Friday, October 9, 2020

Hitherto Unusual Transit Methods in Horoscope Evaluation - Murthy Nirnaya and Shani Vahana

Whenever a yearly transiting planet such as Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu or Ketu is transiting from one sign to another, there is usually plenty of curiosity associated as to how it will play up for each Moon or Ascendant sign. While transits are not the be all and end all in evaluating a horoscope, it somehow inkles a dose of expectation that some turnaround is bound to take place. 

Jupiter's rounds of movement from one sign to another invokes hope that something auspicious will take place especially when it ends up going 2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th from Moon sign granting it the 'Guru Bala' title. Saturn's transits are usually perceived with a sense of fear especially when it tends to be Sade Sati which is 12th, 1st and 2nd from Moon sign and also Ashtama Shani which is 8th from Moon is usually dreaded. Rahu/Ketu's movement is looked at as stumbling blocks but in general it is preferred when it is transiting in to the Upachaya houses viz 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th.

However apart from the well established means of witnessing transits, there are also other methods which are a tad different from usual. On that basis would like to highlight emphasis on the scope of Murthy Nirnaya transit as well as Shani Vahana transit. These two are not necessarily based on the sign the yearly planet is moving from the Lagna / Moon but in essence based on a particular energy which works more like a Prasna indicating what to look forward to from the perspective of these transits.

Murthy Nirnaya Transit:
This is a transit which works according to your natal Janma Rasi (Moon sign). This is common for all transits but the catch as per this method is it works based on where transiting Moon is stationed exactly at the time during the transit of the yearly planet. The computation works from Natal Moon to Transiting Moon with the anchor being the yearly transit planet and accordingly results are derived.

For the sake of easy understanding, let us take an illustration. Lets say Jupiter is transiting to Sagittarius on a particular date and time. During the time of Jupiter's transit we need to check where Moon is placed and let us say Moon is placed in Libra when Jupiter moved into Sagittarius. Now we need to compare the house Libra is placed from natal Moon position. If Natal Moon is in Aries, then we can say it is 7 signs since Aries to Libra equated to 7 signs. Now based on the signs moved, there is a bracketing of auspiciousness into 4 compartments as seen below:

1,6,11 - Very Good - Swarna (Gold)
2,5,9 - Good - Rajata (Silver)
3,7,10 - Average - Tamara (Copper)
4,8,12 - Bad - Lohita (Iron)

Based on the above example, for an Aries Moon born person, since 7 is Tamara (Copper), this transit would said to be average. The interesting feature is there is no relevance to the sign in which the main planet transit is happening which would be Jupiter and Sagittarius as seen from above case. Only the natal Moon and the placement of Moon at the time of the big ticket transit is considered which makes this method pretty unique. However the liability with this method happens to be on account of different Ayanamsa and Panchanga followed. As per one scheme of Panchanga, the planet Jupiter (say) may be transiting on a particular date whereas in another view it might be on a different date and we know Moon is ever revolving moving signs every 2 and quarter days. This can cast some issues with regard to the auspiciousness of the transit which can be an issue when using Murthi Nirnaya Transit.

Shani Vahana Transit:
This is a methodology of ascertaining transits exclusively for Saturn when it moves to a new sign or Nakshatra. Saturn is assigned a vehicle based on it's transit and accordingly results are ascertained. As per this method we need to know the Nakshatra in operation when Shani Dev changes signs in addition to our birth Moon Nakshatra. 

For instance lets say Saturn is transiting to Capricorn into the Nakshatra of Uttara Ashada. Also lets say natal Moon Nakshatra of a person is Poorva Phalguni. In this case we need to add 21 (number sequence of Uttara Ashada) and 11 (number sequence of Poorva Phalguni). The number sequence is the Nakshatras counted from Ashwini which is taken as #1 to Revathi which is #27. The total of 21 and 11 adds to 32. Now 32 needs to be divided by 9 which yields a reminder of 5. The reminder will decide the vehicle. In case it's perfectly divisible with no reminder then No.9 from the list needs to be taken. Listed below is the Numbers, Vehicles in the form of Animals and the Auspiciousness.

#1 - Donkey - Not favorable
#2 - Horse - Very favorable
#3 - Elephant - Not favorable
#4 - Buffalo - Mixed
#5 - Lion - Favorable
#6 - Jackal - Very Unfavorable
#7 - Crow - Not favorable
#8 - Peacock - Very favorable
#9 - Swan -  Very favorable

In general Swan vehicle is said to be most auspicious and Jackal vehicle is said to be most inopportune. Peacock is also said to be really favorable and Horse is considered highly auspicious. On the flip side, Crow is said to infuse plenty of tensions whereas Elephant is mentioned to give results against expectations and Donkey is indicative of lack of auspiciousness. A lion is considered good especially acting as a trigger in defeating enemies whereas Buffalo's results are said to be mixed and dependent on the work put in. Based on the above example, #5 happens to be Lion vehicle which is favorable. In this method, we can even view based on the Nakshatra within the sign Saturn is transiting and not just the zodiac sign. To explain, for a particular Natal Moon Nakshatra say Punarvasu, Saturn transiting into Uttara Ashada in Makara isn't good since 7+21 = 28 which means reminder 1 translating to Donkey that is unfavorable. However when Saturn moves into Shravana it would be better since 7+22 = 29 amounting to reminder 2 reflecting Horse which indicates very favorable. Hence this comes handy when ascertaining transits especially when Saturn transits each Nakshatra of the zodiac to understand how Saturn will pan out for each natal Moon Nakshatra.

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