Thursday, June 11, 2020

Synastry Matching - Compatibility of Zodiac Signs

The age old question of which Zodiac sign is compatible with which Zodiac sign has always raised eyebrows and is always a topic that arouses a lot of interest. Though there is no one stop solution to this, we can do it by exercising some caution to the wind and adopting a restrained approach by looking at a few definitive factors. It's of course a different matter when other planetary positions come into the fray. However for synastry matching, it's best to consider each others Ascendant as it determines the physical characteristics and also a slight consideration of Moon is perhaps pertinent as it is to do with the mind and denotes the mental framework.

The three best ways to analyse synastry would be by looking at the following factors:
Based on Nature - Movable or Cardinal, Fixed or Static, Dual or Mutable
Based on Element - Fire, Earth, Air, Water
Based on Planetary Relationship - Mars, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Sun, Jupiter, Saturn

Blending the three I believe one will be able to establish some sort of perception and arrive at a conclusion whether at all the two signs in question bond in any way or not. Let's categorize these 12 zodiac signs based on the 3 factors mentioned.
Aries - Movable / Fire / Mars
Taurus - Fixed / Earth / Venus
Gemini - Dual / Air / Mercury
Cancer - Movable / Water / Moon
Leo - Fixed / Fire / Sun
Virgo - Dual / Earth / Mercury
Libra - Movable / Air / Venus
Scorpio - Fixed / Water / Mars
Sagittarius - Dual / Fire / Jupiter
Capricorn - Movable / Earth / Saturn
Aquarius - Fixed / Air / Saturn
Pisces - Dual / Water / Jupiter

It is also a good ploy to look at some key words associated with these 3 factors:
Based on Nature:
Movable - Promoting Change, Enterprising, Outgoing, Restless, Taking Control, Over Active
Fixed - Resistance to Change, Focus, Practical, Firm, Persistence, Stubborn,
Dual -  Constant Change, Flexible, Adaptable, Fluctuating, Indecisive, Inconsistent, Balance

Based on Element:
Fire - Action oriented, Outgoing, Impatient, Forceful, Enthusiastic, Impatient, Careless
Earth - Responsibility, Hard working, Organized, Practical, Stable, Reserved, Critical, Steady
Air - Socially Active, Communicative, Tolerant, Nervous, Superficial, Aloof, Eccentric
Water - Feelings, Imagination, Sensitive, Artistic, Intuitive, Psychic, Moody, Secretive, Unrealistic

Based on Planet:
Mars - Action, Energy, Strength, Spirit, Movement
Venus - Passion, Pleasures, Relationship, Taste, Artistic
Mercury - Intelligence, Creative, Calculative, Analytical, Logic
Moon - Emotions, Nurturing, Mind, Moody, Imagination, Psychology
Sun - Courage, Ordering, Leadership, Soul, Ego, Status, Authoritative
Jupiter - Wisdom, Teaching, Traditional, Philosophical, Expansion, Benevolent
Saturn - Hard working, Persevering, Conservative, Patience, Justice, Discipline

The synastry matching come under 7 pairings and when extended turns up to a total of 78 possibilities. The different pairing axis are as follows: 1/1, 2/12, 3/11, 4/10, 5/9, 6/8 and 7/7. Each of these axis has 12 combinations each except for the 7/7 matching where there are only 6 possibilities. Let's look at all the different combinations making up the sum total of 78

1/1 Axis:
1) Aries - Aries
2) Taurus - Taurus
3) Gemini - Gemini
4) Cancer - Cancer
5) Leo - Leo
6) Virgo - Virgo
7) Libra - Libra
8) Scorpio - Scorpio
9) Sagittarius - Sagittarius
10) Capricorn - Capricorn
11) Aquarius - Aquarius
12) Pisces - Pisces

2/12 Axis:
13) Aries - Pisces
14) Taurus - Aries
15) Gemini - Taurus
16) Cancer - Gemini
17) Leo - Cancer
18) Virgo - Leo
19) Libra - Virgo
20) Scorpio - Libra
21) Sagittarius - Scorpio
22) Capricorn - Sagittarius
23) Aquarius - Capricorn
24) Pisces - Aquarius

