The 'Yoga' happens to be one of the pillars of the Panchang and is used mainly to see the prosperity of a native. It is derived based on the addition of the degrees of the Sun and the Moon. There are a total of 27 Yogas with each spanning 13 degrees 20 minutes (360 degrees of zodiac divided by 13°20').
In essence, there are a total of 27 yogas split into 3 parts of 9 each which are ruled by a particular planet. It is computed based on the total longitude of the Sun and Moon with reference point as 360 which happens to be the total degrees of the zodiac. If the addition of Sun's degree and Moon's degree go beyond 360, then the extra portion above 360 needs to be considered. Each of the Yogas are ruled by a particular star and yogi planet ruler and to oppose the yogi there is an Avayogi which is also ruled by a particular star and contains an avayogi planet ruler.
Coming to the concepts, what one needs to understand is that the Yogi ruling planet is said to promote prosperity and the Avayogi ruling planet is supposed to be an obstruction to the prosperity. There is also something called as 'Sahayogi' or Duplicate Yogi which is nothing but the ruler of the rasi in which the Yogi planet is placed. For eg, let's say your Yogi planet is Saturn and it is placed in Taurus. In this case Venus happens to be the Duplicate Yogi since he rules Taurus that happens to be the dispositor of the Yogi planet Saturn. In a nutshell;
Yogi = Planet promoting prosperity
Avayogi = Planet obstructing prosperity
Sahayogi = Planet for helping Yogi to achieve prosperity and lowering obstruction
The pattern is similar to that of the Vimshottari Dasa Nakshatra sequence of planets. Each of the Yogas are ruled by a star with the lord of the star being the same as per the Nakshatra sequence. The Avayogi star happens to be bang opposite to where the Yogi star is seated in the 7th sign and to be more precise it will always be the 15th star from the yogi star. For instance if one is born in 'Shobhana' yoga ruled by Uttara Phalguni star and yogi ruler Sun, the avayogi will be Uttara Bhadrapada star and avayogi ruler is Saturn. The Avayogi ruling planet will always be 6th (1+5=6) from the yogi ruling planet. Taking the same eg, Saturn will be 6th from the Sun in terms of Vimshottari Dasa progression (Sun-Moon-Mars-Rahu-Jupiter-Saturn).
Yoga Degree:
- Add the total longitude of the Sun and Moon.
- If total less than 360°, Yoga Degree is the cumulative total
- If total more than 360°, Yoga degree is the derived total exceeding 360° less 360°
Yogi Degree:
- Add the total longitude of the Sun and Moon plus another 93°20'.
- If total less than 360°, Yogi Degree is the cumulative total
- If total more than 360°, Yogi degree is the derived total exceeding 360° less 360°
Avayogi Degree:
- Add the total longitude of the Sun and Moon plus another 280°. (93°20'+186°40')
- If total less than 360°, Avayogi Degree is the cumulative total
- If total more than 360°, Avayogi degree is the derived total exceeding 360° less 360°
Native's Sun is in Taurus at 27 degrees and Moon in Gemini at 12 degrees. Total degrees of Sun as per 360 degree zodiac is 57 (30*1 sign Aries + 27 degrees in Taurus) and degrees of Moon is 72 (30*2 signs from Aries to Taurus plus 12 degrees in Gemini).
Yoga Degree:
Add the total longitude of the Sun and Moon: 57°+72°=129°
Total is less than 360 degrees, hence Yoga Degree is 129 which will give rise to Ganda Yoga ruled by Saturn.
Yogi Degree:
Add the total longitude of the Sun and Moon plus another 93°20' = 57°+72°+93°20' = 222°20'
Total is less than 360°, hence Yogi Degree is 222°20' which will be Anuradha star ruled by Saturn
Avayogi Degree:
Add the total longitude of the Sun and Moon plus another 280° = 57°+72°+280° = 409°
Total is more than 360°, hence Yogi Degree is 409° less 360°=49° which will be Rohini star ruled by Moon.
