Thursday, October 4, 2018

Jupiter Transit Libra to Scorpio 2018!

When seeing transits, we need to see 2 things. Lagna or Ascendant (body) and Moon (mind). Sun (soul) should also be considered but it's at an elevated plane so let's leave that. But there should definitely be a sync between body and mind viz physically and mentally. Just looking at Moon sign alone (mental well being) isn't good enough if physically things don't work out and vice versa. So we need to tweak results based on how effective both are. If both are positive will be excellent, if both negative it won't be good. If one is favorable you can expect mixed results. Apart from Guru (Jupiter), you need to also factor Shani's (Saturn) placement in the scheme of things as it is the planet which stays in a sign for the longest period of time. Ideally even Rahu/Ketu should be considered but since it's going to move in a couple of months time, we can consider it separately later. Just a small breakdown of how long approx planets transit in a sign.
Saturn 2.5 years
Rahu/Ketu 1.5 years
Jupiter 1 year
All others planets such as Venus, Mercury, Sun, Mars transit approx every 1-2 months time and moon moves every 2 and quarter days. That's why we don't ascertain transit for these planets since they are constantly moving.
Now let's see what the zodiac signs point out based on this transit.
Mesha (Aries) Lagna/Rasi : Not good. Jupiter in 8th and Saturn in 9th both which don't seem to be ideally placed.
Rishaba (Taurus) Lagna/Rasi : Mixed. Jupiter in 7th is quite favorable but Saturn in 8th will give stumbling blocks.
Mithunam (Gemini) Lagna/Rasi : Not good. Jupiter in 6th is not favorable and Saturn in 7th is known to cause delay.
Katagam (Cancer) Lagna/Rasi : Good. Jupiter in 5th is auspicious and Saturn in 6th is also good placement especially for competitiveness.
Simha (Leo) Lagna/Rasi : Mixed. Jupiter in 4th isn't bad but Saturn in 5th isn't really favouring things.
Kanya (Virgo) Lagna /Rasi : Not good. Jupiter in 3rd is very weak and Saturn in 4th house of comfort/lifestyle isn't a nice placement to have.
Thula (Libra) Lagna/Rasi. Very good. Jupiter in 2nd house of family/wealth/income is strong and Saturn in 3rd is also helpful.
Vrischika (Scorpio) Lagna/Rasi. Mixed. Though Jupiter is in 1st house which is said to be auspicious but Saturn sitting in 2nd isn't really good. Also last phase of 7.5 yrs Sade Sati is currently undergoing.
Dhanus (Sagittarius) Lagna/Rasi. Not good. Jupiter in 12th in house of losses and Saturn in 1st which indicates peak 7.5 years Sade Sati
Makara (Capricorn) Lagna/Rasi. Mixed. Jupiter in 11th in house of gains and desires is fortunate but Saturn in 12th indicates 7.5 years Sade Sati has started which will bring in some hurdles.
Kumbha (Aquarius) Lagna/Rasi. Very good. Jupiter in 10th and Saturn in 11th. Jupiter in 10th is not supposed to be very favourable and can give changes on professional front. Its kind of a mixed placement but is aided by a strong Saturn placed in 11th which can confer blessings.
Meena (Pisces) Lagna/Rasi. Very good. Jupiter in 9th in house of blessings and Saturn in 10th house of work/profession which seems to be a good combo.
Best to worst from top to bottom:
Meena (Pisces)
Katagam (Cancer)
Thula (Libra)
Kumbha (Aquarius)
Makara (Capricorn)
Rishaba (Taurus)
Vrischika (Scorpio)
Simha (Leo)
Mithunam (Gemini)
Mesha (Aries)
Kanya (Virgo)
Dhanus (Sagittarius)

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