Sunday, November 16, 2008

Go Audit Day 9

Finally the last day had dawned upon us..The 1st session was on testing Debtors Confirmation where we had to Target Test a few parties..The Instructor acted as client and whatever doubts we had regarding the same,we had to clarify.
Next was a session on Creditors and Unrecorded Liab..Basically it was to check on the documentation bit,as to how we have done and the rationale behind the same.

Then we had lunch,no surprises here,only disappointment.I expected something special being the last day but no even the pastry was replaced by Payasam(much to my disapp..perhaps they were scared i would wipe out another row :) this time also)
After Lunch we had a brief session on Audit Completion.. it was about what all we have to address during the final Stages,the checklists we have to fll etc..

After that we had a recap session on what all we had learnt..we actually had to fill a questionaire on how we rate ourselves with the client as well as the team on various matters..Then we were a given a lecture on the importance of belonging to this organisation and how we should plan and organise our work in order to achieve maximum efficiency.
Almost towards the end at the penultimate moment each of us were asked to state 1 fact we would want to improve ourselves in and what effort we should take to achieve that.
Finally there was a video presenation(recap) of all we had learnt over the past 9 days

So,it was a different was a welcome change to be away from work for such a long time..the camaraderie was there to see..and the knowledge and learning we received should hopefully be beneficial in the time to come!!

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