Key Note: It is to be noted that the yoga degree alone does not follow the standard Nakshatra order and in fact follows the order assigned to the yogas which begins from Saturn and ends with Jupiter. It can be easily figured out from the example above where the Yoga point falls at 129° which as per the natural zodiac will fall in Leo (Simha) and Magha Nakshatra ruled by Ketu but the Yoga ruler here happens to be Saturn. Thus, if you need to know the ruling planet of the Yoga, you just need to deduct 26°40' (Nakshatra span of 2 constellations) from the total longitude of the Sun and Moon which will be 102°20 falling in Cancer (Kataka) and Pushya Nakshatra ruled by Saturn. It is simply for this reason that we add 93°20' (Nakshatra span of 7 constellations) to the total longitude of the Sun and Moon to find the Yogi point and another further 186°40' (Nakshatra span of 14 constellations) to obtain the Avayogi point. Hence to summarise below:
Yoga Planet:
Yoga Degree obtained less 26°40' = 129°- 26°40' = 102°20 which will fall in Pushya ruled by Saturn (OR) subtract 3 (2+1) constellations from Yoga point star Ketu which will be Ketu - Mercury - Saturn.
Yogi Nakshatra and Yogi Planet:
Yoga Degree obtained plus 93°20' = 129° + 93°20' = 222°20' which will fall in Anuradha ruled by Saturn (OR) add 8 (7+1) constellations from Yoga point star Ketu which will be Ketu - Venus - Sun - Moon - Mars - Rahu - Jupiter - Saturn
Avayogi Nakshatra and Avayogi Planet:
Yoga Degree plus 93°20' plus 186°40' or simply Yogi Degree point plus 186°40' = 222°20' + 186°40' = 409° = 49° (409°-360°) which will fall in Rohini star ruled by Moon. You can also simply add 15 constellations from the Yogi Nakshatra Anuradha which will be end up being Rohini or add 6 planets from Yogi planet as per Nakshtara sequence to arrive at Avayogi planet. In this case 6 planets from Saturn happens to be Saturn - Mercury - Ketu - Venus - Sun - Moon.
This is in fact an area open to plenty of interpretations and the results need to be put forth after considering many factors judiciously. In essence, the yogi nakshatra and more importantly the Yogi ruler is said to be favorable in promoting prosperity. It would be even better if the Yogi planet also happens to be a natural benefic or functional benefic in the chart as it will only enhance the good proceedings. If yogi planet happens to be a natural malefic or functional malefic, it needs to be tread with care. One can still expect it to be beneficial in a certain way with regard to prosperity on account of it being a yogi but however cannot over rule the natural presence of it in a horoscope. Likewise Avayogi planetary ruler if sitting in a negative house or lets say in a Daghda rasi can be better than sitting in a favourable house as it can hamper proceedings. These results need to be looked at only from a holistic view after taking into account the various permutations and combinations.
In essence, there are a total of 27 yogas split into 3 parts of 9 each which are ruled by a particular planet. It is computed based on the total longitude of the Sun and Moon with reference point as 360 which happens to be the total degrees of the zodiac. If the addition of Sun's degree and Moon's degree go beyond 360, then the extra portion above 360 needs to be considered. Each of the Yogas are ruled by a particular star and yogi planet ruler and to oppose the yogi there is an Avayogi which is also ruled by a particular star and contains an avayogi planet ruler.
Coming to the concepts, what one needs to understand is that the Yogi ruling planet is said to promote prosperity and the Avayogi ruling planet is supposed to be an obstruction to the prosperity. There is also something called as 'Sahayogi' or Duplicate Yogi which is nothing but the ruler of the rasi in which the Yogi planet is placed. For eg, let's say your Yogi planet is Saturn and it is placed in Taurus. In this case Venus happens to be the Duplicate Yogi since he rules Taurus that happens to be the dispositor of the Yogi planet Saturn. In a nutshell;
Yogi = Planet promoting prosperity
Avayogi = Planet obstructing prosperity
Sahayogi = Planet for helping Yogi to achieve prosperity and lowering obstruction
The pattern is similar to that of the Vimshottari Dasa Nakshatra sequence of planets. Each of the Yogas are ruled by a star with the lord of the star being the same as per the Nakshatra sequence. The Avayogi star happens to be bang opposite to where the Yogi star is seated in the 7th sign and to be more precise it will always be the 15th star from the yogi star. For instance if one is born in 'Shobhana' yoga ruled by Uttara Phalguni star and yogi ruler Sun, the avayogi will be Uttara Bhadrapada star and avayogi ruler is Saturn. The Avayogi ruling planet will always be 6th (1+5=6) from the yogi ruling planet. Taking the same eg, Saturn will be 6th from the Sun in terms of Vimshottari Dasa progression (Sun-Moon-Mars-Rahu-Jupiter-Saturn).
Yoga Degree:
- Add the total longitude of the Sun and Moon.
