Saturday, April 20, 2019

Time Technique of Pancha Pakshi Shastra!

Pancha Pakshi is a technique used to ascertain a good time period for performing an activity. It is an ancient Tamil technique and said to be very powerful when used efficiently. The shastra of Pancha Pakshi deals with a number of things such as lucky directions, colours, name syllables etc but largely used for understanding favorable times for an individual to perform important tasks.

Pancha Pakshi makes use of 3 elements of the Panchang viz Vara, Nakshatra and Tithi. These three hold high prominence in the methodology of Pancha Pakshi Shastra. The concept on an overall framework works based on a bird assigned to each individual depending on the birth star one is born and this associated bird is supposed to give good and bad results on specific days (Vara) and Tithi based on whether the moon is operating in a waxing cycle or waning cycle.

There are 5 birds utilized in the Pancha Pakshi Shastra viz Vulture, Owl, Crow, Cock and Peacock. All these birds engage in different activities such as Rule, Walk, Eat, Sleep and Die. The birds are said to be most active in ruling state and most weakest in their dying state. Each day and night of 12 hours each (30 Nazhika) are divided into five equal portions called Yaama of 2 hours and 24 minutes each (6 Nazhika) and allotted to different activities of the birds. Please remember day time begins from sunrise to sunset and night time begins from sunset to next day sunrise. If the distance between sunrise to sunset or sunset to next day sunrise happens to be a little over or less than 12 hours, that needs to be factored as well to ensure that both day and night portion are equally split into 5 portions and allotted to all the 5 birds.

Method to know Pancha Pakshi:
First you need to know the bird which you are ruled by and for this one of the methods is by simply knowing your Birth Nakshatra. Each bird is mapped to a set of Nakshatras and based on that you can figure out which bird you belong to. The order of birds synced with Nakshatras is as inscribed below:

Vulture : Ashwini, Bharani, Kritika, Rohini, Mrigashira (1 to 5 Nakshatras)
Owl : Arudra, Punarvasu, Pushya, Aaslesha,  Magha, Purva Phalguni (6 to 11 Nakshatras)
Crow : Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Chitra, Swati, Vishakha (12 to 16 Nakshatras)
Cock : Anuradha, Jyeshtha, Moola, Poorvaashadha, Uttaraashadha, Shravana (17 to 22 Nakshatras)
Peacock : Dhanishta, Shatabhisha, Purva Bhadra, Uttara Bhadra, Revathi (23 to 27 Nakshatras)

There is another opinion that the order of the birds are reversed based on whether you were born in waxing phase or waning phase. For instance let's say someone were to be born in Magha Nakshatra in Shukla Paksha. In this case Owl will be the Pakshi or bird assigned. However if the native was born in same Magha Nakshatra but in the waning half or Krishna Paksha, then Cock is said to be assigned as the Bird order is said to be reversed. There is never really a consensus on this and hence this note is documented here as a piece of information

However the more correct approach of determining one's bird would be based on one's actual Date, Place and Time of Birth. This will be explained below by means of an illustration along with the concept.

Ruling Days and Death Days:
As per the shastra of Pancha Pakshi, each of the birds rule a particular day and night depending on waxing and waning cycles of the moon and also happen to be in a dying state based on an entire day from sunrise to next day sunrise also with respect to the waxing and waning cycles of the moon. For instance Vulture rules Day time during waxing phase on a Tuesday whereas it rules night time on a Friday in the waxing phase. Likewise you can figure out that Owl is in a death state during the whole of Monday both during day time and night time in the waning phase. The table below lists the days of the week along with the ruling period as well as dying period for each of the birds both in waxing as well as waning state.
Bird Sequence and Order of Activities:
As indicated earlier, each bird performs an activity for 2 hours and 24 minutes (1 Yama or 6 Nazhikas) and has 5 activities to perform which totals 12 hours during day time and 12 hours during night time. Let us say, the day is a Sunday day time and moon is in the waxing state. The ruling bird for the day time on Sunday during the waxing phase happens to be Vulture. Now within this day time of 12 hours, each bird will perform different activities for 144 minutes or 2 hours and 24 minutes. For eg if the sunrise starts at 6AM on Sunday, Vulture will be in eating state from 6.00 AM to 8:24 AM, walking state from 8.24 AM to 10.48 AM, ruling state from 10.48 AM to 13:12 PM, sleeping state from 13:12 PM to 15:36 PM and in dying state from 15:36 PM to 18:00 PM. Every other bird will also be engaged in different activities for 144 minutes within the same time frame. Also within this time frame of 144 minutes or 2 hrs 24 minutes there are sub periods of activities taking place of sub birds within the main bird. To explain, we know that the Vulture is in eating state from 6.00 AM to 8:24 AM in a day time on Sunday during the waxing phase. Within this 144 minutes there are sub activities of all the 5 birds split up starting from the main bird such as to say Vulture eats from 6.00 AM to 6:30 AM, Owl walks from 6:30 AM to 7:06 AM, Crow rules from 7:06 AM to 7:54 AM, Cock sleeps from 7:54 AM to 8:12 AM and Peacock dies from 8:12 AM to 8:24 AM. These sub periods are made to ascertain the relationship of the main bird with other birds and to divide time at a deeper intricate level. The information below explains the sequence of birds along with the split of the sub bird activities which are broken into different time periods (minutes) or Nazhikas.



