Sunday, January 29, 2017

#8 and larger than life persona

People born in a date of No. 8 (8th,17th and 26th) have a certain 'Raja Yogam' about them. The number is relatively rare and from what I've observed they have a phenomenal larger than life persona. They also possess super natural abilities and keep proving themselves time and again and tend to raise the bar in the phase of adversity.
They are very knowledgeable and it's virtually impossible to argue with them and win. They also happen to be complete game changers and have tendencies of being unorthodox and creative. They have absolutely maddening support and a huge wave of fan following. They pride at setting records and creating benchmarks. However this theory doesn't hold good always as I've also come across many hit and miss cases. It can fluctuate between two extremes.
Interestingly MGR (phenomenal fan following like never seen before or after), Mohammed Ali (an inspirational personality and most celebrated sports icon), Michael Jordan (the amount of comebacks and game winning shots make him the greatest), AB Devilliers (rare talent who can play strokes 360 degrees and is quite maverick), Roger Federer (GOAT and record creator), Narendra Modi (enough said about fan following and popularity) Serena Williams (GOAT record performer who never ceases to slow down) all happen to be #8's.

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