Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Orkut Memoirs!

Can't believe Orkut is soon going to be erstwhile and a thing of the past.

So many fond moments and memories to cherish - What fun it was to trade testimonials from friends :) , oogling into friends wall's and peeping to see with whom they were kadala pottyfying :D , getting embroiled in crazy banters and accusing each other all for a suppa matter just to prove the authenticity of who is having more no. of friends :P , logging in from some other account to view a profile in order to avoid being seen on the recent visitor's list ;) , taking pride and time in updating profile , hopelessly hoping that somebody awesome takes a visit to the profile :B , uploading the most wannabe photo ever as display pic :O (even now looking back gives the creeps) , communities la adi dhadi sandai mostly but also meaningful discussions once in a while , scrapping endlessly with fellow vetti's :Y , re-connecting with lost friends , forming friendship with people who you've never met and even know of certain love stories blossoming and taking shape via the Orkut route <3 .. phew the list is just endless.

Orkut has truly given a lot to smile and laugh about.
Facebook maybe the all conquering emperor of Social Networking but it is Orkut who was the true trendsetter and which laid the foundation for the giant today that is Facebook .. #RIPOrkut #Thanksfortheamazingmemories

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