Let's say an individual is born on Thursday at day time 7:30 AM in the Nakshatra constellation of Jyeshta during the Waning Phase. Let's presume that the sun rise time is at 6:00 AM and sunset is at 6:00 PM. First we need to find out the bird for this gentleman based on the sequence of birds and activities mentioned. The Day is Thursday Day Time and Moon is in the Waning Phase. Hence we first need to have this information handy.

We know that on a Thursday during day time in Krishna Paksha, the Owl happens to be the ruling bird from the table above. Since one Yama runs for 2 hours and 24 minutes and this person was born at 7.30 AM which is just 1 and half hours after Sunrise, it can be understood that he was born during the first Yama. The order of birds always start from the ruling bird and hence within this 2 hours 24 minutes comprising of first Yama, Owl will eat for 30 minutes from 6.00 AM to 6.30 AM, Cock will die from 6.30 AM to 6.42 AM, Vulture will sleep from 6.42 AM to 7.00 AM, Crow will rule from 7.00 AM to 7.48 AM and Peacock will walk from 7.48 AM to 8.24 AM. Since the person was born at 7:30 AM, it was during the time Crow was performing it's activity and hence Crow will be his actual bird. As per the Nakshatra constellation of Jyeshta he would be assigned Cock bird or even owl bird if bird order gets reversed for Shukla Paksha and Krishna Paksha. This doesn't seem so appropriate and hence the bird based on actual time of taking birth seems more relevant.

Utilizing Time of Pancha Pakshi:
Since the person comes under Crow bird, we will be concerned about the activities and sub activities only of the Crow. Hence the ideal time which should be sought for performing important activities should be on those days when Crow is in a powerful ruling state. We find that during Shukla Paksha in day time it rules on a Thursday and in night time it rules both on Sunday and Tuesday. Similarly in Krishna Paksha, in day time it rules on a Wednesday and in night time it rules Thursday. Hence these periods of approximately 12 hours depending on whether day time or night time is powerful for crow bird native to perform important tasks. Within this time, the sub-periods also can be factored in to find those fragments of time when it's most powerful. Also since the three elements of Vara, Tithi and Nakshatra are used in Pancha Pakshi, it tends to be even more robust when the respective Tithi and Nakshatra are operating on the particular ruling day of the week be it for Shukla Paksha or Krishna Paksha irrespective of day time or night time. The Tithis are 15 in number in both waxing and waning half with 1/6/11 Tithi classified as Nandha, 2/7/12 known as Bhadra, 3/8/13 grouped as Jaya, 4/9/14 called Rikhta and 5/10/15 termed as Purna. The Nakshatras are 27 in number with the cycle beginning from 1st Nakshatra known as Ashwini and ending with 27th Nakshatra titled Revathi.
There are also relationships provided of each bird with another and these periods can also be utilized based on the friendship it possesses with one another.
Vulture: Friends - Peacock & Owl, Enemies - Crow & Cock
Owl: Friends - Vulture & Crow, Enemies - Cock & Peacock
Crow: Friends - Owl & Cock, Enemies - Peacock & Vulture
Cock: Friends - Crow & Peacock, Enemies - Vulture & Owl
Peacock: Friends - Cock & Vulture, Enemies - Owl & Crow

Vulture: Friends - Crow & Peacock, Enemies - Owl & Cock
Owl: Friends - Crow & Cock, Enemies - Vulture & Peacock
Crow: Friends - Vulture & Owl, Enemies - Cock & Peacock
Cock: Friends - Crow & Peacock, Enemies - Vulture & Owl
Peacock: Friends - Cock & Vulture, Enemies - Owl & Crow

As you can see the whole computation appears a bit complicated. It gets very dicey especially when breaking the puzzle into minute fragments of time intervals and establishing the relation of the sub bird with the main bird. It is definitely a difficult procedure to lay down times for each and every sub atomic level of time. It's surely not helpful for repetitive mundane tasks as getting a hands on of the computation itself will end up taking a long period of time but on an overall framework it can be pretty useful especially when you know the day and night time ruled by your bird and also the deathly state it gets into on specific days. This can help you take well calculated decisions on days favorable to you.

