silver Plane (2,5,8) [Said to be beneficial especially related to land and property dealings. Also called Special Plane 2]

In this classification also, if one sees the Horizontal Planes, they are kind of reminiscent to the Kendra houses in a horoscope where houses 1,4,7,10 are mostly about the physical matters in one's life, 2,5,8,11 cater more towards the emotional side and 3,6,9,12 adhere to the mental spectrum. Likewise Golden Plane is said to be very auspicious which is when a person has all of the number 4,5,6 falling in the grid. This can be loosely associated with the trinal or trikona houses of 1,5,9 which are said to be the most auspicious in a horoscope.

Illustration using Loshu Grid:
The alphabets or letters don't have much of a say in the Loshu Grid and it's more to do with the number forming part of one's date of birth.

Lets say a male was born on 18th Oct 1984 (18-10-1984). For this we need to calculate 3 things before incorporating the numbers of the date of birth in the Loshu Grid Box which are the birth number, life path number and Angel number. The Angel number differs for males and females. The computation is derived by adding just the digits of the year and arriving at a single digit number. If it is male, we need to subtract the number arrived at by 11 and if it is female, we need to add the number of the year to 4 and come at a single digit number

Birth Number = 9 (1+8)
Life Path Number = 5 (1+8+1+0+1+9+8+4)
Angel Number = 7 (Year of Birth 1984 = 1+9+8+4=22=4. 4 needs to be subtracted from 11 which will be 11-4 = 7 for Male. In case it is female then we need to add 4 to year of birth which is 4+4=8)
Date of Birth Numbers = 1,8,1,1,9,8,4 (Please note 0 will not be considered)

Hence the total 10 numbers derived above should be entered in the Loshu Grid viz Birth Number 9, Life Path Number 5, Angel Number 7 and Date of Birth Numbers 1,8,1,1,9,8,4
Thus Loshu Grid for this person will be as follows:                    

From this depiction, it could be inferred that missing numbers are 2,3,6. Two of the numbers appear twice which happen to be 8 and 9 whereas one number appears thrice that happens to be 1. It can be inferred that since the Horizontal Line 2 'Will Power plane' is fully filled, the individual may be strong willed and a determined person. Remedies are applicable for the missing numbers as also the repetitive numbers which can be utilized accordingly.

Vedic Grid
On similar lines as witnessed in the Loshu Grid, there is also a Vedic Grid which also uses the digits from 1 to 9 in a similar 3*3 square grid. The numbers are fixed here also but however the order is different and they do not add up perfectly to 15 from all directions unlike the Loshu Grid. This is the basic default number pattern of the Vedic Grid.
The calculations are slightly different in the sense Vedic Grid does not take into account the Angel Number and it does not consider the century in the year. But the birth number and life path number calculations are exactly similar to that of the Loshu Grid. Let us calculate the Vedic Grid for the same native born on 18-10-1984. 
Birth Number = 9 (Same as Loshu Grid)
Life Path Number = 5 (Same as Loshu Grid)
Date of Birth Numbers = 1,8,1,8,4 (Century digits ie 19 is eliminated)

Hence a total of 7 numbers derived above should be entered in the  Vedic Grid viz Birth Number 9, Life Path Number 5, and Date of Birth Numbers 1,8,1,8,4 (Angel number and century of year not taken)
Thus Vedic Grid for this person will be as follows:

Hence this is about the different mechanisms of Numerology being in existence and it's link with Astrology. One important thing to keep note is that in Vedic Astrology, a day always starts from Sunrise which tends to be around 6 in the morning depending on the horizon whereas in Numerology the date of birth is taken as 12 in the midnight. Hence if someone were born at around 2 in the mid night, it would be a new date as per Numerology but it'll still be taken as the previous day in Vedic Astrology as the sun has not yet risen in the morning. This is something that needs to always be in the back of the mind. Also in general, though some concepts appear loosely similar to Vedic Astrology, it is pertinent that any Numerological rule is additionally checked with one's horoscope also before taking a decision.

Different names may be used alternatively in numerology which should also be remembered.
Birth Number = Personality Number = Basic Number = Psychic Number = Driver = King = Moolank (Hindi) = Piravi En (Tamil)
Life Path Number = Destiny Number = Conductor = Queen = Bhagyank (Hindi) = Vidhi En (Tamil)
Angel Number = Kua Number

Summary of Different Calculations in Numerology
- Birth Number = Sum of digits of birth date arrived as a single digit number
- Achievement Number = Sum of digits of Birth and Month date as a single digit number
- Life Path Number = Sum of digits of Birth, Month and Year of date as a single digit number
- Angel Number = Sum of digits of Year as single digit number and subtract from 11 if it's Male and add 4 if it's Female
- Name Numerology = Add letters of name corresponding to numbers and arrive at a single digit
- Hebrew Pyramid Name = Add each 2 digits of subsequent letters side by side and arrive at a two digit number and subsequently a final single digit number

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