3/11 Axis:
25) Aries - Gemini
26) Taurus - Cancer
27) Gemini - Leo
28) Cancer - Virgo
29) Leo - Libra
30) Virgo - Scorpio
31) Libra - Sagittarius
32) Scorpio - Capricorn
33) Sagittarius - Aquarius
34) Capricorn - Pisces
35) Aquarius - Aries
36) Pisces - Taurus

4/10 Axis:
37) Aries - Cancer
38) Taurus - Leo
39) Gemini - Virgo
40) Cancer - Libra
41) Leo - Scorpio
42) Virgo - Sagittarius
43) Libra - Capricorn
44) Scorpio - Aquarius
45) Sagittarius - Pisces
46) Capricorn - Aries
47) Aquarius - Taurus
48) Pisces - Gemini

5/9 Axis:
49) Aries - Leo
50) Taurus - Virgo
51) Gemini - Libra
52) Cancer - Scorpio
53) Leo - Sagittarius
54) Virgo - Capricorn
55) Libra - Aquarius
56) Scorpio - Pisces
57) Sagittarius - Aries
58) Capricorn - Taurus
59) Aquarius - Gemini
60) Pisces - Cancer

6/8 Axis:
61) Aries - Virgo
62) Taurus - Libra
63) Gemini - Scorpio
64) Cancer - Sagittarius
65) Leo - Capricorn
66) Virgo - Aquarius
67) Libra - Pisces
68) Scorpio - Aries
69) Sagittarius - Taurus
70) Capricorn - Gemini
71) Aquarius - Cancer
72) Pisces - Leo

7/7 Axis:
73) Aries - Libra
74) Taurus - Scorpio
75) Gemini - Sagittarius
76) Cancer - Capricorn
77) Leo - Aquarius
78) Virgo - Pisces

With respect to Nature, the similar nature signs get along with each other as they possess a similar characteristic. In general Movable may not get along with Fixed signs as their characteristics are different but both Movable and Fixed signs maintain some sort of association with Dual nature signs as it is known to be a judicious mix of the two and maintains the balance. Fixed with Dual can be a little better than Movable with Dual especially as the negative tendencies of the two can multiply when pecked together. Coming to elements, apart from their own elements, it's a general rule of thumb that Fire signs and Air signs always go well and same is the case with Earth and Water signs. Fire in general isn't compatible with Water signs and when compared with Earth signs they are of contrary nature causing heads to turn. Earth and Air signs usually tend to lack an understanding and when it comes to Air and Water signs it is seemingly better when aligned but disagreements can flare up due to the logical side of Air going in a different tangent with respect to the emotional thinking of water signs. When addressing planetary relationships, we can group the 7 planets into two categories viz Deva Guru Jupiter led group comprising of Jupiter, Mars, Sun & Moon and the Asura Guru group headed by Venus which includes Venus, Mercury and Saturn. The Deva Guru planets are generally good with each other and the same holds true for the signs ruled by the Asura Guru planets. Zodiac signs owned by Deva Guru ruled planets hold an inimical relationship with those ruled by Asura Guru planets and vice versa.

Hence while doing a synastry compatibility check, it is paramount to keep all these factors into account. Blanket statements passed such as 1/1, 5/9, 7/7 axis all being samples of great matches may not always be the case. For instance both Aries personalities under 1/1 group could lead to excess fire and overload of movable energy while on the other hand perhaps two Taurus personalities may hold better as Earth signs are generally more stolid and can hold up even though it can be too one-dimensional. Sometimes even a 6/8 combination such as Virgo & Aquarius may end up being a decent choice as the planetary rulers are friends and also a fixed with dual sign placement can strike a better balance if the Earth and Air bonding can maintain a cordiality. Within these 6/8 axis itself some are better than the others for eg Scorpio & Aries match can be more fruitful than say a Leo - Capricorn match.

Though, there are numerous classifications associated with zodiac signs, I singularly feel that the nature, element and planetary relationships hold the key in establishing the finer side and dissecting the zodiac signs at an intricate level to understand the level of compatibility which the zodiac signs possess.

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