Note: On researching about this topic, I did find some discrepancies in the explanation of some of the definitions. For instance one school of thought does not believe in considering waxing and waning phase when ascertaining the pakshi whereas the other school believes that the bird changes based on whether one is born in Waxing or waning phase. There were also some confusions on whether Shravana star should belong to Cock or Peacock as per Nakshatra scheme of finding bird. I went with the former but still the issue remains unsorted due to various diversions. Also with regard to sub time periods as well as order of birds ruling night time especially there appears to be some issues because it appears misleading that a bird can be both in ruling state at night time and also deathly state during the whole day. These prevailing issues cause some unnecessary distortions for which nobody really knows what the truth is. It is good to know about this technique but the employment of it in practice may involve lots of trials and errors coupled with experience and research especially due to the prevailing confusions associated with respect to this topic.


  1. Hello,

    The sunrise and sunset time plus the duration between sunrise to sunset and sunset to sunrise varies from place to place.

    How does each Yama ( time duration of the birds ) work? I know it's generally it's 2 hrs and 28 min for each bird. This is true only if daytime and nighttime duration are precisely 12 hrs each, a total of 24 hrs. But this is not always the case for sometimes daytime length will be 11 hrs and nighttime length will be 13 hrs. So how does one divide the Yama? Should the Yama be divided according to the length of the daytime and nighttime ( which will not be 2 hrs and 28 min ) or the 2 hrs and 28 min should be applied from the time of sunrise regardless of the length of the daytime and nighttime?

    Thank You,


    1. Hi Ikya,
      I'm really sorry for the late reply. Somehow your comment never appeared as a notification in my inbox and I'm looking at it only now. Apologies for that.

      Regarding your question, we need to divide each yama equally for day time and night time. For eg if day time is only 11 hours 20 mins say which is 680 minutes, then each yama should be 680/5= 136 minutes or 2 hours 16 minutes each. This would automatically make the yamas during the sunset longer. Thus, we need to divide the yama based on the length of daytime and nighttime as pointed by you. Any queries, please let me know. Thanks

    2. Hi sir
      I have a small doubt.
      If each yama time different than 144minits like 130 or 150 than how to calculate bird activity time(eg.. ruling ,eat,.....).

  2. Hi Rajiv

    where I can find the full chart of panchapakshi states for all the days.


  3. Hi and good day great post on this been studying astrology over 25 years and just now picked up on Pancha Rakshi and I really like it a lot.
    I agree with you on Sarvanna being Peacock vs Cock Satta and Deva in the scheme of things.
    From what I am gathering the bird before your bird and the bird after your bird is good for you , Bird behind is feeding and bird ahead is like 2nd house in providing.

    I looked at the Birds to my planets also for friend or foe was interesting as little info on this information.
    Also to note as you said this form of Astro doesn't involve the Sun but just for fun when you assign a bird and the new moon a bird interesting things happen then with the hora Bird , this can and does form what we western astrologers call a Golden Triangle very interesting indeed.

    Would be interesting to see the birds sitting on the Kendras also.
    I really believe this to be some hidden key to Astrology that is missing from Western and Joytish Astrology and has to be incorporated into it more deeply.
    Keep up the good work , Peace , Love and Light

  4. Hi Rolvin,
    You can find the charts of Pancha Pakshi in Panchangams. However a word of caution is that most of the bird orders and sequences I believe are muddled up. Hence you need to check and see if it is really making sense. The unfortunate thing is that there are so many confusions still prevailing with regard to this shastra.

    1. How about using online pan Chang for Europe

  5. Hi Muse Uraina,
    Thanks a ton for going though the blog and sharing your views. I am happy that you also echo the same with me with regard to all these confusions prevailing. I think this area still requires a lot of research and thought process on how to work on it. I have made some changes to the existing write up. Please feel free to read the updated version and provide your views if any. Thanks once again for your views. Also am sorry for the late reply. Somehow Google didn't notify on the comment and only when I'm editing this article do I find your valuable comments. Thank you so much :)

  6. Panch Pakshi. Best guide for your happy Life.

    πŸ€”Will answers to these questions help you❓
    πŸ“œDo you feel there are obstacles in every step on your way❓
    πŸ“œDo u feel that hurdles have to be crossed at every turn you take❓
    πŸ“œDo you feel that every time you make a little progress you slip back to square one❓
    πŸ“œDo you feel that bad luck has been allotted to only you❓
    πŸ“œDo you feel you are not capable of achieving your goals whether in business or relationships❓
    πŸ“œWhy do you think there are only few who seem to achieve a lot and most lose out in this game of Life❓

    πŸ’«πŸ‘Yes is the answer. It lies in studying Panch Pakshi (or Five Birds πŸ¦šπŸ“πŸ¦…πŸ¦‰πŸ¦). The few top winners are the ones in their ' Bird strength πŸ’ͺ'.

