Friday, February 22, 2019

Divisional Charts Time Clock Approach - A composite computational cockpit!

Divisional Charts are supremely important with respect to Vedic Astrology. From the term 'division', it could be deciphered that these are divisions of the main rasi chart to see specific areas of one's life or rather take a deep dive or zoom into a particular pigeonholed path in which one would want to vision the journey of life from a microscopic perspective. Divisional or Varga charts aren't looked at in much depth by most and one of the significant reasons for that is because it happens to be extremely time sensitive. There is however another issue as well relating to the Ayanamsa but let's leave that for now and consider it at a different space and time.

I will now focus mainly on the time theory with regard to Divisional Charts and at what frequency of intervals they tend to change signs. It shall not however be about the placement of the planets in the different zodiac signs where various rules are laid out and which need to be followed in arriving at the positions of all the planets. I am listing herewith a small snapshot of how long on an average the Ascendant and 9 planets take to transit from one sign to another in the rasi chart.

Ascendant : 2 hours (1/12 of a day)
Moon : 2 and half days (roughly 1/12 of a month and can span between 54 to 60 hours)
Sun : 1 month (Avg 30 days)
Mercury : 1 month (Can be between 14 to 30 days)
Venus : 1 month (Can range between 23 days to almost 2 months)
Mars : 1 and half months (There are however rare occasions where it stays put for 6 months in a sign)
Jupiter : 12 months (1 year)
Rahu : 18 months (1.5 years)
Ketu : 18 months (1.5 years)
Saturn : 30 months (2.5 years)

Now coming to the zodiac, it is an area of the sky that extends approximately 9 degrees north or south of the ecliptic. The zodiac is shaped like a spherical belt spanning 360 degrees divided into 12 equal parts of 30 degrees each which are named as Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

Thus the 30 degrees constitutes one zodiac sign or bhava or house of your horoscope rasi chart. Each of these signs are further compartmentalized into different fragments to get various divisional charts. There are some mathematical numbers which would be good to understand at this point of time.

Total Zodiac = 360 degrees or 21,600 minutes of arc (1 degree = 60 minutes)
Each Sign = 30 degrees (360 degrees/12 signs) or 1800 minutes of arc (30 degrees*60 minutes)

From the above, it is witnessed that it takes roughly 2 hours for the ascendant to move from one sign to another. The 2 hours is not fixed and can range between 1.5 hours to 2.5 hours depending on the zodiac sign in question. For instance in a long ascension sign like Cancer it takes more than 2 hours but for a short ascending sign like Capricorn it mostly takes much less than 2 hours. However more or less the average time taken to transgress a sign is knocking around the ballpark figure of 2 hours or 120 minutes. In other words, we say that it takes 120 minutes to cross 30 degrees for the ascendant to transit from one sign to another. Simply to outline and have it nailed in the head, refer the below:
Time taken by Ascendant to transit a zodiac sign : 120 mins = 30 degrees = 4 minutes per degree

Once we know this theory, it is about re-engineering of the rasi chart to fit into different pieces of the jigsaw puzzle and analyse part by part the various sub divisional varga charts. Listed below is the various list of Divisional Charts and the range of degrees as well as the time taken by the Ascendant to transit a sign in every one of these sub charts.
Expounding this mathematical computation to the fastest moving planet Moon which is approximately 30 times slower in transiting than the Ascendant sign (Ascendant sign avg 2 hours, Moon sign roughly takes 2 and half days or 60 hours), we find that the the D9 Navamsa of Moon changes every 400 minutes or 6 hours 40 minutes. Looking at a more subtler chart such as the D60 Shashtyamsa, the Moon seems to change every 60 minutes or 1 hour. Going even more intricately to the D150 Nadiamsa chart, it changes only once every 24 minutes.

We shall now stretch to the other end of the horizon and apply the same tactics to the slowest moving planet Saturn and see how much time it takes to transit signs in the Divisional charts. Saturn takes 2 and a half years to cross a sign which makes it 30 months to cross 30 degrees. Taking D9 Navamsa chart when we divide 30 months into 9, it ends up staying for about 3 months 10 days in a Navamsa sign. Going to D60 Shashtyamsa which is 1/2 of a degree, it'll be constant for 15 days (Since 1 degree = 1 month, half a degree = half a month). Applying it at D150 Nadiamsa level, it will be stationed for 6 days since Nadiamsa makes up 5 parts of a degree or 150 parts of 30 degrees.

It is thus easy to figure out that we are dealing with extensive sub components of time. The divisional charts are indeed sensitive to time but the take away is that it is well and truly a level playing field. Even when we dig deep down to the most intricate level of Nadi Amsa, it is clearly seen that at least the Moon sign changes only within a third of an hour. And let's not forget, Moon is also considered an important reference point when charting out horoscopes. Thus it is seen with concrete evidence that impact of time isn't so sensitive after all considering we have a reasonable ground frame of time to play with since most of the planets don't change at a rapid duration as generally envisaged. Hence if one does possess profound knowledge and wisdom in analysing the divisional varga charts, various facets and attributes can be unearthed and brought to light.

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