- If total less than 360°, Yoga Degree is the cumulative total
- If total more than 360°, Yoga degree is the derived total exceeding 360° less 360°
Yogi Degree:
- Add the total longitude of the Sun and Moon plus another 93°20'.
- If total less than 360°, Yogi Degree is the cumulative total
- If total more than 360°, Yogi degree is the derived total exceeding 360° less 360°
Avayogi Degree:
- Add the total longitude of the Sun and Moon plus another 280°. (93°20'+186°40')
- If total less than 360°, Avayogi Degree is the cumulative total
- If total more than 360°, Avayogi degree is the derived total exceeding 360° less 360°
Native's Sun is in Taurus at 27 degrees and Moon in Gemini at 12 degrees. Total degrees of Sun as per 360 degree zodiac is 57 (30*1 sign Aries + 27 degrees in Taurus) and degrees of Moon is 72 (30*2 signs from Aries to Taurus plus 12 degrees in Gemini).
Yoga Degree:
Add the total longitude of the Sun and Moon: 57°+72°=129°
Total is less than 360 degrees, hence Yoga Degree is 129 which will give rise to Ganda Yoga ruled by Saturn.
Yogi Degree:
Add the total longitude of the Sun and Moon plus another 93°20' = 57°+72°+93°20' = 222°20'
Total is less than 360°, hence Yogi Degree is 222°20' which will be Anuradha star ruled by Saturn
Avayogi Degree:
Add the total longitude of the Sun and Moon plus another 280° = 57°+72°+280° = 409°
Total is more than 360°, hence Yogi Degree is 409° less 360°=49° which will be Rohini star ruled by Moon.
Key Note: It is to be noted that the yoga degree alone does not follow the standard Nakshatra order and in fact follows the order assigned to the yogas which begins from Saturn and ends with Jupiter. It can be easily figured out from the example above where the Yoga point falls at 129° which as per the natural zodiac will fall in Leo (Simha) and Magha Nakshatra ruled by Ketu but the Yoga ruler here happens to be Saturn. Thus, if you need to know the ruling planet of the Yoga, you just need to deduct 26°40' (Nakshatra span of 2 constellations) from the total longitude of the Sun and Moon which will be 102°20 falling in Cancer (Kataka) and Pushya Nakshatra ruled by Saturn. It is simply for this reason that we add 93°20' (Nakshatra span of 7 constellations) to the total longitude of the Sun and Moon to find the Yogi point and another further 186°40' (Nakshatra span of 14 constellations) to obtain the Avayogi point. Hence to summarise below:
Yoga Planet:
Yoga Degree obtained less 26°40' = 129°- 26°40' = 102°20 which will fall in Pushya ruled by Saturn (OR) subtract 3 (2+1) constellations from Yoga point star Ketu which will be Ketu - Mercury - Saturn.
Yogi Nakshatra and Yogi Planet:
Yoga Degree obtained plus 93°20' = 129° + 93°20' = 222°20' which will fall in Anuradha ruled by Saturn (OR) add 8 (7+1) constellations from Yoga point star Ketu which will be Ketu - Venus - Sun - Moon - Mars - Rahu - Jupiter - Saturn
Avayogi Nakshatra and Avayogi Planet:
Yoga Degree plus 93°20' plus 186°40' or simply Yogi Degree point plus 186°40' = 222°20' + 186°40' = 409° = 49° (409°-360°) which will fall in Rohini star ruled by Moon. You can also simply add 15 constellations from the Yogi Nakshatra Anuradha which will be end up being Rohini or add 6 planets from Yogi planet as per Nakshtara sequence to arrive at Avayogi planet. In this case 6 planets from Saturn happens to be Saturn - Mercury - Ketu - Venus - Sun - Moon.
This is in fact an area open to plenty of interpretations and the results need to be put forth after considering many factors judiciously. In essence, the yogi nakshatra and more importantly the Yogi ruler is said to be favorable in promoting prosperity. It would be even better if the Yogi planet also happens to be a natural benefic or functional benefic in the chart as it will only enhance the good proceedings. If yogi planet happens to be a natural malefic or functional malefic, it needs to be tread with care. One can still expect it to be beneficial in a certain way with regard to prosperity on account of it being a yogi but however cannot over rule the natural presence of it in a horoscope. Likewise Avayogi planetary ruler if sitting in a negative house or lets say in a Daghda rasi can be better than sitting in a favourable house as it can hamper proceedings. These results need to be looked at only from a holistic view after taking into account the various permutations and combinations.