    πŸ‘¨‍πŸŽ“If you study Panch Pakshi
    πŸ“–You will learn about your birth bird.
    πŸ§‘‍🀝‍πŸ§‘How to befriend the bird
    🀞How to strengthen it, etc.
    ✍️By doing that you will automatically have favourable things come into your life and you will also learn how to avoid the unfavorable. Hence you will be able to make your own luck. Even if your present astrological time is extremely negative Panch Pakshi can help you to make it fortunate for you.

    To know more click the link below

  7. Your work is up to the mark, precise n easy to understand even for those who doesn't know astrology much.
    Thank for sharing this wonderful knowledge.

  8. Can you explain your third table ? From where information about nakshatras? Please show me.

  9. Hello to all the friends of this excellent column PanchaPakshi. Special greetings to Rajiv and Muse Uraina

    I too am an Astrologer since 40 years ( western astro ( not so especially western , however, if we are lucid )). And I discovered this Tamil PanchaPakshi Wisdom about 3 months ago.A bit like some, here, I am VERY interested, because we know / feel what level of evolution some Indian Sages have reached, in a = or - distant and mysterious past.

    And this "knowledge" seems to me also really MAGICAL, and as mysterious as it MUST be, with these contradictions or confusions present in what has been transmitted. In fact, I feel that it is necessary to do a very personal inner work, to go through this labyrinth, and discover the truths beyond the contradictory information ( thanks to the Moon, Neptune and Pluto)
    A bit like some, here, I am VERY interested, because we know / feel what level of evolution some Indian Sages have reached, in a + or - distant and mysterious past.

    And this "knowledge" seems to me also really MAGICAL, and as mysterious as it MUST be, with these contradictions or confusions present in what has been transmitted.

    In fact, I feel that it is NORMAL, to do a very personal inner work, to go through this labyrinth, and discover the truths beyond the contradictory information ( thanks to the Moon, Neptune and Pluto ). The Infinite gives us some basic fragments, enough to whet our appetite, but the contradictions force us to work to progress and obtain certainties concerning the methodology. Not much choice.

    While I'm here, some information about some softwares that allow to calculate the PanchaPakshi (but without knowing in detail, the method(s) of calculation used).

    I give you a download link for an ANDROID program:

    It is the MODDED version that you should download, because it has been "modified and unbridled" to give full access to the various functions of the program, without you having to buy it...If you prefer to buy it, you will find the link to the paid version on the same page, no problem.

    I wish you a good journey on this panchapakshic path, and probably see you soon on this blog, to share "our" discoveries and experiences....See You all :)

  10. When we try to infer the underlying significance of Elements vis-a-vis bunching of Nakshtras represented by a Bird, we find that the whole zodiac is divided into 5 elements. The Nakshtras included in each group are about 5-6. e.g., approx 71 deg each.

    I wonder, How can we accept that the (element) birth bird will be same for persons taking birth during period of 5-6 days? This is particularly difficult to accept when in the transit we say there will be sub-phases under each phase.

    Astrology is a mystical subject but we cannot keep building structures on premises lacking commonsense.

  11. Hi Vibhuti Ganesh,
    Sorry for the delay in replying. I agree with your point and yes it seems difficult to accept that the same bird will be ruling for those born in a span of 5-6 Nakshatras. That's the reason I feel the other method utilizing birth time is more apt which is explained in the illustration.

  12. Hi Chenchi Reddy,
    Apologies for the delay in replying. For those yamas which span different time than 144 minutes, you need to proportionate the timing accordingly. For instance lets say the Yama time is 144 minutes, in this case sub period of say 30 minutes of eating should be computed as 30/144*150 which will be 31.25 minutes or 31 minutes and 15 seconds.

  13. Pancha Pakshi based on Vara has a problem, as Vara does not have a mathematical starting point, wheras tithi, nakshatra and the other 5 limbs of Panchang has.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. It seems to be a little mistake in the Waning moon Friendship table of Cock.

  16. How the time is divided into 48 30 18 12 and 36 on what basis and one more doubt for me there are so many birds are there but why pancha pakshi taken 0nly 5 birds and according to South Indian astrology human birth is take place in 4 elements only and there is no ether and how pancha pakshi considered the ether and according to my birth my element is earth but according to pancha pakshi they have give element fire to me
